Chereads / Stray Clouds / Chapter 54 - Class 2-1 Vs. Class 4-1! Special Moves And Special Players!

Chapter 54 - Class 2-1 Vs. Class 4-1! Special Moves And Special Players!

Shiori sweats as she makes her way to her end of the court. Emiko passes by her on her way off.

Emiko "Though I appreciate your effort and respect you as a challenger, I will not be holding back for you."

Shiori looks at her from the side as Emiko stares back with intense eyes and a wide smile as usual. Shiori doesn't respond and gets into position on the back line of the court. Emiko and her class are now on the opposite side from their last match. Class 4-1 all have intense and excited looks on their faces while class 2-1 are worried and anxious.

Referee "Everyone ready? Dodgeball!"

He sharply blows his whistle and many students rush forward. Shiori even dashes one step but suddenly stops herself with a shocked look on her face.

Shiori "Guys, wait!"

Most other students stop but a few continue forward despite her warning. They too stop soon when they realize the other class have all already dashed for the balls so fast that all the balls in the middle are taken and they are ready to fire. In an instant, five students are struck down from class 2-1. Some students rush forward, including Haru and Lucy, to grab the balls that landed on their side. One student is hit in the process but the others are able to fend off any attacks that come their way. Haru and Lucy have intensely excited looks on their faces.

Haru "We're not gonna get out as fast as we did last time!"

Lucy "Yeah, we just needed a bit of a warm up, that's all!"

Emiko takes a step forward as if to challenge them but a hand comes in front of her chest to stop her.

Frank "Let us handle this."

Himiko "They seem like a real challenge."

Shuhei "Oh my! What is this? It seems the Bauler Twins have stepped forth to challenge Haru and Lucy! Now remember, Haru and Lucy were the two unexpected masters of dodgeball in their last match and only was beaten by Tom's quick wits, however, the Bauler Twins come from a District where dodgeball is considered a sort of cherished practice. Everyone there loves dodgeball. Let's see who really is the master!"

Himiko "He's right."

Frank "We've grown up playing dodgeball our whole lives before coming here."

Himiko "And being twins gives us perfect coordination."

The two muscular students stand in a mirrored pose of each other.

Frank/Himiko "Now, let's get started!"

Haru and Lucy smile in return.

Haru/Lucy "Right!"

As those two begin their own match, the others are running and dodging. Then Sky steps forward next to Shiori.

Sky "Hey Commander. Want me to use my special move to take out the leader?"

Shiori "What? No, Emiko is too strong for you. She'll tear you to bits."

Sky "She? No, the leader. It's obviously that guy standing in the back with the glasses reading the book not participating. He's the evil mastermind!"

Shiori looks over and notices the guy in the back. Shiori gets a confused look but ignores it for now.

Shiori "No, it's okay. How about you save your special move for when we really need it, okay?"

Sky "Right. Preserve my energy for a clear shot. You're so smart, commander!"

Sky then makes her way from Shiori as she just sighs. Suddenly, Suiyoubi shouts as she charges the front line.

Suiyoubi "Ahhh! I will make Mormo proud!"

She runs towards the center as she cocks her arm back to throw her ball. She releases it at a student who deflects it with his own ball.

Fourth year "Got you now!"

Emiko's eyes then widen as she shoots her head in their direction.

Emiko "Don't do it!"

As the fourth year throws the ball at Suiyoubi who is in the air, she quickly catches the ball midair and spins. When she lands, she does one final spin before throwing the ball low and fast. It hits one student in the leg and bounces into another student's leg before going slightly into the air. Emiko dives to catch the ball but barely misses it as it hits the floor. The referee calls it as the three students step off the field. The crowd cheers as Suiyoubi stands with a proud smile on her face. She then turns to look at Mormo who is back with Tsuki. She gives a thumbs up happily before suddenly getting hit in the face with a ball from the side. Everyone winces at the hit as she falls to the ground.

Mormo "Hey! What the Hell?! Only I get to hit her face like that!"

Mormo growls as Tsuki holds him back. Emiko stands up with a disappointed look on her face.

