Chereads / Stray Clouds / Chapter 17 - Time For Change

Chapter 17 - Time For Change

Towards the end of February, the group is having lunch in the classroom but they are split up into two groups, something that started only recently. Sugawara, Lucy and Chizuru on one side with Ryuji, Haru, Hikigaya and Shiori on the other. Haru looks over at the group with an upset look. Chizuru notices and smiles at him. Sugawara looks over too before looking away from him with an obviously upset look. Haru gets even more upset.

"Aw man… I really messed up." He groans.

"Things really didn't work out the way you hoped huh?" Hikigaya asks.

"No! And to top it off, Sugawara hates me all of the sudden! We haven't talked since."

"What about you and Chizuru? Have you guys talked?" Shiori asks.

"Yeah… She doesn't seem bothered by it but still… I feel like it's just her way of letting me down easy…"

"What about you, Haru? How are you feeling?"

Hikigaya gives him this concerned look. Haru sighs and puts his head down.

"I don't know. One part of me wants to be upset that Chizuru turned me down then another part of me feels like it doesn't matter and I should just go back to being the happy like I always am… Then there's some part of me that feels I wanted her to reject me? Agh! Feelings are just so complicated!"

Haru grabs his head and leans back in his chair, frustrated. He then looks over at the others who are looking at him now. Chizuru gives him a soft look of concern. Haru gets overwhelmed and stands up.

"I gotta use the restroom."

He walks away and the others watch, confused.

"He's really not taking this well." Shiori says.

"I don't blame him." Hikigaya responds.

"I don't understand."

Ryuji says plainly, still reading his book. They look at him, surprised by him speaking up on the matter. He looks back a bit confused why they're so surprised but continues. 

"If the problem is he's concerned or confused about what the others are feeling, why not talk to them about it and clear it up? That's what Lucy and I do with all of our problems, at least the ones I know about." He says while going back to reading.

"You really do tell her everything, don't you?"

Shiori asks, a little jealous of their closeness. Ryuji just shrugs. As they talk, Sugawara looks over at the door, a bit concerned. Haru walks down the hall, struggling with his thoughts and feelings. 

'What am I doing? I'm supposed to be the sunny, happy one of the group and yet all I've done is gone and ruined everything. What good am I if I'm not doing the only thing I'm good at?..'

He thinks with a sad look on his face. Haru stops and leans against the wall grabbing his chest and hunching over. Tears begin to form in his tightly shut eyes before he hears a soft voice.


He opens his eyes, surprised and turns around quickly.

"Sugawara… What are you doing here?"

"You sounded really upset… I just wanted to make sure you were okay.."

He speaks softly, looking away from him. Haru sniffles a bit and wipes his eyes. He gives him a fake smile.

"Yeah I'm fine Sugawara! You don't have to worry about me for even a second!"

"You don't have to do that!"

He quickly says back to him, almost interrupting Haru. Sugawara gets a surprised, then embarrassed look and looks away from him again, blushing.

"I mean, you don't have to pretend to be happy just for my sake… I know you're upset because I've been avoiding you. I'm sorry I did that. I just… I saw you confess to Chizuru back then and I… I couldn't bring myself to be around you guys being together and all…"

He finally admits, regretting his actions a bit. Haru looks at him surprised then chuckles in relief.

"I guess she hasn't told you. She turned me down."

Sugawara looks surprised, almost happy, but quickly catches himself and looks at him concerned.

"I'm sorry Haru… That must really hurt… Ah! Then I went and made it worse by avoiding you! I'm so so sorry! I'm so dumb!"

Sugawara starts beating himself up about it and Haru watches. He then smiles genuinely at him.

"It's okay Suga, you don't need to worry about it. I'm just glad that I didn't ruin our friendship at least."

Sugawara stops and looks at him with a soft look, feeling like he almost did ruin his friendship with Haru.


"Well, you talking to me again definitely made me feel better, haha! I guess we better get back to class before lunch is over."

He begins to walk past Sugawara but before he can get very far, Sugawara grabs his hand and stops him. Haru looks back surprised and down at Sugawara who slowly raises his head to look at him.

"It's okay to not be happy all the time."

Sugawara is blushing and Haru smiles at him.

"I'm okay, Suga. Seriously. And it's all thanks to you."

Haru rubs his head and Sugawara smiles warmly in response. They head back to class together. Once they walk in, the others are rearranged so they are more together. They look at Haru and Sugawara come in and sit together. Chizuru makes a point to take a spot next to Haru.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

She asks softly. Haru smiles at her softly.

"No, go ahead."

She smiles back and sits. The others look at the three of them and smile amongst themselves.

"Well, I for one, am glad that everything's back to normal. I was really getting tired of all the awkward silences." Lucy says while throwing her arms behind her head.

"Yeah, me too."

Hikigaya adds. Ryuji nods in agreement. The three of them blush, a little bit embarrassed for being the center of all this.

"I'm sorry guys. I really didn't mean for all of this to happen." Chizuru apologizes.

