lingo notes:
Evet = Yes (in Turkish)
Tabii =Of course (in Turkish)
....few days later.... early morning...
A girl with long Ash blonde hair and a familiar face arrived to town few days ago like a two days after Sultana nearly shoot Ivan to death. to my surprise, the mysteriously familiar looking girl was Agent Yildiz .
I wasn't sure why she seemed oddly familiar, was it just her face because she resembled Sultana or was it that I actually knew her beforehand, it was obvious she didn't recognize me in anyway.
her porcelain skin, thick eyebrows and big light blue eyes, without a doubt I could easily tell that's Yildiz, Sultana's older sister and a fellow Human hybrid zombie, she was the agent helping us out few days ago through the phone.
I was surprised she wasn't a hijabi like her sister though, and I feared asking her why, more like felt like it's none of my business to ask such a thing anyways, who am I to judge?
Yildiz came to attend the wedding and to help her sister move from this town back to the office after the wedding ends.
She also brought with her a White dress for Sultana that she made herself.
" You look like a princess!!" The twins screamed in awe as Sultana twirled in delight to show off her new stunning white dress, Tamika and Nikita were all jumpy about the party tomorrow and haven't left Sultana's side the whole morning.
" I can't believe I'm wearing a dress! a white one too! it's been so long since I felt this pretty, omg how I missed such feeling!" Sultana Spoke giggling, her face radiated happiness enough to get a whole town Smiling, she has every reason to be as tomorrow is Sultana and Omar's wedding day.
Yildiz on the other hand wasn't so happy and smiley, well she wasn't grumpy either but ever since she came here, Yildiz kept saying that there was a bad feeling about this whole thing despite how much she said that liked Omar and saw him to be fitting for her younger sister,
so it wasn't Omar that bothered her, Yildiz Sultana and myself are the only three currently aware that Ivan is also an agent for the hybrid Blood agency, this knowledge weights heavy on our shoulders.
When she saw him for the first time as she came to this town few days ago, Yildiz's first impression of Ivan was absolutely terrible as Sultana has already told her how horrible Ivan was to her during her stay here in the town.
It was officially official by Sultana and her sister that Ivan was banned from attending the wedding that was supposed to be held tomorrow's night in the town square.
in fact Ivan was ordered by everyone even people in town to remain in the tree house all the ceremony, turns out Mickey might be the only person who actually tolerated the old man.
The grumble grey old man agreed to the verdict, he promised he'd stay out of the wedding saying that he doesn't care about it anyway and he was planning on patrolling by himself tomorrow's night anyway since everyone is going to be busy celebrating.
Ivan not attending definitely lifted Sultana's spirit, she was busy right now perfecting her looks for tomorrow at her uncle's house, the twin girls were as excited as her as the were also busy picking something to wear, apparently Yildiz brought so many stuff from the city, jewelry, dresses and even perfume.
She said these were mostly gifts from their colleagues back at the agency since they couldn't attend the wedding themselves, Yildiz said everyone was Hella excited as well as it's been a long while since a happy occasion like this has occurred to anyone in the agency.
Since relationships are kind of hard to maintain in an apocalyptic time, Yildiz herself expressed that she was deep down so jealous but so delighted at the same time her baby sister was getting married to someone whom she loves and loves her back.
Yildiz, she had a lover back in the days when the apocalypse started whom she had to kill herself when he turned into a Zombie, and ever since the incident, she never recovered and never loved anyone else again.
" Sultana looks stunning in that dress, Her and Omar are going to be the talk of the town tomorrow." I quietly spoke to myself,
"why not be the talk of town as well?, you're a catch yourself! Any special plans for the future (Y/N)? does this heart belongs somewhere or is it lonely like mine?" Yildiz asked me winking,
I chuckled "Single and not sure if I'm ready to mingle, honestly relationships are a hazard to maintain!" I replied to her,
she smiled nodding at me " Evet, Evet
(Y/N)...real hazard." the Ash blonde girl replied to me in a sad tone, I could swear I saw her blue eyes sparkling a little.
i decided to not persuade this conversation any further, it was obvious that Yildiz shared a similar Tragic past as someone like Mickey, both lost their significant other during the apocalypse while Omar and Sultana got to fall in love and be together soon.
Although neither of Mickey nor Yildiz seem to be hateful or dangerously envious of the two love birds for having what they couldn't, Their sadness flashed across Their faces from time to time, especially today.
Envy even if not dangerous, still does exist.
