Chereads / New Game Plus, GOTY Edition / Chapter 2 - Chapter 02: Date Night

Chapter 2 - Chapter 02: Date Night

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, OoalGown and Hermes

Chapter 02: Date Night

Ruby Rose

She wasn't exactly what you'd call a social girl, to put it lightly.

It wasn't like she didn't have friends, classmates mostly, but she just didn't really like trying to talk to strangers. She had her classmates, Yang, her dad and Zwei, so she didn't need anyone else. She was perfectly happy with how things were.

Which made what she was doing so very out of character.

"Umm, excuse me?" Ruby said hesitantly, making the older teen glance towards her, curiosity in his icy blue eyes as he gave her a small smile.

At least she thought he was an older teen, she sucked at guessing people's ages, but he was definitely older than Yang. Maybe even in his early twenties.

"Is there something I can do for you?" he asked, a surprisingly posh accent making her blush slightly as she was reminded of some of the male leads in the romance movies Yang made her watch 'for research.'

"Vladof isn't a good brand for barrels, if you're making your own weapon," Ruby said, her words coming out in a jumble as his eyebrow rose. "Um, I mean- sorry? You've been looking at the different parts for a while, and that barrel has a bad reputation for its accuracy."

The one thing that could get her to approach a total stranger, a handsome older one at that: weapons.

Of course, he'd probably just laugh at her and tell her to go away. She was much younger than him after all, and she didn't exactly look like the type of person who knew much about weapons.

"Ahh, is that so? Then what would you recommend?" he asked with a smile,making her eyes widen as he returned the weapon part to its place on the shelf.

She'd come to Vale with Yang, but Yang had promptly—and predictably she might add—dumped her to go do whatever it was Yang did in her free time, so she'd gravitated towards the place she enjoyed the most: the weapons shop.

This one was special to her, as it was where she'd ordered most of the pieces she needed for her baby.

"Well it really depends on what you want from the gun you're building, Vladof isn't the best for anything though, their guns are just about firing a lot." Ruby rushed, her words spewing out with barely a pause for air. "But even then there are better choices that don't sacrifice so much accuracy. What kind of weapon are you building?"

"It's more an attachment than a weapon actually. I'm making a combat drone, so it will need to be fairly compact since the drone isn't that big. I was thinking along the lines of precision and power, slow, but accurate and really packing a punch." he replied, opening his Scroll and showing her a set of elaborate designs making her eyes widen and mouth water as she contemplated the possibilities. "Oh, and I'm Shiro Eis, professional courier and amateur tinkerer, at your service," he said, finally introducing himself as she stared in shock.

Amateur her butt, the blueprints were ridiculously complicated.

"Oh! Ruby Rose! Future Huntress and forever weapons enthusiast, it's nice to meet you," Ruby replied quickly as he gave her a casual smile. "And I can definitely help you, I mean, if you want?" Ruby said, trailing off hesitantly making him chuckle.

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Ruby Rose, and I'll happily accept your help," Shiro said, offering her his hand.

It was a good thing Yang was used to her getting carried away with weapons, because it meant she didn't have to explain why she disappeared for a few hours, but as she sat in Shiro's workshop in his apartment she couldn't deny she had a blush on her face at the fact that she'd let a stranger take her home with him.

But the lure was too great, and as they worked together to put the weapon she'd designed together and install it on Shiro's drone she couldn't say she regretted it.

Watching the drone float into the air and hover in front of them, the bottom opening up and a long rifle barrel sliding out made her heart skip a beat.

It was no Crescent Rose of course, but damn they did good work.

It's single blue eye-like lens flowed as it scanned them, a simple VI Shiro had apparently designed marking any humans as friendlies automatically, and as Shiro typed away at his Scroll, she couldn't resist grabbing the drone and hugging it to herself, making Shiro chuckle.

"I'll need to take it to a range to test out the weapon, but I think it's getting a little too late for a young girl like you to be in an older man's apartment," Shiro teased slightly as she let it go, blushing at the implication.

She wasn't completely innocent, she knew what it'd look like if she stayed any later, and she didn't want Yang to worry.

"Aww, can you at least record it? I wanna see our baby in action…" Ruby whined despite knowing he was right, making him ruffle her hair playfully, reminding her of Yang with his confidence and maturity.

"I will, but I have something for you. You helped me a lot, and I don't like owing people," Shiro said as he went to the side-room, making her tilt her head in confusion until he returned with something in his hands that made her eyes widen.

"E-01, power on." Shiro said, letting the white orb-like drone go as it immediately started hovering, it's eye looking around the room as she stared in shock. "This is one of my earliest models, it doesn't have any weapons or really any actual features beyond floating and its camera, but I want you to have it." Shiro said as her eyes widened.

"W-what?! I can't-"

"E-01, transfer ownership to Ruby Rose," Shiro cut her off with a smile. "You can. You have a lot of potential, and as a fellow tinkerer I want to see it grow. It can't do much, yet. Here, I'll send you a link for the app I made. E-01 can follow simple orders, but the software isn't exactly amazing yet."