"It wasn't just your fault. We probably could've done better talking things out with each other."

Haru says as Sugawara giggles a bit embarrassed.

"Don't worry. I know how hard it is talking about your feelings."

Shiori says with a smile towards them, trying to comfort them. They smile in return. Hikigaya then slides over next to her.

"Oh ho~ Now you're the one caring so much about us? What happened? Pick up some of my caring nature?"

He teases her and a cartoony vein pops on her head.

"Yeah right! Like you have a caring bone to spare in your entire body!"

"Hey, that's not fair! You know well how much I care!"

"Yeah and it probably takes every bit of strength you have just to do that!"

"Fine, maybe next time you're feeling down in the dumps I'll just leave you there!"

They start getting in each other's face to the point their foreheads are touching. Ryuji and Lucy smile at each other as Chizuru giggles.

"Maybe you two should go do some confessing."

She says cutely. They stop and look at her, shocked by her words.

"Yeah right! Like I'd ever fall for this jerk!"

The two say in unison. They look at each other surprised to have said the same thing only to get angry at each other for calling the other a jerk. As they yell at each other, Samuel is at her desk with her feet up reading a magazine.

"Ah, to be young and in love."

She says out loud. They turn to her quickly and yell together,

"We are not in love!!"

They shout, blushing as the others laugh warmly.

On an early morning when the sun has barely began to rise, Takanou wakes up. He recognizes this day as it is so similar to all the rest. He sits up and on the edge of the bed while Hamasaki sleeps. Takanou rubs his face for a moment with a tired look before leaning forward and getting up. He puts his shoes on, now in his normal suit for work before leaving his home.

He checks his I.D. into his job's office check in before going inside the building. He stretches as he walks by the break room where another coworker makes himself some coffee.

"Coming in early again, huh?" His coworker, Jamie, asks.

"Yeah, gotta cover for Tachibana. She's been falling behind on her portion of the project. You?"

"I just like the free stuff before everyone else takes their shares."

Jamie says casually with a cool smile. Takanou gives him an amused smile back and heads to his desk. He begins working on his computer before another coworker approaches him asking for help. He helps then answers calls and works until the afternoon. As many of the others begin to leave, he stays behind a bit longer, still working.

"Gonna stay long again today, huh Takanou?" Another coworker, Kiku, asks.

"Yep, the boss needed me to tie some loose ends."

"I see. Well, don't work too hard. See you tomorrow."

She gives him a slightly concerned smile before waving goodbye. He waves back, not removing his eyes from his computer.

Back at home, Shiori is sitting at their table writing with her eyepatch next to her notebook while Riku watches TV and plays with his small puzzle. He turns and leans over the couch towards Hamasaki who is making dinner in the kitchen.

"Is papa gonna be home late again?" He asks with a sad look.

"I'm sorry sweetie, yes. Work needed him long again."

Riku nods while pressing his lips together a bit and goes back to what he was doing. 

"That's the third day in a row they've kept him late."

Hamasaki only nods with a concerned look. Not too long after, Takanou comes through the door and removes his shoes. He rubs the back of his neck as he steps into the living room where his son happily calls to him.


Riku runs and jumps into his arms as he catches him, laughing.

"Woah there buddy! I'm sorry I'm so late again. Work has really been piling it on since we've lost three people already."

He says more to the entire family. Hamasaki looks at him sympathetically.

"The downsizing really hit you guys that hard?"

"Yeah, unfortunately. But don't worry. Soon we'll be rearranged and back on track. No more long nights."

He says with a promising tone. Riku hugs his face as Takanou head pats Shiori who smiles at him. 

"Well I certainly hope so. They're pushing you really hard, my love."

She says, concerned. He puts down Riku and goes to give her a kiss. 

"We'll be alright, baby."

He smiles at her comfortingly.

The next day, he is back in his office again, working away. His manager comes over to him.

"I need you to file this reverse alphabetically right now."

"Understood, sir." He gets up and does as he was told.

Back at his desk another coworker asks for his help at their computer so he does. Another late night comes and goes as he stretches right outside the office doors. He looks up at the night sky with a slightly upset look.

"Already dark again.." He mumbles before heading home.

He wakes up the next morning rubbing his face then steps into the office.

"Hey, I need you here for a sec."

"Coming sir."

"Hey, Takanou. Could you lend me a hand?"


He sluggishly steps out of the building and rubs his eyes before heading home.

The next morning he comes in early like the days before with a yawn. He works at his desk, he is called to do something else, he lends a helping hand to others who need it, then stays late to complete his tasks on time then goes home only to come back the next day early as ever. He does this on the regular, even before the downsizing. Always lending a hand to his coworkers or doing as his manager says day in and day out.

"Takanou, I need you."

"Yes sir."

"Hey Takanou, could you help me with this?"

"No problem."

"Could you pick up these parts for me? I'm running behind."

"Don't worry, I got you."

"Takanou, I need you to copy these."

"Right away."

"We're letting you go."

