Chapter 8 - Walk of Shame


I wake up to the pleasant smell of fruit. It takes me a minute to process what is going on. I groan from the headache pounding in my head and go to move, realizing that I have a goddess lying next to me, legs tangled in the sheets, her dark hair splayed out across the pillow and her tiny hand brushing my chest. She is so breathtakingly beautiful…

I was toasted last night but I still remember every little moan and scream she made. They way her body writhed underneath me, and her hips were all to eager to meet my thrusts. I feel something coming to life in me again at the very thought of it. The way she looked at me as she came undone with my cock filling her. Just thinking about it has me hard again.

I don't think I have ever slept that peaceful in my life either.

What is wrong with me?

I either, A. wore myself out last night fucking her senseless or B. I didn't realize how lonely I actually am. I'm going to opt for A. I don't need a woman to complete me, or whatever that romantic bullshit is everyone tries to sell. I decide to check my emotions and get up before she wakes.

That will make this whole thing less awkward.

I carefully move my hand from out under her and slide out of bed. I head to the closet and grab some clean clothes before springing for the bathroom. I'm in stealth mode, trying to keep from waking her. While I've told myself I don't have any feelings here, something feels different in me. I NEVER did sleep overs and if I had one try to hang around, I would just wake them up and kick them out after our rendezvous. Andrew and I call them stragglers. I chuckle at the thought.

I shoot Henry a message then turn on the water and strip down before stepping in. The steam feels the bathroom and I actually groan as I step into the shower and the hot water sprays me. It feels so good, and my body is so sore. I feel like I ran a marathon last night. Who knew I would be that out of practice? But then again, I didn't hear her complaining last night I laugh.

I finish washing and step out of the shower before heading to the counter to grab my clothes. I picked out some sweats to lounge in since it's Saturday. I don't need to worry about getting dressed. I step out of the bathroom. She must have woken up while I was showering because she isn't in the bed anymore. Part of me feels sad at her absence. What the hell is wrong with me?

My phone dings, waking me from my thoughts. It's my dad. He is still breathing down my neck about the Vandpool Holdings contract. I head down to my study to call Andrew. I need to find out if he got the spot filled for the marketing department. I am in dire need of closing this project in the next couple of weeks.

I walk into my office and no more sit down and get logged onto my desktop when there is a knock on the door.

"Come in" I bark.

Henry walks in, walking just before my desk "I'm sorry for bothering you sir. I did as you asked and sent the young lady with Mac this morning" he softly says. "Mac assured me he would get her home safely".

"Thank you for all your hard work, Henry," I respond.

"If there will be nothing else, I will take my leave sir" he smiles.

I send him away while I get to work. I need to have a video meeting with Andrew before I can update my dad and the shareholders with my timeline for closing. I dial up Andrew and he answers on the first ring. "Hey man, Mac just dropped me off at my house. What's up?".

I enter full on business mode before responding "I need to know the status of the new hire?".

Andrew chuckles "Dude, relax. I called the director this morning and they said they sent her an offer letter which she hurriedly accepted. The deal is done. She starts Monday".

I relax a bit "Good. Thank you, Andrew". I'm so glad to have some help on this project. This will make my life so much easier. I am second guessing myself as to whether I should have left this in the hands of the marketing department instead of trying to do it myself.



I'm pulled from my sleep as the warmth leaves me. But I can't bring myself to open my eyes. I'm sooo tired and my whole body is sore. Last night was mind blowing and I don't think I have ever felt this good regardless of how dirty I should feel. I smirk as I remember his face. He is so gorgeous it should be a sin. I have never done anything like this before but something about this guy just feels so right. I don't think I could have put the brakes on it even if I wanted too.

I slowly open my eyes and adjust to the light filtering in from the floor to ceiling windows. The room is massive, the size of my whole apartment. The king size bed is spacious and probably the plushest thing I have ever laid on before. I hear some noise from the right and glance over. Shit, he's in the shower. I grab the sheets and wrap them around me before stumbling out of the bed in search of my clothes. I find my dress and bra first but damn it if my panties didn't pull a Houdini on me. I opt to just leave them and pray one of his maids doesn't find them.

I slip my clothes on before grabbing my shoes. Should I leave him a note thanking him? Ugh…that makes it sound like I'm a prostitute. Maybe a call me? No, that just complicates things and we both know what this was. A night full of passion to let off some steam. Sounds much better than one night stand, right?

I glance at the bathroom door before making my way down the hall. Dang, this is what people mean when they say walk of shame huh? While I definitely don't regret letting Mr. Hottie take me to pound town, I hope no one sees me. I peek down the stairs and don't see anyone. I scurry down the stairs and damn it if Henry doesn't pop out of thin air. "Good morning, madam" he beams.

"Hi" I squeak.

"Master asked me to have the driver escort you home safely" he smiles.

I feel horrible. They all know what we did. How embarrassing. "That would be great, thank you sir" I reply before he ushers me to the door where the same limo & driver are waiting. "Good morning, madam" the drivers says as he opens the door for me. I smile back at him "Good morning" as I slide into the car and lay my head back on the seat. The people here are so friendly. The driver responds "Call me Mac. Where to ma'am?".

Oh yes, I need to tell him where I live. I give him the address and then stare out the window enjoying the views. As we pull away from the mansion, a small tinge of sadness envelopes me at the thought of never being able to see him again. What the hell is wrong with me?

The drive passes quickly, and we pull up to the apartment. I hop out and offer the driver a thank you before turning to bound up the stairs to the apartment. The driver is still sitting there. I must have a confused look on my face, but my thoughts are interrupted when I hear Ang "bye lover" before hottie's friend comes rolling by me. Ohhhh….

I guess I was right about Ang's plans last night. I chuckle as I turn to meet her on the landing. She is standing there waving to hottie 2.0 as he enters the waiting limo. Our neighbors are probably wondering what kind of crap we are up to. Guys leaving the house at all hours and now a limo parked out front.

She squeals "Girl, you have to tell me everything!". I don't even have time to respond as she is pulling me into the apartment.

We spend the better part of the afternoon rehashing our evenings and exchanging dirty little details. I have to say, our night out was a success. We both let loose, blew off some steam and got some piping hot sex.

I excuse myself with the pretense of a shower, but I also need to check my emails. I got an offer letter earlier from one of the firms downtown I interviewed with, and I need to respond.