Chereads / Stray Clouds / Chapter 38 - Fullsky Vs. Spark Climax! Fullsky's Desperate Struggle

Chapter 38 - Fullsky Vs. Spark Climax! Fullsky's Desperate Struggle

After staring each other down for a moment, Fullsky dashes at him and spins to do a heavy kick to which he dodges by leaning back. She then throws her other leg to try and follow up but he catches her foot. Multiple plasma tentacles come out of his back as two of them come together to slam her into the ground. They do but she blocks and pushes them back as another one comes from the side and strikes her, sending her rolling.

She slides to her feet and dashes to him. He shoots multiple spikes at her which leave cuts across her body but she doesn't hesitate. His eyes widen from her lack of response to the pain as she lands a heavy punch to his stomach. He coughs as the wind is knocked out of him as Fullsky bares through the pain. He slides back and looks up to see her following up with another punch. She swings down to try and strike him in the face but he dodges just in time and counters with a heavy kick to her stomach. She coughs up some blood and feels the heavy attack intensely as she is thrown into the air. Spark then jumps up after her, spinning as he goes.

She regains her focus and turns sharply to see him delivering an axe kick to her back, sending her flying back to the building. She hits the edge and bounces off. Spark stays floating in the air and Fullsky catches herself with her wings and brings herself back up. She wipes some blood from her mouth as Spark smirks at her.

She then quickly brings her sword out from her palm like before and swings it at him sending an energy wave at high speed. He opens his palm and out comes a small shield of plasma that interrupts the attack. Suddenly, a tentacle wraps around her ankle and whips her around, slamming her back onto the roof. She props herself up a bit but quickly reacts when he charges her with two plasma blades. She blocks the attack with her blade and they clash for a moment before she pushes hard and swings back causing him to flip and land.

The plasma disappears back into his hands. She stands up holding onto her sword with both hands and panting as plasma pools around his feet and multiple tentacles rise from the ground around him. They then shoot out at her in quick succession. She blocks with her swords and cuts the ones she can. She does this repeatedly very quickly as they keep coming. She is cut little by little all over her body until one tags her leg deeper than the others.

This causes her to wince in pain and fall to one knee. She quickly looks up to try and stay focused but is met with multiple tentacles coming together and shooting at her at once. She is able to put her sword in the way to block but is sent flying back and smashing into a large machine on the roof. She struggles to get up but falls back down, her sword disappearing back into her palm. Spark slowly steps to her.

"Come on, don't tell me you're done already? What happened to all that attitude? All that determination? This can't possibly be the one who defeated Keeper." He then shifts his eyes over to the other person on this roof. "Ah, I know. I got just the thing for you."

He turns away and steps toward Amber. Fullsky's eyes widen as she struggles to stand. She throws herself forward before diving at him, shouting.

"Don't you touch her!"

He looks back at her over his shoulder with a cocky grin.

"I knew that would work."

Before she could strike him, he spins quickly and swings his hand delivering a heavy plasma infused attack but it doesn't land. He is surprised when Fullsky drops to the ground quickly in a dodge and puts her wrists together. She curls her thumbs but the other fingers are pointed outwards as she shouts.

"Sakura Eight Point!"

Spark's eyes grow wide the instant her fingers make contact with his stomach. Before he could do anything, a large pink hued energy shockwave is shot into his body causing him to cough out blood and go flying off the building. Fullsky is even blown back a bit by the attack and strains as the attack seemingly is too much for her body to deliver properly. Spark quickly straightens himself out in the air.

"That hurt, you little…"

He then jumps off what seems to be the air itself in a jagged pattern, making his way to Fullsky quickly. He appears in front of her before she can even gain her proper footing, with an open palm and small amounts of electricity coming from it.

"Static Shock!"

She quickly bends backwards as a few large bolts come from his hand and shoot into the ground causing heavy damage to the floor. Fullsky is shocked by the attack but quickly, her attention is brought back to Spark as he wraps a tentacle around her waist and whips her around. He then slams her back into the building as she goes crashing through the floor.

She eventually lands and gets up to see him dashing in after her. She sharpens her gaze as she charges at him. She throws both her arms back as electricity forms around them. They charge each other and throw their attacks which collide with the other's hands. A small shockwave is made on impact and sparks burst out as they both produce electricity.

They push for a moment before Spark tries shooting spikes at her but she dodges by jumping up and shoving Spark hard, through the roof. He crashes through it as he comes flying out of the building at an angle. He corrects himself in the air and looks up to see Fullsky diving at him at high speeds with her wings out. She pulls one wing back getting ready for an air cut. He notices and pulls out the plasma shield again.

"Not gonna work this time!"