Removing myself from the room and eventually the entire house, I decided to check on the groom, Omar was in his own house at the moment, Yes I was inside the town, I figured if I wore my face mask I won't bring attention to my identity and it worked so far, it seems no one suspects anything weird when they see someone with a mask because it turns out I'm not the only one wearing masks inside the town.
Mickey had previously explained to the townspeople who questioned my presence that I was a friend passing by for a little while, a visitor from another town, he added that I was one of the people who helped bringing down the Zombies boss that attacked them days ago without telling them I was an HHZ of course.
The town people were delighted to know i particularly the stranger, helped saving them from the monster that they offered me to stay for free in town.
free of charge for the next days, kind enough they were offering me food, shelter and company as everyone wanted to know more about me but I kindly refused the sweet offer, I was comfortable staying in the tree house and I felt like a danger if I stayed more than I should within the walls of this humble town.
it was for the best of everyone,
making it to the small house that Omar occupied, I noticed Ivan at the front door smoking.
" I don't know where you got the nerves to be standing here but I'll tell you much old hag, smoking is gonna kill you someday." I uttered those words pointing at the cigarette in Ivan's head.
a cloud of smoke escaped his mouth as he opened it " I'm fucking old, it's not like I have something else to live for." he replied flatly taking another whiff of his cigarette.
" Old Fucking habits die old Fucking hard for ya Grumps, I can't believe you got yourself kicked out of tomorrow's party?!" I said squinting my eyes in disappointment.
"Like I give two fucks about two idiots getting married, wedding are cursed, ceremonies where people celebrate an eternal suffering of having to tolerate someone else and share your bed with them." Replied An pissed off Ivan, despite his glares he pulled out his cigarettes pack,
" wow! somebody here got some commitment issues?! well listen old fart, I'm sick of your behavior, I didn't come for you anyways... where's Omar?" I said,
" upstairs, there's a room with a cartoon poster on the door, he's trying clothes or something idk, he's pretty the fashionista when he wants to be." Ivan replied offering me a smoke, I refused it and headed towards the room he mentioned and sure enough I found the door with a superheroes poster on the door.
I knocked two times, and the door was quickly open by Mickey who was dressed in a neat suit,
" if it's Ivan tell him to GTFO, I don't want him near my house, he already polluted the air with his constant smoking!" a voice from inside the room went, it was Omar mistaking the knocks to be from Ivan.
" nope it's (Y/N) this time!" Mickey cheerfully replied,
"is he decent? can I come in? I can come back later if it's not a good time?" I said,
" I'm not naked no, come in I need a second opinion since Mickey here is telling me I look good in this suit, and I don't believe himself cuz he's my bro." Omar Said from inside the room inviting in,
I whistled as soon as my eyes laid on a handsomely dressed up Omar, " now hang on a minute! Mickey definitely lied to your ass! you don't just look good Omar! you look Sexy my guy, I'm sorry I'm being honest here! I'm panicking a little, Sultana's taste in men is truly elevated!" I said,
" I told you dammit! see even (Y/N) Agrees, dude you look so good I wanna kidnap you tomorrow from your own wedding and run away!" Mickey spoke instantly after hearing my opinion, he must've realized how funny he sounded when his eyes widened and his cheeks suddenly turned red.
Omar bursted laughing at him "ahahaha I'm flattered bestie but my heart will always belong to my Girl Sultana!"
"Dude that's not what I meant! I mean ugh damn sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Mickey replied apologetically, I came to realize that Mickey swings the bat at all directions, and he's quite the accidentally flirt as well.
" you'll never make me feel uncomfortable! don't say stuff like that!" Omar said chuckling,
"Mick, Dude you're helpless!" I said, I found myself snickering at how awkward Mickey was,
" c'mon (Y/N) don't laugh at my misery!" Mickey dramatically replied pouting his lips.
" you look good btw too Mickey" I spoke complimenting the short brown haired man,
He smiled in response but didn't say anything,
it seems that romance is everyone's biggest concern at the moment, funny how these people managed to cope and live on with the apocalypse,
well it's been years since the tragedy, I guess time heals a little wounds too.
" since I made sure both Bride and Groom look hot af, I'm gonna head outside." I stated taking my leave, the boys said their goodbyes to me and I found myself again in the town square, Ivan wasn't at the front door this town when I got out.
instead it was another old chubby and kind looking man walking with a wooden cane in hand, his pair of glasses rested loosely on the bridge of his nose, seeing those fierce Light blue eyes I quickly assumed he was Sultana's Uncle, and my assumption was correct.
the man introduce himself as Mustafa, the old man was quite gentle speaking with me.