"This is way too much, I just helped you do some shopping," Ruby protested even as she stared at the hovering drone in awe.

"So? Would you rather it gathers dust in my closet, or gets scrapped for parts down the line? I don't need it," Shiro replied simply, making her hesitate.

It was a beautiful piece of tech, and the idea of it being taken to pieces for parts hurt her soul, making her slowly install the app he sent her, his smile victorious as he ruffled her hair again.

"But like I said, I think you should get going Lil Red, didn't you say you were visiting Vale with your sister earlier?" Shiro said, making her pout.

He was kicking her out so she couldn't argue, which meant she had to take her- his drone with her.

"What if I break it?" Ruby asked, making him laugh.

"You have my number, don't you?" Shiro replied simply, making her nod happily.

Saying goodbye to her new friend, she gave herself a pat on the back. She'd made a brand new friend, helped him with his badass combat drone, and got a cool drone of her own out of it.

"Erm, Ruby… you kinda have something following you," Yang deadpanned as they met up at the docks, ready to catch the last ferry back to Patch.

"…it followed me home, can I keep it?" Ruby joked slightly, realising a slight flaw in her plan.

How was she going to explain everything without admitting she let an older man she didn't know take her home with him to her overprotective sister and father?

Shiro Eis

Huh, Yang and Ruby are sisters.

They don't exactly look alike, hell Ruby doesn't even look anything like their father, but I guess she takes after her mother?

Still, watching Ruby manage to convince her father and Yang to let her keep the drone was entertaining enough.

'Did you meet a adorkable girl called Ruby? And give her a weird floating robot?'

Yeah, that was gonna happen.

'I did, she helped me design the weapon for my drone. She's really good with weapons, almost scarily so, and since that drone is going to be my best defence while I'm in the wilds, I'm pretty grateful.'

It's true after all, Ruby is very good at designing weapons, not as good as I am with drones but I have a game power for that. My drones power doesn't include the weapons, not yet anyway, so keeping a pet weapons designer in my pocket is definitely worth one of my earlier prototypes.

'Yeah, that's my sister. Weird coincidence, huh? That thing isn't dangerous is it?'

'Not likely, it's a scout prototype so it doesn't even have any weapons. All it can do is fly around and bump into things. Besides, I've seen that scythe she carries around.'

'Okay, fair point. Well, you've made Ruby a very happy girl, and she might actually cry if me or dad takes it off her.'

Texting back and forth with Yang about less important things, I watch through the drones eye as it flies through their small house on Patch, it's location marked on a large map.

It's range is impressive, and having Ruby unknowingly stress test it for me would be worth giving it to her alone.

As she sets up it's charging station in her room, I go back to my actual job as I look over various jobs that are currently available. There are other couriers, legal and otherwise, so it's good to act quickly if you see a lucrative one, and I check them nightly.

Seeing movement on the screen I forgot to turn off an hour or so later, I watch as Ruby enters her room again wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around her body, dropping it after she locks her door and unknowingly giving me a full frontal, her developing breasts bouncing slightly as the water from her bath or shower drips from her body, two small candy pink nipples on display as she starts to dry her hair, my gaze lowering to her tiny slit, topped with a small patch of black hair.

Turning to grab something, I watch her bend over slightly, a very nice ass sticking out towards the 'turned off' drone, her pussy lips visible between her legs.

Well, if nothing else I've found another reason to let Ruby keep her toy. On an unrelated note, I'm suddenly very glad I have my drones record seven days of footage (deleting anything that doesn't have movement) before they start to purge the old stuff to make room. Maybe I need to invest in some very large hard drives, Atlas has some truly massive ones that could store years of footage, but they're also damn expensive.

Still, for now a folder named Ruby Rose sits hidden away on my computer, a new video file and some pictures filling it. For personal use, of course.

The show ends quickly, Ruby putting on her underwear and pyjamas, turning the drone back on and having it follow her downstairs.

I do get to see what Yang apparently sleeps in, the tight tank top barely restraining her breasts, her nipples visible due to her lack of a bra, and the small black shorts having an equal amount of trouble with her backside as she plays with her Scroll, taking a selfie.

'She's having that thing follow her everywhere lmao.'

Yang's message has a picture attached, the same picture she just took of her rolling her eyes at the camera, Ruby in the background with E-01 hovering behind her.

'Well, drones are cool, so I can see why she would.'

I might have transferred ownership, but all my drones have an override. The creator is placed above the owner in their programming, so they'll always do what I want and I'll always be able to control them remotely.

But for now, I'm happy to be the unseen observer, and it's not like Ruby and Yang are getting hurt by this, hell Ruby is obviously extremely happy with herself.

Getting back to work, I piece together my next drone.

E-01 is a scout, my new unnamed model is a combat drone, but this one?

