It is now late November. Shiori is walking to school as she yawns and pulls up her scarf more.
"I hate walking in the cold…"
Hikigaya then puts a cup of hot chocolate in front of her. She looks surprised.
"Here, it'll help wake you up."
She grabs onto it with both hands and smiles warmly a bit before smiling all evil like.
"Aw, did you make this for me? Cause you just care so much?"
She teases him. He just rolls his eyes.
"Don't be dumb. My mom made these since she knew it was going to be this cold." He thinks back to this morning.
"You better give one to Shiori or I'll bop you one!" She warns.
He slouches a bit.
"I didn't really have a choice.."
She smiles normally again and takes a sip.
"Thanks." She says warmly as they make their way to school.
As the day progresses, the group decides to have lunch in the classroom due to the cold weather.
"So, where are we having our Christmas party this year?" Haru asks.
"Yeah, Winter vacation is right around the corner. We probably shouldn't have it at Chizuru's place. I'd host but…"
Lucy says as she thinks about her mom and dad drinking and partying for the Christmas times.
"That probably wouldn't be a good idea…" She droops.
"My place isn't large enough." Ryuji says.
"Neither is ours." Shiori and Hikigaya add.
They sit in silence for a moment as Sugawara debates saying something.
"..We could do it at my house?.."
He says timidly. They look at him for a moment.
"How big is your place?" Lucy asks.
"It's pretty big, I'd say."
Haru says innocently. They look at Haru, confused why he knows that.
"What?" He asks as they continue.
"He's right. My home is big enough for all of us to hangout."
"If you're sure then let's do it!"
Chizuru says happily. She smiles at him as he shyly smiles back.
Without anything else happening, the days blur by and soon, the day just before their Christmas party comes. Sugawara stands in the middle of his living room, looking around and sweating a bit with a look of embarrassment. The place is quite a mess.
"I really let this place go…"
He says to himself. He thinks for a moment before pulling out his phone and calling Haru. Haru answers his phone almost instantly, throwing an arm behind his head.
"What's up man?"
"Could you come over? I need some help.." He asks shyly.
"Sure! Give me a sec."
He answers excitedly while getting up. Sugawara hangs up and waits for a moment before Haru comes out of Sugawara's bedroom.
"What's up? What do ya need?" He asks, enthusiastic to help.
"Well, the party's tomorrow and this place is…"
He motions his arms a bit and Haru looks around noticing how messy it is.
"Haha! It looks like my room. Alright then, we better get to work! Shouldn't take too long."
He says optimistically. They nod at each other and begin cleaning up. After a few hours, and with the occasional goof off session, they are pretty close to finishing up.
"Sorry for calling just to help me clean."
"Hey, no worries Suga! It's what friends are for! Besides, knowing you, it'd probably take you all day haha!"
He rubs Sugawara's head and Sugawara giggles back. Once they finish up, they decide to hangout and watch TV for a while until it gets dark out.
"Ah, I should probably head back. Don't want to overstay my welcome."
He says while looking out the window at the moon rising. Haru gets up to leave when Sugawara grabs his hand, stopping him. He looks at Sugawara with a surprised look as Sugawara blushes nervously.
"You can spend the night if you want…"
He says timidly. Haru pauses for a moment then agrees with a warm smile. Eventually, bedtime rolls around so they head to Sugawara's room.
"Okay, where do you want me to sleep? I can do the couch or the ground?"
He offers genuinely as Sugawara sits on his bed after changing into pajamas like Haru does. He blushes for a moment before looking at Haru.
"I don't mind sharing the bed with you…"
He says softly. Haru blushes a bit before smiling embarrassed and climbing into bed as well. As they get under the blankets, they make sure to keep their backs towards each other. As they do that, their backs accidentally touch causing them both to jump.
"Sorry!" Haru yelps.
"No, I'm sorry.." Sugawara responds.
They blush as Sugawara wraps the blankets closer around himself. Not long passes before they eventually fall asleep despite the flaring emotions within both of them.
As morning comes, Sugawara wakes up first. He quickly realizes that Haru had rolled over in his sleep and wrapped his arm around Sugawara. This makes him blush and smile then close his eyes again, snuggling up to him a little and enjoying the warm embrace.
Later, after they both get up, they start preparing for the party. Sugawara is a bit stressed.
"What am I supposed to do? I've never hosted a party before. I don't know the proper edicate. How to act. I don't-" He starts panicking as Haru quickly does his best to calm him down.
