Chapter 3 - A Night Out


I pull up to my mansion and kill the Audi. I sit in my car contemplating my decision for tonight. On one hand I can sit at home and relax from this horribly busy week, or I can go out and let off some steam. I have yet to let Andrew know if I'm coming tonight. The internal struggle I'm having is killing me. My life has become monotonous since I shed that gold digger. I feel a bit like a robot. I eat, work, shower, sleep and repeat. And while I should be grateful to be rid of her, I have yet to get back to normal.

Whatever that may be….

I stroll into the house, greet the help and decide to drop my stuff off in the study before grabbing something to eat. Henry, my butler, meets me in the hall and informs me dinner is ready and my mom has asked me to call her about the gala she is hosting in a couple weeks.

My mom means well but I know what this is. She hosts these "Galas" under the pretense of charity but it's just an elaborate match making ceremony where she is hell bent on finding me a bride. I love her to death, but she drives me crazy sometimes.

"Tell her I will figure out a time to meet with her if she calls again" I respond to Henry.

I'm over Courtney but I haven't shown interest in dating because honestly, I'm just over the whole dating scene. Every woman I have met is the same and just wants to use me in one way or another for their self-betterment. I would rather throw myself into work. At least with work, I'm getting something in return.

I stroll down the marble staircase to the dining room. I am greeted by Alice, my housekeeper. Alice is an older lady that has been with me since I was at my parents' house. She actually started with me as a nanny when I was a baby and my parents thought it would be good for her to switch over to staff at my new house when I moved out. I must admit, she does take care of me just like a mother would. I finish dinner and head upstairs to shower. But not before my phone dings.

Andrew: Hey man! We on or what?

Cole: 😑

Andrew: Come on dude. I got the VIP reserved and I'll buy drinks 😉

Cole: Alright. Give me 30 to get ready.

I guess we are going to see how much trouble we can get into tonight. With Andrew, it's always interesting for sure. If nothing else, I can spend all his money on some drinks & unload some of this pinned up frustration on some poor, unsuspecting soul.



Job hunting has never been more exhausting. I spent all afternoon downtown dropping off resumes. I went to the interview at this fancy firm downtown and it went well. But I was always taught to never count my eggs before they are all in the basket.

My feet are killing me, I'm tired and hungry as I pull up to the apartment. I don't know why I thought these heels were a good idea in downtown. There is absolutely no parking without having to pay an arm and a leg. I spent hours walking. I want nothing more than to just chill. I'm thinking about ordering some pizza, putting on my best fuzzy pjs and settling into some chick flicks. I'm starting to live vicariously through the Hallmark channel.

Sad, I know…

I step into the apartment, drop my purse & keys on the entry table and head straight for the fridge. I need a drink. As I step into the kitchen, I see Ang staring at her phone.

"Why hello gorgeous" she coos as she looks up at me.

I can't help but smile at her and offer "Hello my bestest friend". She already has a mango margarita setting on the counter for me.

No matter what is going on in life, Ang has my back and always has a way to make me smile. She truly has been my rock through everything.

She turns to me and deadpans "Soooooo…How was the job hunting?"

I reply with the only appropriate answer I can give "It was exhausting but ok. I think the interview with the firm downtown went well". I shuffle to the table before finishing "But they said they would get back to me if the position was a fit".

"Well, I'm sure they will see just how amazing you are just like I do" she smiles. "And they'll be begging you to work there".

I take a large gulp of my margarita before responding "I sure hope so. That place was amazing". It would truly be a dream come true to work there.

Ang studies me for a beat before responding "Let's go out tonight! It will be like a pre celebration for your new job and I'm buying!"

The job I don't have yet you mean.

She's like a schoolgirl as she squeals "I know this posh club called Club Liquid. It's where everybody who is anybody hangs out".

I can't help but roll my eyes. Ang is the party girl. She loves dancing and drinking. And while I like to have fun too, I'm seriously exhausted.

"Can't we just order pizza and hang out here?" I murmur.

"Piper! You have been holed up in this apartment for months. When are you going to let yourself have some fun?"

Maybe she is right. Maybe I need to get a little crazy and allow myself to feel again. Maybe just maybe, I can start to be myself again.

"Ok, fine. Let's burn this town down" I respond. I can't help the mischievous smirk that graces my face. I've been feeling like a badass all day, starting with this outfit this morning. Sadly, I'm changing though. Those shoes are the devil.

I stand up to head to my room before telling her "Give me about 30 minutes to get ready".

She stands to follow me while yelling "Bish, I'm about to help you pick out a smoking hot dress for tonight. We are getting wild".

I can't help but laugh at her.

Wait, define wild…