This is a stealth drone that should be capable of near complete invisibility and prevent sensors from detecting it.

It is very satisfying to see my creations come to life.


My espionage drone is ready, but it has a few flaws.

I had to make it small because the cloaking device couldn't cover anything bigger, and it'd be less noticeable if it wasn't very big, but that meant I couldn't afford to put any weapons on it and its battery is… not great.

It can fly for around six hours, and I added a second battery just for the cloaking device so it wouldn't drain the main battery, but as it stands now I barely get an hour of cloaking.

It's not the worst, but it's the best I can do for now.

On the bright side it's almost completely invisible when cloaked, and shouldn't be picked up by scanners, cameras or other tech based sensors.

It's also got a powerful camera, and it's so small it can fly in through open windows. I'll upgrade it in the next iteration, but it'll have to do for now.

I've also gone over the data Oliv- Sombra got me, from my unwanted admirer.

She did add Yang's nudes to it, and damn did Yang have a lot of them, but as entertaining as that proved to be, the important part was why I'm being followed.

He's a nobody, a no-name private investigator with gambling debts, but who hired him is the interesting part.

Jacques Schnee has paid him a lot of money to follow me around and report on who I meet and where I go. Of course he has no idea why, and the reason was never written down since Jacques is careful.

He hired the investigator through a servant, and the servant never used his name, but Sombra is very good at following traces.

I don't know what Jacques Schnee, CEO of the most successful company in the world, wants with me.

I have smuggled SDC property before, stolen dust supplies mostly, but I've always been very good at making sure I don't get caught, so it shouldn't be that.

I haven't done anything against the SDC, and if I did they'd have a more open response than all this cloak and dagger.

The SDC is powerful, and I'd likely have gotten bagged and dragged if they thought it'd stolen from them, which means he doesn't want people to know he's looking for me.

Sighing, I finish another espionage drone and head out of my warehouse, into the living room with a frown.

My place is a mess, I'm only usually here for a week or so at most before I head back out, and that means my place ends up dusty.

Plus, I don't really do chores, my time can be better spent doing literally anything else.

Thankfully, I'm fairly wealthy. I'm not rich exactly, but smuggling is a profitable business and aside from tech parts and my bike I don't really buy anything.

Basically I've built up a respectable nest egg, enough to afford some luxuries.

I got an junk email sometime while I was gone about a maid service in Vale, surprisingly cheap to have some girl come over and clean your home for you.

It's probably a scam, but I keep everything expensive in my Inventory and my workshop locked whenever I'm not there, so I don't have anything I'd really miss if this turns out to be a theft, and the alternative is that I actually have to clean up after myself.

So the answer is clear, I need a maid.

Filling in the form, I order a takeout from a Vacuan restaurant and send it off, eating and heading to bed.

Blake Belladonna

She had never been the best at thinking the long term consequences of her actions through, and leaving the White Fang just seemed the right thing to do at the time, she couldn't stay with how things were changing, with how Adam was changing.

And perhaps she should have gone back to the Menagerie, tucked her metaphorical tail between her legs and ran back to her parents, but the White Fang didn't look kindly on deserters and she didn't want to bring that attention onto her parents, even if they could definitely protect her.

Plus, she didn't want to admit they were right, that she should have never joined the White Fang, she still believed in what they were fighting for, it was the methods she couldn't stand anymore.

So she'd headed to Vale instead, Adam couldn't follow her into the city because he was too well known, but she'd quickly found out that city living was expensive, especially when Faunus paid more at a lot of hotels, and she didn't exactly have a fortune.

In all of a week she'd completely run out of Lien, and as unfriendly as Vale was to a Faunus, it was far more so to a poor Faunus, and she'd quickly found out that the streets weren't safe at night.

She'd tried sleeping in a rundown warehouse, used to sleeping hard from her time on assignments with the White Fang, but with them they slept with someone standing guard.

She'd woken up to find her shorts halfway down her legs and a couple of bums holding her down, luckily she'd hidden Gambol Shroud close by and her training was more than enough to get her out, despite her exhaustion.

She was normally far more alert, but the lack of food and sleep was getting to her, and she knew it.

The bums had run off, screaming about some 'psycho feral bitch' and she'd had to run, because it'd be their word against hers if it came to it, and she'd slashed one of them pretty deep, not fatal but it would certainly look bad if she was questioned and she didn't trust the police to stay impartial.

Then came the next blow, perhaps the biggest.

While she was homeless, poor and starving, she'd seen a wanted poster, with her face on it.

Blake Belladonna. Wanted for Theft, Assault, Murder and Terrorism. Suspect is armed, has their aura awakened, and has military training.

Someone had leaked her name, her connection to the White Fang, and worse they'd leaked proof. Photos of her with Adam, videos on them in action attacking a SDC transport.

It had to be someone in the White Fang, punishment for her desertion, made to force her to come running back to them for protection, but she wouldn't go back. This just solidified her resolve, the White Fang she knew wouldn't do this.