Emiko "What did we say about head shots?"

The student just shrugs slightly apologizing. As Suiyoubi walks off the court, Ryuji gives her a smile and thumbs up. She smiles back as she rubs her cheek. The game continues with Sugawara, Chizuru and Sky all grabbing balls and banding together.

Chizuru "Come on guys! Let's at least get one of them out!"

The other two cheer as they charge to the other side to strike. The boy in the mask and long black scarf stands before them and turns to face them when he notices. They each get ready to throw and throw their balls one at a time. First Sky, then Chizuru and finally Sugawara. The boy swiftly dashes through each ball and catches the third one behind his back. The three of them are stunned as he cocks back to throw the ball he just caught.

Kage "Let's do the one to get them riled up."

He launches it directly at Chizuru. The ball flies so fast that Chizuru is unable to dodge. Her eyes widen as it aims for her stomach but before it can hit her, a hand catches the ball. Touma catches the ball and stares at Kage who just stands up staring at them.

Chizuru "Thank you.."

Touma sweats a bit nervously and doesn't make eye contact.

Touma N-no problem…"

Kage squints his eyes a bit.

Kage "He didn't save you."

Sugawara walks off the court realizing he caught the ball and got him out as the others stare at him, confused.

Kage "He just changed targets."

He says as he lifts his right hand revealing a ball. Touma's eyes widen as he looks down at his own hand to find no ball in sight. The others are shocked as well.

Kage "You convinced yourself that I threw the ball. That you caught it when you never did. That is my… Shadow Ball."

Suddenly, Kage throws the real ball at high speed directly at Touma. Shocked by the special move, Touma is unable to dodge and is struck in the chest.

Hikigaya "Touma, no!"

Kage "That is a real special move."

As Touma hangs his head in defeat and walks off the court, Sky's eyes sparkle in amazement.

Sky "Woah! That was so cool! You have got to teach me how to do that!"

Kage "I can read my opponent's moves and intentions, determine their threat level to me as well as control my own intent despite my actions. This leads to me convincing my opponents of one thing but being able to do another."

As she awes over his attack and while he explains, two other students strike them both down.

Hikigaya "That's for Touma."

He says as he backs up from throwing the ball. Both Sky and Kage have looks of disappointment and frustration.

Shuhei "Ooh, that's Kage the Shadow Warrior for you. Has incredible skills but starts over explaining them when a fan appears."

Ashley "I can't blame him. If I had skills like that, I'd want to show off to my fans too. With that though, class 4-1 has lost one of their star players."

Shuhei "While that is true, class 2-1 has lost more bodies and definitely is lacking the experience. It really could be anybody's game at this point. The anticipation is killing me!"

Kage "I'm sorry Emiko! I got carried away again!"

He calls to her. She gives him a thumbs up and a smile.

Emiko "Don't worry. You did your part. I can handle the rest."

As they walk off the court, Sky cries out too.

Sky "I'm sorry commander! I was blinded by the awesomeness of the enemy and now you can't use my special move! I've failed you!"

She cries cartoonishly from the courtside.

Shiori "I think we'll survive."

She says under her breath. While the others continue to dodge and strike, Haru, Lucy and the Bauler twins continue to have their match. Lucy throws a fastball at Frank who readies himself to catch it easily when suddenly a second ball from Haru comes flying at him. This second ball causes him to have to sacrifice the catch for a dodge of both the balls. Haru smirks at Frank who has a frustrated look. Himiko then throws a swirling ball at Haru who struggles to find a good time to dodge. Suddenly, Lucy dives at him and blocks the ball with her own other ball. She lands and stands up quickly.

Himiko "I'm impressed with how well you two work together."

Lucy "I am too."

Haru "What can I say? Dodgeball just brings out the best in us."

Frank "I agree but your teamwork will not compare to our sibling synchronicity."

Lucy "But what are we gonna do? We're evenly matched…"

She whispers to Haru. He squints for a moment staring at them before smiling.

Haru "I have an idea. Let's see how good their teamwork really is."

He whispers back. Lucy smiles and nods understanding the plan.

Lucy "Alright, let's do it!"