Inhale, exhale, inhale and exhale...
Now tell me how do you feel?
No, I don't want your emotional feelings, rather the feeling you get through breathing.
You inhaling oxygen and
exhaling carbon dioxide.
What comes to mind when you do so?
If nothing comes to mind, that's standard for breathing. Since we wore born the first reaction we ever took was breathing, it came naturally. We didn't need to think about it, and probably when we did think so it came to a stop.
Now throughout this journey we need to constantly think about breathing to a point where we completely change the way we do so. Well if, that is we need to change it.
Have you heard about abdominal breathing? Also known as 'breathing through your stomach'. Unlike breathing through your lungs, abdominal breathing takes a bit more work.
For example
when you inhale, expand your stomach and when you exhale, shrink your stomach.
As to breathing through our lungs, it does all the work for us. Because that's how the respiratory system works, or more pacifically our lungs. We could even say the abdominal breathing is a another pair of lungs.
[The basic abdominal breathing method]
I. Inhale oxygen
as you do this expand your stomach, like when you try to look fat, but as you inhale the oxygen you're also expanding it at the same time, like blowing a balloon with air. Expand until you can't anymore.
II. Exhale carbon dioxide
as you do this shrink your stomach, like when you try to look skinny, but as you exhale the carbon dioxide you're also shrinking it at the same time,
like deflating a balloon. Shrink until you can't anymore.
For now just do this method with your own pace. Keeping it nice and easy.
Having water nearby is a good idea, what ever your breathing in or out of. Since it's going to get very dry.
Reminder their is also two different ways to breathe in and out of.
The [Nose Breathing Method] & the [Mouth Breathing Method].
Will be later cover upon...
Remember to remember:
-Inhale means breathing air in
Exhale means breathing air out