Her plan had been to try and get into Beacon, she had the skills after all, but now she wouldn't be Blake Belladonna, a random Faunus, she'd be Blake Belladonna, wanted terrorist.

They'd arrest her on the spot, and while she was good, she couldn't beat an actual Huntsman or Huntress, let alone while she was half starved and exhausted.

She needed money, and to make sure people didn't realise who she was, and that meant getting a job that wouldn't ask too many questions.

If she revealed her skills, it'd only draw more attention her way, so she couldn't monetise her training, and most legitimate jobs wouldn't accept a Faunus with literally no identification so she'd had to scrape the bottom of the barrel.

She knew the job was going to be shady before she'd even finished reading the flyer, with it asking for young women to apply but she was extremely hungry so she decided to try it.

The interview process had been surprisingly professional, could she clean, did she mind wearing a maid uniform, what hours could she do?

She'd even been briefly hopeful, and the interviewer, a surprisingly nice older human woman, let her take a shower and clean herself for the first time in a while.

Of course her hopes had been clouded when she saw the uniform, her skirt barely covering her backside but she'd found a job that would pay her in cash and not ask for identification so she pushed her doubts down and got to work.

On her first job some old fat human groped her ass, and when she punched him for it and stormed out, her employer wasn't so nice anymore.

She'd been shouted at for damaging their reputation, her pay had been docked, and it'd been made clear that if she hit another client she'd be charged with assault, oh and if she tried to run they'd call the police and charge her with assault anyway.

She wasn't supposed to just roll over and let her clients fuck her, not because this was a legitimate job but because that cost extra, but if they wanted to grope her she wasn't allowed to stop them as long as they didn't go too far. She'd been promised that she didn't have to accept any offers for prostitution if she didn't want to, but she didn't trust that at all.

She knew it'd only be a matter of time before they'd try and pressure her into sleeping with her clients to make them more money.

And she couldn't spit in the old bitches face, because she couldn't risk the attention.

She'd been given a very crappy motel room, and a few copies of her frankly slutty maid outfit, and told to wait for her next client.

She wanted to run again, flee Vale and maybe try Vacuo or Mistral, but she didn't have the money to get to Mistral and Vacuo had a new leader apparently.

She didn't know much about the new government, but she'd heard whispers that General Swain was about as Faunus friendly as Atlas was.

She didn't have the Lien to buy more Dust, and she was almost out of ammo, which meant she couldn't risk trying to head out of the city alone, and she definitely couldn't afford the price for a plane or ship to Mistral or even Menagerie.

So she was stuck in Vale for the foreseeable future, where she was a wanted woman.

On the bright side, she has a bed to sleep in, as uncomfortable as it was, and a small stipend to get some food, cheap and tasteless usually but enough to keep her going.

So when she got word that she'd gotten a new client, she was pretty downtrodden.

Heading to the apartment block she'd been given the address off, she looked over the form the client had filled in with a slightly raised eyebrow.

He'd left half of it empty, anything asking for his preference in maid had been left blank, just filling in the time, place and some other details.

That got her hopes up slightly, he hadn't put down any preferences for the maids age, race, appearance or anything else which hopefully meant he actually wanted a maid instead of a whore.

Because as much as her pride said she'd never sell her body for money, there was a little part of her saying that she might not have a choice.

She was realistic, and realistically pride didn't mean much when you were homeless and starving. You couldn't eat self-respect.

The apartment block itself was decent, nothing special or high-end, but it was obviously in a nice neighborhood and probably cost more a month than she could make in a year.

Ringing the doorbell, her hidden ears picked up the sounds of someone moving around inside, steadying herself as they unlocked the door.

As a pair of curious light blue eyes locked with her golden ones, she freezed in shock, preparing to flee as the white haired man gave her a casual smile.

"Ah, right on time. Ebony right?" the client asked as she forced herself to calm down. Ebony was a very obvious fake name, and his tone told he knew it, but he just seemed amused.

"T-that's right, are you Mr Eis?" Blake asked, staring at the very Schnee-like man.

She knew all the Schnee, all the White Fang members did, and the only male Schnee should be Jacques and Whitley, but he looked unnervingly like a male version of Winter Schnee.

Even his name was similar unless she was translating it wrong, Shiro meaning white and Eis meaning Ice.

"That's correct. Please come in," Shiro replied easily, stepping back and letting her into his apartment.

Closing the door behind her, she let out a mental sigh of relief when he didn't lock it, instead heading into the living room.

"Okay, so how does this normally work?" Shiro asked as he sat down on the leather couch, his apartment was well decorated but again nothing too fancy.

He has money, but he wasn't loaded like she'd expect a Schnee to be, so perhaps she was jumping to conclusions. The Schnee's don't have a monopoly on white hair.

How did this work, wasn't that a loaded question.

