Chereads / Iron Hans & The Queen's Ransom / Chapter 25 - Chapter 24: Development

Chapter 25 - Chapter 24: Development

The designated day arrived, and with it the designated night.

Gorogon and Luvenia could hardly look at each other over breakfast; they hardly spoke while they worked, except when absolutely necessary; they opted to eat lunch separately. Luvenia had no appetite at dinner, but she dutifully consumed just enough to sustain her energy for the task ahead.

When she came to Gorogon's chamber, Hanna came with her. Gorogon opened the door and immediately looked up at Hanna's hooded face.

"Hello, darling. Would you permit my attendant to ascertain that the room is secure?"

"...Of course, my dear."

He stepped back to allow them entry, and closed the door as soon as they were in. "Loath as I am to question my queen's actions... what exactly is going on?"

Luvenia gave him an intense look.

"I need someone who understands women's clothing to help me undress," she said, very deliberately.

The king turned bright red. "Oh. Y– yes, I see." He cleared his throat and turned away. "I'll be in the washroom. Take your time."

Luvenia smiled as he hastened away.

"My queen," murmured Hanna, pulling back her hood, "was it necessary to lie to his majesty?"

"Who says I was lying? I merely omitted the explicit statement of my intention."

"But, madam... I can't claim to understand women's clothing."

"Really?" She guided Hanna's hands to the topmost button of her dress. "Then let me educate you."

Hanna was an eager student—perhaps too eager, as one in three buttons popped off under her fumbling fingers. She blushed furiously but did not give up until the garment was fully undone.

Luvenia let the dress slide off her body. She caught her breath as Hanna reached for the laces of her corset.

"Is this right, madam?"

"Perfect, my love."

Hanna's fingers slipped under the cloth corset, loosening it by degrees. Soon it joined the dress on the floor. Luvenia shivered in anticipation.

"I'm afraid you'll have to leave as soon as..."

"I know, madam."

To be touched so intimately in a room not her own, on a bed not her own, was strangely thrilling. Hanna seemed nervous, but she followed Luvenia's whispered directions without hesitation.

Luvenia tried to keep her voice low, even as Hanna's erotic endeavors drew soft moans from her trembling lips. She had to clamp one hand over her mouth, the other gripping the bedsheets in a desperate attempt to maintain control.

The room, the bed, her own body—none of them belonged to her in that moment. Despite her best efforts, she could not fully suppress the guttural cry that burst from her at the moment of crisis.

Her eyes had lost their focus, yet she could sense Hanna's movement from the foot of the bed to her side. A gentle hand smoothed back her damp hair; a gentle kiss was pressed upon her brow.

"Good night, my queen."

Distantly she heard a door close, then another door open, then heavy breathing.



Gorogon's hands were softer than Hanna's. His touch stirred up nerves that were still thrumming with pleasure.

"I'm doing it now, all right?"


His fingers trembled as he carefully conducted the procedure outlined by the doctor. It was not painful at all, just strange to have him touch her in this way. In fact, it was rather pleasant—though nowhere near as stimulating as Hanna's ministrations.

When he stepped back, she favored him with a lopsided smile. She no longer had the energy to feel embarrassed.

"Still all right?"


"Good. I'll wash up and come straight back."

It took the entire time he was gone for Luvenia to find the edge of the blanket and pull it across her rapidly cooling body. When Gorogon returned, he tucked her in and lay down beside her, still looking a little flushed.

"Was it terrible?"

"No—no, not at all. From the other room, you–" He bit his lip and looked away. "You sounded like... Beau."

Luvenia mulled over this drowsily.

"Makes sense," she concluded, and closed her eyes.

Gorogon shifted. His arm draped gently over Luvenia's belly.

"Can't believe we have to do this six more times," he muttered.

"Does it bother you?"

"It's... I'm not bothered, exactly, but I still hope it works this time and we don't have to repeat the whole rigamarole next month."

"Agreed." She yawned. "I'm going to sleep."

"Me too. Sleep tight."


While neither of them grew entirely accustomed to the maneuver, it became slightly less tiring over the course of the week, and moderately less mortifying. By the final day, they could actually talk to each other at breakfast without cringing.

"How soon will we know if...?"

"I'm not sure. The doctor thinks she can be sure in three weeks."

"I'd take her word for it. In my experience, she's frighteningly accurate."