She then swings her wing down and stretches it to just smash through his shield and deliver the slash straight onto his chest. Blood spurts out from the good cut as he grits his teeth in pain and frustration. He begins falling down out of the air but suddenly, a few tentacles come out of his hand and stab into her ankle. She yells in pain as she is dragged down with him for a moment before being slammed into the side of the building.

She doesn't go crashing into the building like before but that may not be for the better. She looks up to see Spark charge her. She dives out of the way as he smashes his fist into the building but as she turns to face him, he quickly swipes his arm at her. She leans to the side to dodge but then her right wing is suddenly cut in half.

She screams in pain as she begins falling before grabbing onto the side of the building. She looks up, still in obvious pain, at Spark. He looks down on her as he smirks and lifts his hand. It is coated with a thin layer of highly charged and heated plasma. 

"Kind of like a laser cutter. I'd avoid it at all cost if I were you."

As soon as he says this, he dives at her at high speed. Her eyes widen as she focuses intensely to dodge. She throws herself higher up the building as a large gash is made to the spot she was just at. She then quickly jumps off and begins spinning fast in the air to deliver an energized axe kick. Orangish yellow energy begins glowing from her foot as she spins and flies at Spark fast. He turns around only with enough time to be kicked in the face by the heavy attack.

He spits out blood as he reels from the attack but he reacts quickly and swipes his plasma cutter hand at her. She barely dodges the main attack but is still cut on her side in the process. Despite the pain, she quickly spins and punches his face into the side of the building causing an even bigger crater. He coughs out even more blood and before he can even fully process the attack, she follows up with another punch to his chin, uppercutting him way up the side of the building.

With cuts from the broken glass and damage from the impact of metal and stone, Spark goes flying off the building feeling heavy pain from the combo. He opens one of his eyes to look down to see Fullsky jumping off the air the same way he did, charging him. He gets extremely angry at her successful attacks.

"Don't get so full of yourself!" He shouts as he shoots out many spikes from his back and hands. "I'll tear you to pieces! And once I'm done with you, I'll go rip that Watchdog apart! And for dessert, I'll kill Amber slowly, painfully! All because you won't die!"

She sees the attack coming at her but sharpens her gaze and doesn't retreat.

"I won't lose to you! I won't let you hurt anyone else! I will take you down!" 

She shouts as she dives into the barrage of spikes. Some completely stab through her arms and legs while others simply cut her cheek or sides as well as tearing her wing even more. Despite the tremendous pain these wounds cause, she pushes through and shouts as she pulls her arm back and gets in close to Spark. His eyes widen and he sweats, not thinking that she would have pushed through like that.

She shouts as she leans back and readies her arm. As her fist is pulled back, a metal similar to the way her sword is made, pools out of her hand and covers her fists up to her forearm. She then throws this heavy punch that lands directly onto Spark's face. She pushes through and sends him flying through the air, eyes empty and blood rolling down his face.

Fullsky pants as she watches him fall through the sky. She then closes her eyes and almost collapses in the air from exhaustion but she catches herself with what is left of her wings. She slowly carries herself back over to the rooftop where Amber is waiting. She drops herself down, falling onto the floor even, with her back turned towards Amber. She breathes heavily as she props herself up on her hands and knees. She begins healing the wounds on her arms with her Healing Aura from her palm as she struggles to catch her breath.

"You really had me going there."

Her eyes open wide as she looks up to see Spark standing in front of her. Before she could stand, he kicks her across the face. She falls over and tries to hold herself up but is incredibly weak and exhausted. He then opens his palm pointed at her and shoots a plasma spike into her shoulder. She screams in pain as he smiles.

"Frequency Control."

Suddenly, a yellowish hued electricity, unlike the purplish hued ones from before, shoots into her and wrap around her body. She yells in pain for a moment before it stops and he pulls the spike out. 

"That should be enough. I have to admit, I didn't think you'd push me to this. I really didn't."

He says as she tries to crawl towards Amber who is hardly conscious.


She reaches towards her as Spark steps on her hand. 

"Right now, your life is in danger much more than hers. … Well, maybe not much more but still."

He says as he leans down towards her. He then stands back up and kicks her in the face causing her to roll onto her back.

"If you can't tell already, your powers are no longer working. For now, you're just a normal human being. Things hurt a lot more when you're like everyone else, don't they?"

He says as he grabs her by the collar and punches her across the face. He drops her as he steps back. 

"You really are quite annoying, you know that? What am I supposed to say to the boss coming back looking like this?"

He motions to himself and the mess he is before he stomps her stomach and kicks her in the side causing her to slide across the floor, laying on her side. She coughs out some blood as she shakily tries to lift herself up. Amber slowly lifts her head and opens her eyes. She looks over to see Fullsky on the ground and Spark walking towards her.

"wai… Wait.. Spark, please. Don't hurt her."

He stops and turns to her with an agitated look.

"On a first name basis now, are we? It's still Commander to you."