"It depends on what you need, sir," Blake answered, keeping her tone submissive.

"Right, fair enough. Okay then, one small ground rule. There's a locked room in that corridor, that's the only room I don't want cleaning. It's my workshop, with Dust, live ammo and a lot of tools. I don't want you to get hurt because you touched the wrong thing, and I definitely don't want my apartment blowing up," Shiro said with a small grin, making her eyes widen slightly.

"Workshop?" Blake asked before she could stop herself, she wasn't supposed to ask questions.

"I tinker, it's more a hobby than a job though it does help with my actual profession. Which brings me to the next point. I'm out of town a lot, I work as a courier making deliveries all over Remnant, which means I can be gone for days or even longer depending on where I'm delivering to," Shiro continued, that'd explain his relative wealth.

Couriers got paid well because of how dangerous the job was, which meant he would either be a Huntsman or at least have training and equipment.

He definitely had his aura awakened. Some couriers actually didn't, as to attract less of the grimm, but even from what little she knew of him, he didn't seem like the kind of person who would rather go unnoticed than able to defend himself.

"So I need someone to take care of this place, and decided to try out your company. Frankly, I don't want to come home from a week of traveling and have to tidy up," Shiro finished, making her nod as her hopes rose up a bit more.

Because it sounded like he actually wanted a maid, not a hooker.

"Okay, so where do you want me to start?" Blake asked, making him stand up.

"Honestly? Anywhere, I'm heading out on a date soon anyway, so you'll have the place to yourself," Shiro said, her hopes going up further. "So, before I start getting ready, follow me."

Heading into the corridor past the locked door, he led her to a small bedroom with a single bed. It looked unused, making her look at him in confusion.

"So, this is the old guest bedroom and it'll be yours while you're working for me," Shiro said calmly, making her eyes widen in surprise. "…you do know that I hired a live-in maid, right? I went over everything with your employer."

That was why she was picked, because she didn't have a home, and she was willing to bet that if she declined she'd suddenly find her shorty motel room wasn't being paid for anymore.

"What did you agree on?" Blake asked, making him blink in confusion.

"That in exchange for giving you a room here and a weekly fee, paid half in cash to you and half into your company's account every Sunday, you'd live here as a live-in maid. Do you want to confirm things with your employer before starting? Why don't you clear things up while I start getting ready?" Shiro offered, making her smile slightly.

"I will, sorry about the confusion," Blake said carefully, this could be really good for her, or it was a trap and she was being too optimistic because good things apparently didn't happen to her. "I- how do you know you can trust me? Leaving a stranger alone in your house…"

"Heh, because if anything goes missing, I'll know who it was, and I'm not that nice a person when I'm crossed, Ebony," Shiro said, making her go silent.

As Shiro headed into the bathroom, she called her employer and basically confirmed what Shiro had already said. She'd get paid a decent sum every week, enough to survive and start saving up since she wouldn't have to pay rent, and in exchange she was basically to do whatever Shiro wanted. Her employer was taking a large chunk of her payment, but even still it'd be enough to stay fed and l start saving up for… whatever she was going to do.

She was still being exploited, but she could make the most of this and come out on top. All she had to do was play the obedient maid for a fake Schnee.

As Shiro came out of the bathroom, she felt her cheeks heaten up ever so slightly at the sight of him, naked with a towel loosely wrapped around his waist, his surprisingly well defined chest on display with droplets of water dripping down it.

"S-sorry! I talked to my employer, and this works fine for me," Blake said quickly, making him smile as he tightened the towel.

"Ah, good to hear. Okay, I'm about to get dressed and head out, I put a spare key on the kitchen table and your first payment, I figured you could use a… signing bonus of sorts," Shiro said with a gentle smile.

"What do you- I mean, thank you sir," Blake said, deciding not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"No problem, but as nice as it was to meet you, I have a date to get to and Melanie is not the kind of girl who enjoys me being fashionably late," Shiro chuckled, giving her a smile as he headed into what must be the master bedroom.

Finding the kitchen, she grabbed the key and the Lien cards, counting them with a small smile. It wasn't a lot, but if she got paid weekly it'd definitely do.

Getting to work cleaning the clearly disused kitchen, she saw Shiro heading out, giving her a nod as he left in a nice suit, leaving her to get to work tidying up.

She didn't trust this, it all seemed too good for her, but with no better options she'd have to make the best of her bad situation.

Shiro Eis

Melanie is a bitch, she's stuck up,arrogant, and looks down on basically everyone she meets. Miltia is the nice sister, she's sweet and friendly, actually pleasant to be around.

But there's a reason I'm dating Melanie when I know for a fact that Miltia has a crush on me.

Gripping her hair roughly, I thrust into her waiting mouth as she stares up at me angrily, her makeup running down her face as I fuck her throat roughly.

She's been verbally sniping at me the entire meal, but we both knew how this night would end: with her on her knees.

She's a brat, but she enjoys being put in her place, even if she'd never admit it.