"Woah, woah calm down Sugawara haha! It's gonna be alright. This is no different than the first time we had a sleepover. We're just hanging out to have fun! No need to stress over that."
He smiles at him and Sugawara takes a deep breath.
"You're right. We're just hanging out, that's all." He calms down and smiles a bit.
As time for the party rolls around, Shiori and Hikigaya decide to walk there together since Sugawara's home is fairly closer than Chizuru's. Shiori checks the directions again just to make sure while they walk as the sun begins to set.
"They said just head over to Haru's house right?" She asks.
"And you know where that is?"
"Okay.. I'll trust you on this." She says while looking ahead.
"Oh yeah? Finally coming around to trusting little old me? You should try it more often. Maybe you'd be more popular that way." He teases.
"Popular? Like you? Yeah, no thanks."
He says sarcastically, smiling at her as she rolls her eyes.
They eventually make it to Haru's house and happen to meet up with Chizuru, Ryuji and Lucy who also just arrived.
"You two wouldn't happen to know why we came here instead of going to Sugawara's place, would you?"
Lucy asks. They shake their heads.
"Ah well, I guess we'll just wait until Haru comes out." She says casually.
"Have you guys noticed this new apartment building next to his house?"
Chizuru asks, trying to make small talk.
"No, now that you mention it. I didn't realize they were planning on putting something like that here." Hikigaya responds, staring up at the tall building.
"It's been here for a few years now."
Ryuji says. As they're looking at the tall apartment building right next to Haru's house, they notice the front doors open. Haru and Sugawara come out and wave at them.
"Oi~! Guys, come on over!"
Haru calls out. They look confused for a moment.
"Sugawara lives… here?"
Lucy says with a sweat droop as they walk on over to them. Haru and Sugawara lead them inside to the second floor and into Sugawara's home.
"Welcome to Sugawara humble home."
He does a bow at his friends who laugh a bit or roll their eyes. After taking a moment to awe at Sugawara's newer home, everyone eventually settles in as they start hanging out and having a good time. The party goes by smoothly as night comes in. The group has settled down a bit and is mostly chatting more than playing games or messing around. Throughout the night, Sugawara had a good time but was still quite reserved. He still isn't used to social occasions. Chizuru sees him sitting on the couch not talking with the others so she comes over.
"You okay, Sugawara?"
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little… confused I guess?" He nervously laughs a bit.
"What are you confused about?" She asks warmly.
"I don't know… I just, I don't know how to act around people. I know you're my friends and I do trust you more than anyone else but it's still weird for me… I want to be able to just be myself around you guys, like you or Lucy or Haru, but I can't…"
Chizuru looks at him while he looks down, a bit upset.
"Well maybe that's not entirely your fault."
Sugawara looks at her surprised.
"We all know how not social you are and how difficult it is for you to speak your mind. Yet we don't take much initiative to make you feel included or get to know the real you. So what do you say we do that now?"
She smiles at him and places her hand lightly on his. He blushes a bit and nervously nods. Chizuru takes his hand and stands up. She tells the others about what he's feeling so they talk about it. They take the time to get to know more about him and make him feel even more included. They laugh as Sugawara even cracks a few jokes. Sugawara looks around at his friends having a good time and that, in part, is because of him. He smiles and laughs, feeling happy that he has such good friends to laugh with him.
After a moment, Shiori looks around seeing her friends happy but begins to feel sad and a bit jealous of Sugawara. She watches them laugh together and enjoy Sugawara's company, bonding even deeper with him. Doing something that, perhaps somewhere deep inside of her, she wants. The overwhelming emotions build up inside of her as everything begins to ring in her ears. The others are drowned out and her vision begins to tunnel, only one thing being heard by her.
'I shouldn't be here.'
She looks down for a moment before getting up and heading straight for the door. Due to everyone laughing and being more occupied with their conversations, no one notices her. As she's walking out of the apartment building, she holds herself tightly.
'What am I doing? I can't be their friend… I'm horrible. They're better off without me.'
She thinks of Sugawara smiling and laughing with them. Shiori clenches herself a bit tighter as her soul begins to rain a bit heavier. Before she could get too far away from the building however, Hikigaya comes after her.
"Hey! Shiori! Where are you going?"
She turns around quickly, surprised to see him. He stops just before her. She looks away, sad.
"I'm going home.."
"Why? I thought we were having a good time."
"Yeah, well… I… wasn't…"
"Shiori… Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because it doesn't matter. I'm not your responsibility. We don't even have to be together outside of school. We don't have to be friends…"
She has her back turned towards him as she hunches over a bit, holding herself back from crying but no tears come.
