Chereads / Stray Clouds / Chapter 37 - From Bad To Worse. Fullsky Vs. Commander Spark Begins!

Chapter 37 - From Bad To Worse. Fullsky Vs. Commander Spark Begins!

Meanwhile, Fullsky is running up stairs and jumping up floors within a stairwell, going as fast as she can. She eventually makes it up to the top of this specific stairwell and busts through some double doors. She flies through the doors and slides across the floor. She stops and looks up with surprise to see a large screen covering an entire wall of this big room with a pale orange hue on it. The floor is pretty open except for some sitting areas on the sides of the room and a few dim lights in the roof. She looks around trying to figure out what the room is for when the screen changes and Spark appears. 

"Well, it certainly is a surprise to see you make it this far. I assume the Pillars are all defeated?" He asks with a evil smile and sharp eyes.

"Of course." She answers firmly.

"Hm, that will certainly be troublesome to fix but oh well. I'm sure we will find new Pillars soon enough. Once we're done here, there will be more than enough members to bolster our ranks."

Fullsky grits her teeth a little with anger from his casual tone at what they plan to do.

"How could you do this? How could you ruin so many lives and care so little about it?!"

Spark smirks, finding her frustration amusing. 

"The boss' goal is beyond your understanding. This, this marvelous act is merely a stepping stone to a bigger picture. This is the key to a new world."

He says, proudly justifying his superior's goal. Fullsky has her head lowered.

"You're right. I don't understand.." She says with a low tone, clenching her fist tightly. "I don't understand how you or anyone else could be so openly cruel!"

Spark stares at her for a moment before responding.

"If you still don't understand, I'm more than happy to give you an example."

As he says this, a door slides open right at the bottom middle of the screen. Out steps a large man dressed in a black tactical suit that most other members are wearing. He is very large and has no expression on his face. He simply takes a few steps, stops and stares at Fullsky.

"This here is Dimitrius. Strong, sure, but just another member of our ranks, nothing special. That on his hip is the serum you and your friend failed to stop us from getting. Only this time, it's better."

Dimitrius unhooks the small canister from his belt and lifts it a little as Fullsky looks confused. 

"Before, it was a more liquid goo like consistency but now, our engineers have managed to rearrange its composition and turn it into a sort of gas. Allowing for easier application and giving us the ability to infect a large number of individuals at once. Not only that, they also figured out how to program it. Why don't I give you a demonstration?"

Dimitrius pulls out a small earpiece and puts it in before clicking a button on the canister, releasing a small mouthpiece at the bottom. He quickly puts it to his mouth and takes a sharp breath in, inhaling the gas. He flinches and closes his eyes as the gas enters his body. Once the canister is completely empty, he pulls it away and holds it in front of himself. He inhales deeply as he crushes it with his bare hands. He tosses it to the side as Fullsky looks with shock on her face. The man then hunches over and grunts loudly. His muscles start twitching and bones crack as he shouts. 

"This serum, that removes all inhibitions and allows humans to act with their full strength, is now under our control as we are the only ones who know the control frequency. It makes a perfect recipe for a perfect soldier, don't you think? On top of that, almost every member in the building has one of these canisters attached to their hips."

Fullsky's eye widens at his words as she looks at the crushed canister on the ground.

'They all have one?!' She thinks.

"Not to mention the amount we synthesized for the sprayer on the roof but you don't have to worry about that. For now, would you mind keeping Dimitrius company? I'm pretty busy and I think I just set his control frequency to kill mode so he might be a little aggressive."

As he says this, he clicks a few buttons on his watch, making a few small beeps. Dimitrius finishes adjusting to the serum and stands up tall with glowing green eyes.

"Alright, anyway, you have fun now."

He then walks off screen but immediately comes back.

"Oh, and one more thing, before I forget. After you beat him, because of course you will, try not to get cold feet. You wouldn't want to leave poor Amber all alone now, would you?"

He then pulls her on screen from the side. She is beaten, bloodied and tied up with some rope. Fullsky gets a terrified look at the sight before her. 

"Don't keep me waiting."

After he says this, his camera turns off and the screen goes back to a glowing yellow color. Fullsky freaks out a bit but grits her teeth in frustration. She then looks up to see Dimitrius dashing towards her.

He tries to grab her but she jumps up and kicks him across the face. He stumbles back a bit but then straightens up as blood slowly drips from his nose. She gets a look of surprise before he comes at her again.

"That may not have been all my power but I can one shot most normal people I fight. That serum really is something else."

He swings a punch at her but she dodges to the left and punches him across the face. Before he turns back to her, she is down low with her wrists together, palms open and index fingers slightly bent.

"Sakura Two Point."

She then jabs her hands into his stomach with her two index fingers glowing pink. As they jab into his stomach, the glow brightens and shines through him as a very soft shockwave is shot into him. He coughs out blood as he's sent flying back into the screen. He slams into the screen, slides down and collapses on the ground. Fullsky approaches him, looks at her hands then at the door on the side of the room. She begins walking towards the door but she hears the man struggling to stand. She turns to see blood dripping from his mouth as he shakes to stand.

"I broke multiple ribs and did heavy organ damage. You shouldn't be moving."

He stands up straight and stops shaking. He then runs at her again. She sighs and squints as she disappears. Dimitrius doesn't react and only stops running. After a moment, Fullsky falling axe kicks him in the head causing his eyes to stop glowing and go blank. He collapses to his knees before completely falling down. She lands in front of him and stares at him for a moment.

"For a normal guy to take so many hits from me, even if it wasn't that difficult… This could get bad for the officers and everyone else real fast…"

She gets a look of determination and turns to run out the room. As she runs up more stairs, she contacts Watchdog.

