Chereads / Harem House of The Multiverse / Chapter 14 - Chapter 14

Chapter 14 - Chapter 14

The moment I stepped out of the carriage after Erza and Julia, my senses were overwhelmed as sounds, smells and breathtaking sights assaulted me. Apparently, there had been some sort of sound enchantment on the carriage so that dulled the sounds of the outside world.

We were stood next to a line of carriages, and close by I could see Dale and Julia's two guards speaking to a man in well-dressed clothing who had what I guess was some sort of clipboard in his hand.

The wall of the capital stretched far above, and I could see all sorts of people, both human and non-human entering into the city via a large guarded open gate. I saw people in ratty clothing with bags gazing at the sights just like me, many different sorts of armed men and women. There were too many different types for me to count. Some looked like the typical medieval commoner while others were dressed in very odd clothing.

"Wonderous isn't in?" Julia noted as she moved to stand beside me. "People from all over coming to this kingdom to watch the guild clash or in hope of participating."

"It's definitely a wide variety," I replied. "What's going with you guards?"

"They're just clearing things up with the keeper of the gates, and provost of nobility," Julia said. "You see all these carriages belong to other nobles or people of importance. Once we had the destination of the manor my mother bought we'll be off."

"I'd love to see more of the city," Erza said.

"And we will," Julia said. "Remember I still owe you that day out, and while we do that, David here can have a look around and see if he wished to enter the two of you into any lone competitions."

"Lone competitions?" I asked.

"While the guild clash will be the main spectacle, there will also be other competitions where you don't need a guild to join, or where you will only require a single partner." Julia smiled and nodded to the two of us. "You two would make quite the force of nature if you entered."

That sounded like the perfect thing to do. Not only could I get more experience, but it seemed like the perfect way to get more tickets and c-points as well.

We waited for a few more minutes until Dale and Julia's guards returned.

"This is where I leave you," Dale said. "Thanks to Lady Julia's help, these folk will be assigned to a village closer to the capital and with actual soldiers stationed there."

"No need for thanks," Julia replied with a smile. "It took no effort but my word. Now if all is well, let's be off, I'm famished and could do with a nice hot bath."

"That sounds wonderful," Erza commented.

We bid goodbye to Dale then hopped back into the carriage which took off at speed. It around half an hour for us to get to the manor. Julia had to step out and confirm who she was to the gaud posted at the gate, but once she had, we were allied in, and promptly swarmed by maids and servants once we stepped out of the carriage.

"Ermm, Julias?" I asked as two maids grabbed my arms and led me off. "What's going on."

"Just go along with it, David." Julia chuckled. "They'll get you clean and ready for supper."

Two maids seemed to be herding Erza along much in the same way I was, and that was the last thing I saw before the two maids led me into the large manor and up a set of extravagant stairs. I barely had enough time to take in the inside of the beautiful estate before I was herded into what seemed like a changing room.

"Get undressed then head through that door," One of the maids, a beautiful blond, said with a giggle.

"Don't take too long," The other, a busty ginger-haired maid, added.

The two maids left me, and I glanced around in shock for a moment before I set to take my clothing off, feeling a bit awkward.

As I did I brought up my status just because I was curious if killing those goblins had brought me more points and if all my other actions had.


[General Information]

Name: David Law

Race: Human

Age: 21

Gender: Male

H-Tickets: 1

P-Tickets: 1



Supa-Supa no Mi(Devil Fruit)[One Piece](+)


[System Skills]


[Dimension Status]

Type: World

Owner: David Law

Manipulation Type: Will

C-Points: 47



Erza Scarlet(Fairy Tail)(+)


I almost tripped over my pants when I saw that I had two new tickers. Had killing the goblins really given new tickets, or had been something I'd done with Julia, or even perhaps it was for reaching the capital. Whatever it was, I sure as hell wasn't about to complain. This was more than I could have hoped for this soon.

Using my h-ticket now would raise a few questions so I'd use that later, but I didn't really see a point in waiting to use my p-ticket, so with a bit of focus, I thought about using the new ticket,


1 P-Ticket used.

Prize: Super Solider Biology(Captain America)[MCU]


This time the feeling of change was far greater as my body seemed to contort and shift around. My limbs lengthened and muscles appeared when none had been before. I felt a few minor shifts in my face and somehow knew that my features had changed slightly. When all was said and done, I stood much taller and larger than before. I had been around five foot eight before with little to no muscle, but now? Now I stood easily over six foot two and with the body of an adonis. Holy hell, I was ripped, and my arms. I'd always imagined what it would feel like to actually have muscles. I felt far more powerful, far stronger.

I finally focused on the screen that had popped up and understood what had happened. I'd essentially become a super-soldier. I'd watched all of the MCU movies and if I could now do what Captain America did then my chances of survival just went up, although how exactly was I going to explain this to Julia or the maids.

Magic? I'd have to go with that. I could already turn my body into blades so perhaps saying I could change my body into another form wouldn't be too odd?

"What's taking so long…"

The blonde maid peaked her head in through the door, but her words trailed off and she froze as her gaze moved up and down my body.

'What the…"

"Magic," I blurted out. "What you saw before was just a form I use to hide and attract less attention."

The blonde nodded but never took her eyes off my chest. "I see, well, I do hope you'll stay in this form. Now get that off and come in."

"Wait my underwear?" I asked.

She looked at me as if I was stupid. "Yes, we said everything, now hurry."

With that said she moved her head out of the room. Was she serious? I mean, I knew this was another world, but I didn't think they meant all my clothes, then again what did i have to be ashamed about. My body was now that of super-soldier, and I wasn't ashamed of what I was packing downstairs, although a blush did creep over me at the sight of being ogled, I needed to get over that. I wasn't the same old David, not anymore.

I took a deep breath then tugged my underwear down before I headed towards the door and what I assumed was the bathing room.