"Shiori, what happened? What's wrong? Please tell me."
Shiori turns and looks at him but not used to compassion or someone being so concerned for her, she doesn't know how to react so she responds the only way she knows. Anger.
"Fine, you want me to tell you? I'll tell you. I'm not like him. I'm not like Sugawara. I can't just open up to you guys, I can't just suddenly be fun to be around, I can't make you laugh. I hate that I'm not like him. I hate… me…"
Hikigaya stares with a concerned but confused look.
"I try really hard to change how I feel. I try really hard to understand that you guys care about me. That you guys are my friends. That maybe you actually want to be around me… but I can't. It's so hard to just turn around and change the way I've felt about everyone for years. I want to be happy but I just can't seem to let myself be…"
Shiori looks back up at Hikigaya and he stands there unsure of what to say but obviously compassionate. She just sighs and turns back around.
"You should just go be with your friends. I'm going home."
She begins to walk away and after a few steps she notices Hikigaya walking beside her.
"What are you doing? The party is the other way."
"I know, but you told me to go be with my friends. So I am."
He smiles at her and she stops and looks down. This confuses Hikigaya as he stops too.
"I don't understand…"
"Shiori, friends don't just abandon each other when they get upset. We stick by you regardless of whatever you're going through and try to help you through it."
"I don't… understand…"
She holds her head down for a moment before looking up at Hikigaya. Her eye glossy and cheeks blushing.
"Why did such nice people become my friends? I'm not a good person, I've never treated anyone kindly so why?"
She clenches her fists as she slightly looks down from Hikigaya. She looks like she's on the verge of crying. Hikigaya closes the slight gap between them.
"We're stuck together, remember?"
He smiles at her a bit as she laughs a tiny bit rubbing her eye.
"As for the others, they're just good people who like to stick around other good people I suppose."
This surprises Shiori and just hits a particular switch in her soul. She blushes a bit and nods softly, lowering her head, unsure of what to say. Hikigaya notices and takes the lead.
"Would you still like me to walk you home?"
"No." She says quickly. "No, I'd… like to go back."
She says softly. He smiles at her as he throws his hands behind his head.
"Good. Now let's go. The others are worried about you."
He peaks back at her as she looks surprised and follows. Once they get back inside, the others kind of crowd her, concerned for where she had gone.
"I was wondering when you'd come back." Lucy says.
"I was so scared! I thought we hurt your feelings or something and you didn't want to be friends anymore…" Chizuru says with tears rolls down her face.
"Oh, Chizuru! Always so concerned for others!"
Lucy laughs as she rubs Chizuru's head playfully. Shiori laughs, embarrassed. Ryuji comes over holding a cup of fruit punch for her. She blushes and takes it.
"Thank you…" Shiori says softly.
He smiles at her a bit and nods. She then goes to sit next to Hikigaya like she normally does. She watches as Ryuji laughs and hangs out with Lucy and Haru. Hikigaya sees her staring like she normally does and bumps her arm.
"Come on, it's Christmas time. Why don't you go over there and talk to him since you like him so much."
She spits out her drink at first, surprised by his statement.
"What?! I don't like him! He's just really cute is all…"
"Yeah, yeah, now get over there."
He pushes her a bit as Chizuru smiles at her from next to Hikigaya. She nervously swallows and walks over to the other couch where he is sitting. Hikigaya watches and giggles a bit noticing how awkward she is at first but after a moment she sits and they get to talking. Before long, they start laughing and having a good time. Hikigaya smiles at first but it slowly shrinks.
'Am I… jealous?..'
He shakes his head and quickly moves on from the thought. The rest of the night then goes on without another hiccup, and once the party ends, everyone makes it back home safely. Haru stays behind to help Sugawara clean up a bit. As they're cleaning, Sugawara stops for a moment.
They had their backs facing each other. Haru turns when his name is called. Sugawara turns and smiles warmly at him.
"Thank you for helping me. You make me so happy."
Haru blushes a bit, noticing how cute he is. He looks away a bit embarrassed.
"Well, I didn't do anything special. I'm just helping my friend, you know?"
"I know."
Still smiling, Sugawara walks over to Haru who turned back around to keep cleaning. Once he is close enough, Sugawara hugs Haru from behind. This surprises him for a moment.
"Still, it's thanks to you I got to be the happiest I've ever been in my life. Thank you, Haru."
Haru blushes and smiles a bit.
"Y-yeah… Of course."