"This look suits you much better, slut," I taunt, smirking down at her as I ignore the brief feeling of her teeth brushing against my shaft warningly as she narrows her eyes.

She won't do it, she's threatened to do so for years, but even as she glares I can feel her tongue skillfully rubbing against my length, her mouth a vacuum as she sucks on my invading shaft.

She's still fully dressed, and all I've done is undone my belt and unzipped my trousers, and as I speed up my thrusts, the sounds of her gagging filling the bedroom, I smirk down at her.

"Time for your dessert," I mock, gripping her hair tighter to make sure she can't pull away as I reach my climax, thick bursts of cum flooding her esophagus as she glowers up at me, her throat convulsing around me as she obediently swallows. "That's it, good girl."

I finally release my hold and let her pull back, smirking once more as the last string of cum splatters against her face.

Rolling her eyes, she massages her jaw. "I'm not a slut, dickhead. You're literally the only guy I've ever slept with," she scoffs, smirking as she stands up. "Though if you'd rather, maybe next time you disappear for a week I'll bring someone home, instead of sitting around waiting for you." she threatens, her smirk widening into a smug grin as my own vanishes.

I grab her and lift her into the air, her light frame making it easy as I toss her onto the bed. She lands with a soft thud, and I immediately move on top of her, flipping her over as she smirks over her shoulder at me, even as I grab the bottom of the dress I bought her and pull it over her curvy ass and grab her thong and then to the side, just in time for there to be nothing between her pale ass and my hand as I being to spank her, my smirk reigniting as she yelps.

"I don't fucking think so, you are mine," I growl into her ear, pressing the tip of my still hard shaft against her exposed rosebud as she smirks back.

"Then stop being a pussy and use me," Melanie whispers back, the side of her only I've ever seen. "You wanna call me a slut? Make me your slut."

Slamming my hips forwards, you'd think going so rough on her tight asshole would hurt her, but the moan that leaves her isn't one of pain, but pleasure and satisfaction, her legs spreading to give me easier access and the mixed lubricant of her drool and my cum making my passage easier.

"Unnnhhh, harder." Melanie moans out, grunting as I speed up and start to truly pound her tight back passage, prone boning her hard and fast.

This is the Melanie I know, the submissive little pain slut who adores me even if she'd rather suck my cock a thousand times than actually admit it.

Neo Politan

She was convinced that following Roman's new recruitment target would be pretty boring, but she had to admit this was a bit more interesting than she expected

Watching the arrogant girl she recognised from Junior's club beg Shiro to fuck her harder, Neo tilted her head curiously as she sat on one of the drawers, her top pulled up and her trousers unzipped as she slid a hand between her legs, the other playing with her breasts.

Being able to hide herself with illusions was a powerful thing, it made her perfect for espionage when the need arose, but she made a poor spy.

She was too easily bored and often found ways to entertain herself, and Roman knew it which was why he rarely made use of that aspect of her power.

But this time she was adequately entertained, and hopping off the drawer she moved closer and knelt at the edge of the bed, watching Shiro's admittedly nicely sized cock repeatedly sink into Melanie's tiny little asshole.

She hadn't been able to get much of a dinner while she was following them through the restaurant, but at least she got a show.

Blake Belladonna

Hearing moans and cries for more coming through the walls, she realised why Shiro didn't seem interested in hiring a whore.

He definitely didn't need to pay for sex, as the pleasured cries of his possible girlfriend or just fuck buddy creeped into her room, her face burning as she pulled her pillow over her head.

She went back to her motel and grabbed the rest of her stuff, and her new room was far nicer even as small as it was.

If this was going to be a common occurrence, sleepless nights were going to be a problem, because even as she shut her eyes and tried to get to sleep, she could feel a growing dampness between her thighs.

How long were they going to go for?!

Next Morning

As she headed into the kitchen, she froze as she spotted Shiro and his date sitting at the counter, calmly eating breakfast.

It wasn't what they were doing that made her freeze, but how they were doing it. Shiro was only wearing a pair of black silky sleep trousers, his bare chest on display again, but his date hadn't even bothered to wear that much as she turned to her, cold green eyes staring at her.

The pale girl with long black hair was wearing nothing but a white thong, some red marks on her buttocks and breasts as she rolled her eyes

Her own sleepwear was far more concealing, a large oversized white t-shirt coming down to her upper thigh and a pair of loose shorts that admittedly left her long legs on display, Shiro's eyes briefly gazing at them, but her 'uniform' was far more revealing so she didn't see any point in wearing anything more concealing.

"So that's your new servant?" Melanie asked dismissively, making Blake's eyes narrow before she pushed it down.

She didn't want to be anyone's servant, but life rarely worked out the way you wanted.

