She felt like melting after hearing this, but no! she wouldn't give up for anything on earth, absolutely nothing at all.
"Chelsea? come on, let's brush why I just said aside, besides, remember we had a topic to talk about? of are you suddenly disinterested to talk about it? I promise it will be fun, trust me," she said sweetly.
Hearing this, Chelsea's hands was weak, giving Jaxtyn an upper hand to release them and liberate her face. It was pleasant, quite a great adventure, to unveil her face.
Even though that was done, that was it, she didn't want to open her eyes to face the young man, and unfortunately for her, Jaxtyn is not the one to give up on the people or things he loves and wants to achieve it, so, aeeing her as that target, he decided to brace his mind around the easiest thing he could do to make her open her eyes.
Gently, he bowed her head to meet her lips.