"In any event, we'll know for certain well before Beau's visit."

Startled, Gorogon dropped his fork, which bounced off the table and clattered to the floor. "Wh– when?"

"The third month of autumn." Luvenia lent him her fork and continued her meal with a spoon. "Our father always let him out of the tower on our birthdays. I thought we might extend a formal invitation to celebrate with us then."

"Oh. Yes, that would be... I'd love that." His eyes lit up. "If he comes back again for your birthday, he'll be here for mine as well, near enough."

Luvenia smiled wryly. "If all goes to plan, I'm going to be extremely pregnant by then. You'll have a ready-made excuse to abandon me and go off gallivanting with Beau."

Gorogon's brow furrowed. "Would you be upset if he and I spent time together without you?"

"No, not really. I'm..." She considered briefly. "I'm a little anxious about the prospect of pregnancy. Obviously it's my first time, and I hardly know what to expect."

"I'm sure it will be fine, my dear."


Thirteen weeks and a day later, Beaucaire returned to Middewold on the personal invitation of the royal couple.

Upon his mid-afternoon arrival, he was conducted directly to Luvenia's suite.

"Presenting his highness, Crown Prince Beaucaire of Alatir!" announced the chamberlain, quite unnecessarily. He had the door shut in his face for his efforts.

Beaucaire stopped short and stared.

"Goldie, what have you done to my sister??"

Luvenia smiled benevolently up at him. She sat enthroned in her favorite armchair, nested among a dozen soft cushions, while no lesser a person than the king of Middewold massaged her feet.

"As you can see, he's turned me into a complete tyrant. I've been spoiled within an inch of my life."

She beckoned him closer. He leant down to kiss her cheek; as he leaned away, his eyes were full of worry.

"You've gotten thinner," he murmured. "Why are you so thin? Don't pregnant women... fill out a bit?"

"It's early days yet. I'm hardly showing at all." Luvenia rested her hand on the slight swell of her abdomen. "The first few months were rather difficult. It's only this past week that I've been able to eat a full meal."

Beaucaire frowned. "That sounds horrible. Are you going to be all right?"

Luvenia wanted to make a joke about it being too late to worry about that... but Beaucaire looked so anxious that she knew it would be more than unkind to tease him.

"I'm fine, Beau. Everything is proceeding just as it should."

Before Beaucaire could say anything else, Gorogon, still kneeling at his wife's feet, hooked an arm around Beaucaire's legs. "Nice to see you, too."

"Sorry, Goldie. What are you doing, anyway?"

"Atoning for future offenses." He accepted Beaucaire's offer of a hand up. "Lu said I could spend as much time with you as I liked, so long as I made it up to her first."

"I told you: I'm a tyrant now." She leaned forward to take Gorogon's hand. "Thank you, darling. I absolve you. Go entertain the birthday boy."

"We'll see you at dinner, then." Gorogon squeezed her hand, then linked arms with Beaucaire. "Shall we?"

"Lu, are you sure–"

"Yes! Get out of my room!"

She kept smiling until they left, then slumped in the chair with a quiet groan.

"My queen..."

Luvenia tilted her head back to view Hanna in maximum comfort. "Yes, my love?"

"Would you like to rest for a while before dinner?"

"You read my mind."

"May I carry you to bed?"

"Please do."

As Hanna gathered her up, Luvenia buried her face in Hanna's shirt and breathed in the scents of juniper soap and salt.

"You smell incredible," she mumbled.

"...What did you say, madam?"

"You smell so good, I want to eat you."

"Please don't tease me, madam."

"I'm being serious! I could take a bite out of you right now."

"Your majesty..." Hanna's voice dropped lower. "You shouldn't say such things to me. It makes me want to..."

The longing in her eyes sobered Luvenia at once. "You're right. I'm sorry."

Hanna eased her onto the bed and knelt beside it.

"You're too kind to me, my queen."

"Not nearly. Come a little closer."

When Hanna leaned in, Luvenia propped herself up on one arm and kissed her soundly.

"Once I've had the child and I'm not in such a fragile condition, I intend to show you exactly how serious I am about you."

"As you wish, my love." Hanna's eyes twinkled. "That's well worth waiting for six months."

Luvenia groaned and flopped onto her back. "Six months–! Maybe I really am spoiled here, because I've discovered that I hate waiting."

"Don't worry, madam. I'm sure the time will pass before you know it."