He says with a low tone as he continues to Fullsky, who is now on her hands and knees as she coughs up blood. He then kicks her stomach and punches her head back onto the floor. Amber's eyes fill with tears as she watches.

"Please, stop hurting her! She's had enough, just leave her alone!"

He looks at Amber and smiles as he crouches in front of Fullsky. He grabs her by her hair and lifts her up a bit.

"You know, telling me what to do like that is most certainly a death wish. To think, she's risking all that just for you. She must really believe in you."

He tosses her over so now she is on her stomach facing Amber. Fullsky looks up at her.

"Don't worry… Everything is going to be okay…"

Fullsky says with a weak smile. Amber begins crying.

"Despite all her hope and faith being placed in you, you still somehow let her down. You're pathetic and you really are going to die alone. Or I guess not totally alone."

Amber looks up at him as a plasma tentacle comes out of his back. She closes her eyes as he slashes at her. After a moment, she opens her eyes slowly to notice the ropes around her start to fall off. He cuts her ropes as Amber stumbles a little, barely able to keep herself on her feet. The plasma tentacle absorbs back into him as he turns to walk away.

"I'll leave you two to die together. Maybe the serum will make good use of your bodies."

He steps to the door as Fullsky crawls closer to Amber.

"I told you… It'll be okay…"

Spark then stops right before the door.

"On second thought… Nah."

He then looks back over his shoulder and shoots out a plasma spike at Amber. She just looks up with little surprise as it's coming at her so fast she can't react. Fullsky is able to see it and yells as she jumps up to try and block it.


Her body quickly jumps up, acting entirely on the last bit of adrenaline it has left. She throws herself in the way, turning to face Spark as it pierces her side. Fullsky grits her teeth in pain as she holds onto the spike that just stabbed through her body. It is lower and doesn't pierce any organs but it is stopped. 


She slowly, painfully, turns a little to look behind her as her eyes get filled with horror. She sees the spike that went through her went straight through Amber's chest. She stands there for a moment as blood starts to spill from the corner of her mouth. Spark then retracts the spike causing Amber to fall backwards and Fullsky to stumble a bit. Amber stumbles back a bit before she hits the edge of the rooftop and begins falling over. Fullsky freaks out and quickly turns to grab her.

She grabs onto her hand as Amber hangs over the edge and Fullsky does her best to hold onto her. Spark looks at them and laughs to himself a bit. He looks down at his watch and sees a symbol of a canister with flashing '100%' on it. He smirks and taps on it which causes a countdown to appear; five minutes. 

"I'd lend you a hand but in about five minutes, this place is going to be ground zero for an army of mind controlled soldiers. If you can somehow survive the sprayer, I'm sure the soldiers will do the job."

He says before walking inside the building. Fullsky, now powerless and extremely injured, struggles to hold Amber from falling with both hands. Amber grits her teeth in pain, struggling to breath, as she moves her hand from her chest to reveal the excessive bleeding from her wound. Fullsky starts to pull her up and presses her foot against the edge for leverage but the stone edge gives way causing her foot to slip back down.

She lets go with her right hand and slams into the edge on her knees and hurts her ribs some more. She uses her right hand to help keep herself from falling over while she holds tightly onto Amber's right hand.

"Just… hold on, Amber… I got you… I'm not letting you fall..!"

She says as blood pools from her mouth and wounds. Amber notices this and looks at her own wounds as she begins to feel weaker. 

"You can't save me… You know that. If we stay like this, we'll both die."

"No! I can do it!.. All of this is my fault… The fact that you're here is my fault..! I should've protected you, I should've taken you away the first night we met."

She thinks back to the night they talked about how Amber joined and Fullsky asking her to spy for them, then hugging as Amber cried. Tears begin to form in Fullsky's eye. 

"... How am I supposed to face your brother?.. How am I supposed to face your mother if I can't save you?"

Amber looks up at her with slight confusion on her face as she gets weaker and weaker, noticeably slipping a bit from her grasp. Fullsky looks at her for a moment before lifting her other hand and grabbing her mask covering half her face before pulling it off revealing it to be Shiori. Amber is filled with surprise for a moment before she smiles softly at her, tears beginning to form. 

"You shouldn't be here…"

Shiori begins to cry and laugh a little as her grip weakens a bit more.

"This isn't something a kid like you should be dealing with… I'm sorry…"

Amber says with a weakening voice. Her grip gets weaker by the second as Shiori desperately tries to hold on.

"Keep your head up little sis… Everything will be better one day…"

Shiori starts crying as Amber's grip gently goes limp as she closes her eyes. She begins to slip out of her hand.

"No… please..!"

She begs, desperately trying to hold on. After a moment, Amber slips from her grasp. Shiori screams and reaches for her as Amber begins to fall through the night air.