Takanou sits in a small single chair in front of a desk. The District Manager sits with his hands together, leaning back in his chair without a care in the world. A look of disbelief and confusion on Takanou's face.


"I'm sorry but we've cycled through all the employees here in this branch and we still need to cut off some expenses. Unfortunately, we have to let you go."

"But.. I… I see…"

He looks down knowing there is no changing his mind. That is how this business was run after all. He knew that well. Takanou stands over his desk just staring at his stuff before finally moving to pack up whatever was his. The last item he grabs is a picture frame of young Shiori holding an even younger Riku. He looks at it for a moment before tears begin to form. Everyone stopped for a moment and watched. Some covered their mouths in shock that they chose to let him go of all people. Jamie stares and decides to walk over to him. He places a hand on his back as Takanou sobs for a moment.

He walks back home with his head held low carrying the box of his stuff. When he comes through the door, Riku and Shiori are still at school. Hamasaki comes from the hall.

"Oh, honey, you're home early. Oh-"

She notices the box in his hands and his eyes that had been crying. He puts the box down on the counter before Hamasaki turns him. She slowly wraps her arms around his neck and he shakily puts his arms on her waist as he cries into her shoulder. 

Later that evening, Shiori comes in the door with a bit of a smile on her face. She walks in but stops when she sees her dad and mom sitting at the table. Hamasaki holds Takanou's hand as they look at her. Her face slowly drops a bit as her smile fades. 

That night, Shiori sits under the window on the balcony. She leans against the wall with her knees brought up to her chest. She looks up at the night sky and into the many stars that decided to shine that night. The window by her head slides open. Hikigaya sticks his head through.

"Shiori? What are you doing here?"

He asks, confused as to what she's doing there so late. Without looking at him, she responds in a soft, quiet voice.

"I figured I might as well climb onto your balcony at least once. See what it's like."

"What do you mean at least once?"

He asks, even more confused. She slowly looks up at him. He gets a surprised look to see her eye with traces of crying around it. Hikigaya pulls his head back in then comes around to the main balcony door and opens it, stepping through. He gently sits next to her against the wall.

"What happened?"

"The stupid company my dad worked for just fired him. Now we have no income and... can't afford to live here anymore."

Hikigaya's eyes widen as he looks down.

"I'm sorry…"

Shiori clicks her tongue with an angry look as she looks away.

"Tch don't be. It's not your fault my dad got fired. I'm just sorry that dumb company is gonna crash and burn without his help."

"No, I'm sorry for you…"

He says softly. Shiori looks at him. He looks at her sympathetically. She tilts her head back and looks up again, softening her angry look to calm down.

"Yeah. I know. Just when things were starting to get good, right? I was finally liking the school I was in, I was finally making friends who cared about me, I was finally… starting to feel again… And now someone has to go and rip it all away from me."

She struggles to hold back tears as she speaks.

"Why? Why do people have to be so evil? How is this fair? What did we do to deserve this? … What did I do?.."

As she speaks, she grabs her head with her hands and curls up into a ball tighter as tears rolls down her face and onto her lap. Hikigaya does his best to stop his own tears. He reaches up a hand to hold her shoulder, but stops just above it. He hesitates. 


Her soft voice surprises him, calling his name in a way he's never heard before. He puts his hand down.


"Can I… Can you… hold me?.."

She asks, not raising her head to look at him while she does. Her request surprised him, but without a moment of hesitation, he answers. 

"Of course.."

He puts his legs down and lifts his arm as she slides over closer to him. She puts her knees over his legs and her head on his chest. He slowly, uncertainly, puts his arm around her shoulder. They lay there for a moment before Shiori begins sobbing.

"I don't want to leave… I want to be happy here… With you and the others… I don't want to be forgotten, I don't want to lose you guys… I don't think… I don't think I can do it again…"

She cries into his chest as she grabs his shirt tightly. Hikigaya fights off tears for her. He tilts his head back and clears his throat.

"It'll be okay, Shiori. We'll... we'll figure something out. We won't let you go."

He puts his other hand on her head gently and starts rubbing it as she sobs. Inside the house, Ace is leaning against the door, listening with her head held low and shadows over her eyes. She walks off into the house with a purpose in her step. Not much time passes as Shiori eventually stops crying. She sits up, wipes her tears away and sniffles with an embarrassed chuckle.

"*sniffle* I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to get like this."

"It's okay Shiori! I don't mind. I'm… glad you actually opened up to me.. Too bad it's just before you leave…" He says, lowering his head with a sad look.

"Yeah… but don't ever tell anyone you saw me like this. If you do, I will kill you."

She raises her fist at him, shaking it in warning fashion.

"Yeah, yeah I know haha."

He laughs as he puts his hands up as she laughs a bit, too. They stop and sit there looking at the floor, their laughter not changing anything.

"I don't want to go…" She whispers.

"I don't want you to either…" He whispers back.

"And you don't have to."

Shocked by a third voice, they both look up to see Asami standing at the door.