"Yeah, Melanie, meet Ebony, my new live-in maid. She'll be staying here for the foreseeable future. Ebony, meet Melanie, my… something or other. She stays over every now and then," Shiro said calmly, plating up a simple breakfast, the smell of well cooked bacon, sausages and eggs making her mouth drool slightly. "

"Ebony is a hooker's name," Melanie replied bluntly, making Blake scowl even as she forced herself not to respond, she didn't want to get into an argument with her technical boss' girlfriend.

"Shush you. Anyway, how do you two like your eggs?" Shiro said calmly, unsurprised by her attitude.

"Hopefully unfertilised, I told you to pull out asshole," Melanie grumbled, making him laugh.

"Odd, that's not what I heard," Shiro teased, as Blake quietly answered, sitting down as Shiro gestured for her to, placing a large plate of food in front of her.

That's not what Blake heard either, she'd heard a lot last night and none of it sounded like her telling Shiro to stop.

"Thank you." Blake said quietly, starting to eat. It wasn't amazingly cooked, but she didn't care in the slightest as she ate as fast as she politely could, Shiro and Melanie insulting each other playfully as they ate, and Shiro passing her a second plate with a knowing smile after she finished her first one.

"I'm gonna get a shower and head out, got a lot of work to do before opening tonight. You coming to the club tonight?" Melanie asked as she stood up, her small breasts bouncing slightly as she did

"I doubt it, havet some stuff to handle myself. Say hi to Miltia for me though," Shiro replied easily, making Melanie roll her eyes.

"Will do, babe," Melanie said, the word sounding almost insulting coming from her as Shiro laughed to himself.

Finishing breakfast, she grabbed the plates and cookware and cleaned them herself, it was her job after all.

As Melanie left, wearing an expensive looking Mistrali dress, she gave Shiro a rather long kiss before looking at her one more time, not looking threatened but instead seeming almost scheming before she turned around and left.

Things weren't perfect, but with a full stomach and a warm place to lay her head at night, they were looking up.

Maybe she'd let herself be just a little optimistic.

Shiro Eis

I can't wait to have that sexy little number riding my cock, and honestly I could probably have her right now if I really wanted to.

But I'll bide my time, because I can tell 'Ebony' is skittish, and I don't want her to run.

But onto more important matters.

The way I level up classes is by completing tasks related to the class itself, and I spent so long making drones that I actually finished the Engineer quest before I even knew it.

[If you build it, he will come] - Perk

You know a lot about technology, and while most can use this information to build, you have learnt to use it to destroy. When dealing with advanced technology, you have an instinctive knowledge of how to sabotage it.

[Armourmech Engineering] - Crafting

You have a natural talent for crafting advanced armour and powered suits of all kinds, from stealth suits to heavy power armour.

And when I finish the quest, I get rewards in the form of new powers, perks or upgrades to my current Engineer skills.

And then I get to pick a new quest, either to continue along the Engineer class tree or start a new class entirely.

If you pick a new class, it gives you some freebies to get you started.

So I've been going over my many, many options, and while I'm hesitant to take any magical ones, because there's only so much I can pass off as Aura and I don't want the unwanted attention before I'm ready for it, I did have an idea.

There's an Explorer class, part of a fourth tree I didn't get to start with, just called 'Misc Classes'.

Exploring isn't quite what I do, but I travel a lot and it's description matches what I already will be doing as my job. There's also a class called 'Scholar' which I'm interested in, but I'll check that out later.

So after some thought, I made my selection.

[Explorer's Fortitude] - Perk

Explorers travel the four corners of the world, and it shows. The cold doesn't bother you, neither does the heat, you can travel through the coldest tundra and the hottest desert without the proper protection without fear. You also tire far slower than other people, and require only a couple of hours sleep a day to be fully rested.

[Explorer's Transportation] - Skill

There's only so far you can get on foot, and any good Explorer knows how to use any and all vehicles on their travels. You have an instinctive mastery of all but the most complicated forms of transports, from cars and bikes to planes and ships.

[Explorer's Sixth Sense]

Explorer's need to stay on their guard at all times, the wilds aren't a safe place to travel through and a moment of inattentiveness could be your last. You've gained a sixth sense that alerts you to unseen observers, telling you their general direction and distance. It also alerts you to bloodlust, awakening you if you are in danger while sleeping.

I've been giving some thought to what I want to do, trapped in this death world with no way out.

And I've come up with a short term plan, a mid-term plan and a long term plan.

In the short term, I want to gather as many resources as I can, solidate my power base and stop working for other people. In the mid-term, I want to take over the criminal underworld. I know enough about how it works to pull it off if I gather enough power and allies.

Instead of being someone who smuggles for the gang lords, I want to be the one giving the orders, and making the most profit instead of accepting what trickles down to me.

With my tech I honestly think I stand a good chance of doing so, I'll have to start small and pick a weaker gang to take over, but once I have enough tech that should be doable.

And in the long term?

I want Remnant.

There it is, the power hungry sociopath I know and loathe.

Oh, I'll make Remnant a better place to live, because it's going to be mine, entirely.