"Watchdog, come in. What's your status?"

Watchdog finishes tying up Strife and leaning him against the wall next to Sahara and Gallow. His lower face being blocked by shadows.

"I'm good here. I beat the three other Pillars and have them restrained. Do you need me up there with you?"

He looks up in her direction despite not actually being able to see her.

"No, we have a new problem. There are members in the building with canisters attached to their hips which can make them extremely dangerous. I need you to go down and backup the officers, try to stop any members from using those canisters. Do not destroy them."

Without a second word, Watchdog understands her command.

"Got it. I'll see what I can do. What do you plan on doing next?"

"I'm heading to the roof to stop Spark and the sprayer." She says with a confident tone.

"Well, it sounds like you got it all handled."

She smiles slightly, gaining a confidence boost from his faith in her but that smile doesn't last long. It slowly fades as she speaks.

"There's one more thing… He has a hostage. Her name is Amber Oshiro.."

Watchdog's eyes widen.

"I don't know how he got her but I'm going to get her back."

We see the back of Watchdog's head for a moment before going around to finally see his face completely unobstructed. It is Hikigaya. His eyes are wide and he begins to shake a little, his breathing heavy.

"You have to do everything in your power to save her… You have to save her…"

He says softly her over their coms. She gets an intense look of determination.

"I will."

She says as she dashes up the stairs. After just moments, she makes her way to the top and flies through the double doors, onto the roof. She immediately looks up to see Spark standing near the edge with his hands in his pockets and Amber being held over the edge by a plasma tentacle wrapped around her neck. She is struggling for air but not completely choking. Fullsky's eyes widen and she gives him an aggressive look.

"Took you long enough. I bet Amber here was beginning to worry you just abandoned her." He says with his evil smile.

"I'm not soulless like you."

"Ooh, ouch. You know, stuff like that really hurts. Almost as much as Amber's feeling right now."

He tightens the grip on her neck. Fullsky sweats.

"Let her go!"


He then lets her go, dropping her over the edge of this skyscraper with a scream. 


She steps forward to dash after her, freaking out but stops immediately when she sees Amber being lifted back up by her wrist by another plasma tentacle from Spark. 

"That was a close one. It's a good thing I saved her. You should really choose your words more carefully, I might not give you any more second chances."

He smirks at her as she grits her teeth.

"Why are you doing this to her?"

"It's simple really. It's strategy. If I have learned one thing from our boss, it's that you must always be thinking of the strategy. Every step you take should always be towards your goals and always be cutting down your competition at the same time."

He says with his sharp eyes staring directly at Fullsky, never shifting once. Fullsky strains at the sight before her and the words she's hearing. "So that's what I'm doing to you. Buying myself whatever time I need to finish filling up the sprayer while beating your self confidence. I mean, do you really think you could save her? If I dropped her right now, would you be able to get past me and grab her before she hits the floor and paints the sidewalk red?"

He shakes Amber a little as if taunting Fullsky. She sweats as she knows the answer to that question. He smiles at her.

"I figured. At least you're smart enough to understand the position you're in."

As she's intently staring at him, a plasma tentacle taps her on the shoulder. She quickly turns, only to get punched across the face by it. She stumbles a bit but quickly maintains her footing. He laughs a little to himself.

"I may not know exactly who you are under that mask but you certainly are in way over your head. What do you think the outcome of this will be? Do you really think you can stop this?"

He taunts. She is leaned forward a bit as shadows cover her eyes.


Spark gets a look of surprise. She looks up at him with sharp, determined eyes. 

"And to answer your other question, yes, I would save her."

Spark stares at her for a moment with a neutral expression.


He lets her go again. She screams as she begins falling when Fullsky dashes past Spark with intense speed to go after her. He smiles though as he quickly turns to grab Fullsky.

"Oh no you don't-"

His eyes widen when he is suddenly met with a heavy punch to the face sending him flying back a little. As soon as her fist disconnects from his face, she turns and dives for Amber. She catches up quickly and grabs her in her arms. She lifts her wings to try to make a quick escape. 

"Come on, let's get you far away from here."

Amber gives her a soft, weak smile before her eyes grow wide. Suddenly, a plasma spike is shot through Fullsky's shoulder. She yells in pain as she is yanked back to the rooftop where she is slammed into the floor. She had Amber wrapped in her wings and on top of her to soften the impact for her. Fullsky's wings immediately go away as Amber is lifted back up and brought back to Spark. Fullsky struggles to sit up a bit as Spark talks.

"I have to admit, that was pretty good. I didn't expect you to do such a trick but tricks like that won't be enough to stop me."

Fullsky stands up, panting a bit as she reels from the attack.

'His attack… Why is it hurting so much more than normal attacks do?..'

"Stings doesn't it?"

She gets a look of surprise at his words, as if he was reading her mind.

"I can tell by your face, you're wondering why the spike hurt so much. It's because my plasma is in your wound. Even in the slightest of cuts, if I so desire, the plasma will enter your wounds and continue to destroy the tissue around it. The effect doesn't last for very long but it gets increasingly more painful the more I do it."

After a moment, Fullsky stands straight up and gives him an intense look. He smiles in response.

"Since you want to fight so bad, I guess I'll have to help you out."

Plasma tentacles coming from his body move Amber to a pole on the roof and restrain her to it where she weakly stands. He then looks at Fullsky.

"Keep in mind, not only are you wounded and tired from your previous fights, I am in a league above the Pillars, above even Keeper. The odds are really stacked against you."

He says confidently, as if needing to boast to this woman before him. Fullsky stares for a moment before smiling back.

"All the more reason to laugh when I beat you."

They stare each other down for a moment as the intensity between them increases. The air is filled with energy as even it knows the fight that is about to ensue.