Bonus Scene - Jacques Schnee

His marriage wasn't one of love and affection, Willow could barely stand him and he didn't feel much better about her.

She was a drunken fool, who couldn't be trusted with her own company, and the shareholders all agreed with his assessment. She was a smart woman once, with a business mind to rival his own, but that had been degraded by years of excessive drinking and she was about as suited to run the Schnee Dust Company as some of the Faunus working his mines.

He was the one who made the SDC the powerhouse it was today, not her. She just inherited it, he took her father's business and made it the most powerful corporation in Atlas, and by extension the whole of Remnant.

She'd run it into the ground if she took power, and Atlas couldn't afford that, he'd made sure of that fact. Every other dust company had long since run out of business, bought up or otherwise dealt with. Atlas needed him, whether Ironwood liked it or not.

He simply didn't care what she did as long as it didn't threaten his control of the company, and infidelity fell into the same category.

It wasn't like he was loyal to her, his secretary spent more time under his desk than she did at her own desk, and he truly didn't care if she had a subtle affair out of the spotlight, as long as it didn't damage their reputation.

Which was why he was so angry when she not only got caught having sex with some drunken Huntsmen, but ended up pregnant as a result of her carelessness.

He'd hired the rather infamous Team STRQ to protect some rather important shipments during the Omnic Crisis, as the machines had learnt to target high value shipments to cripple them, and during the extended mission Willow had found a common ground with a fellow drunken fool, Qrow Branwen.

He didn't know how long the then-young Huntsmen had been fucking his wife, but they finally got caught during a party held in their honour, pure PR of course, Huntsmen were tools to be used nothing more.

If Willow had the common sense to take Qrow up to her bedroom, it wouldn't have been so bad, but no… she'd let Qrow take her in a side room just meters away from the celebrations.

When they'd gotten caught, Willow was utterly naked, with semen on her face, tits and leaking from her pussy while Qrow fucked her ass.

They'd gotten caught by two servants, and the servants made enough noise to attract the rest of the party, so half of Atlas's elite got to see his wife getting fucked, while she was too drunk to notice the audience.

He'd been the subject of entirely too many jokes ever since, and even after having Qrow thrown out, it became clear she was pregnant shortly afterwards, and he hadn't touched her in months.

He tried to get her to abort the mutt of course, but something finally clicked in that drunken mind and she almost returned to the woman he had once married, threatening to divorce him if he even brought the idea up again.

Her father had been smart enough not to trust him, which meant their prenuptial agreement was very much in her favour and she could remove him from the SDC with relative ease.

So he'd been more subtle, hiding her from the public even if people suspected why she hadn't been seen for so long, waiting until the bastard was born, then she had it taken away from Atlas, giving Willow a baby who had died in childbirth and telling her that he had died.

She'd immediately retreated into her old drunken self, and the baby had been sent to an orphanage in Vale, because as ruthless as he was, killing children was a step too far even for him.

They'd been told he was a war orphan, one of many, and then he'd forgotten all about it.

He'd eventually gotten Willow's legs open enough to get a male heir, usually while she was too drunk to realise she was being fucked, or while she was just drunk enough for a hate-fuck, which was rather gratifying in honesty, and after Whitley was born he practically forgot she existed.

Right until word reached him of a white haired teenager in Vale, exactly the right age to be her bastard.

He wasn't worried about what this Shiro Eis would do, named after his hair and eye colour apparently, but he was worried about what would happen if word reached Willow.

Plus, he was in Vale where Weiss was going to become a Huntress of all things, her idea of a teenage rebellion no doubt, and Weiss wasn't stupid even if she was certainly acting it.

His little lie was in danger of being exposed, and he needed to deal with it before it became a major problem.

New Skills


[If you build it, he will come] - Perk

You know a lot about technology, and while most can use this information to build, you have learnt to use it to destroy. When dealing with advanced technology, you have an instinctive knowledge of how to sabotage it.

[Armourmech Engineering] - Crafting

You have a natural talent for crafting advanced armour and powered suits of all kinds, from stealth suits to heavy power armour.


[Explorer's Fortitude] - Perk

Explorers travel the four corners of the world, and it shows. The cold doesn't bother you, neither does the heat, you can travel through the coldest tundra and the hottest desert without the proper protection without fear. You also tire far slower than other people, and require only a couple of hours sleep a day to be fully rested.

[Explorer's Transportation] - Skill

There's only so far you can get on foot, and any good Explorer knows how to use any and all vehicles on their travels. You have an instinctive mastery of all but the most complicated forms of transports, from cars and bikes to planes and ships.

[Explorer's Sixth Sense]

Explorer's need to stay on their guard at all times, the wilds aren't a safe place to travel through and a moment of inattentiveness could be your last. You've gained a sixth sense that alerts you to unseen observers, telling you their general direction and distance. It also alerts you to bloodlust, awakening you if you are in danger while sleeping.