" Child, Sultana keeps speaking fondly of you! I must congratulate you for that, my niece hardly ever takes a likening to anyone this quick!" the Aging Mustafa said smiling slightly.
old people are sometimes as cute as children, " Oh Sultana is such a sweetheart, I can't express how happy I am for her at the moment! I hope you have no issues with me attending tomorrow uncle?" I replied smiling back the old man,
he Giggled like any old man would do, " tabii! my child you're welcome of course! the more the merrier, except for that lost cause Ivan." he replied smiling as always.
" do you need my assistance in anything? in case you're searching for Omar he's in house, currently in his room changing." I said as I noticed that the old man was originally walking towards Omar's house when he stopped to talk with me,
the old man shook his head with a no, " I'm fine child, thank you" Mustafa replied, he waved me a goodbye and walked back into his business.
today, yesterday and the past few days have been so calm, so peaceful that the words of Yildiz about her bad feeling, kept creeping inside my head.
surely nothing bad is going to happen, what a cliche that would be, the calm before the storm.
....few hours later....late afternoon...
"hello! have you seen Ivan?" a voice came behind me, turning around I found it to be A little girl,
Not going to lie it confused the hell out of me when this little girl asked me where Ivan was.
"oh and what could you have to do with Grandpa Ivan little Angel?" I asked her back.
the little girl smiled showing the gap between her front teeth, "he promised he'll bring me flowers, pretty lots of flowers so we can make a crown for my mommy together!" the little girl replied.
flowers? a flower crown?! that doesn't sound like Ivan at all,
"Julie Julie? where Are you? " a woman's concerned voice was calling, seeing the little girl's reaction, it must've been her mom calling out for her.
I had to gently explain it to the little girl that I have no idea where Ivan could be, I decided to lead her to her mother and soon enough we found a distressed red head woman looking left and right for her little girl.
"oh thank God! I thought she left the town's walls! and she's done it so many times looking for flowers, it's driving me insane!" the woman instantly said as she pick her child from my arms "thank you for bringing my child to me, it is incredibly hard to raise a child by myself, I'm Amy btw! Amy Bow"
"absolutely no problem happy to help Miss Bow I'm (Y/N), just a small question though... does your daughter hang out with that Guy Ivan? she mentioned that they were supposed to make flower crowns together something like that? I mean I'm not saying anything it's just kind of weird for an old man to be hanging around with a child that isn't quite their grandchild." I asked Amy, little Julie looked at me confused in her mother's arms.
"there's is no denial that Ivan made quite the bad reputation for himself due to his mood swings and not quite sure how to put this... attitude maybe? but the old man has a kind soul to children, just like you did right now. I saw it first hand, one day Julie went on her own in the forest and it was Ivan who brought her back to me and ever since he's been bringing her flowers so she can make crowns and bracelets, Julie likes making jewelry out of flowers." Amy replied smiling,
wow, Ivan is actually this nice?
taking a deep breath, Amy continued "I feel really bad for him as the youngsters around don't like him a lot and even the elderly as well, only that boy whom run things around here, That young man Mickey who seems to be on good terms with Ivan other than myself and my little Julie here."
"you said it yourself, Ivan's attitude towards other people didn't do him any good, even when everybody knows how tragic is his past, they can barely tolerate him, and I can't entirely blame them for it." I said commenting on her statement,
Amy narrowed her eyes a little before she took another breath, "still I cannot believe everyone in town agreed to kick him out of tomorrow's wedding, I understand his conflict with the bride and groom is a serious one but kicking him entirely out of the town for a whole day?! that is a bit too far!"
nodded a little, I answered her "indeed Amy but like I said Ivan did no good for himself, I don't know how he can be kind to you and your little girl here but it is surely not the case with other people."
"nevertheless, he still has access to the treehouse! Ivan should be able to watch the town square from there, where the party should be going, I hope he can watch is the wedding from there, maybe it shall warm his heart a little." Amy said making me stop for a minute,
coming to think of it the treehouse is actually high enough for him to watch over the town's walls, maybe that's why Ivan wasn't so upset about being kicked out, one of the treehouse Windows does face or at least you can see the Town square from it and there's even binoculars too he can use, just like Amy said he should be capable of watching the whole thing.
" interesting, well anyways I have to be going right now but if I found Ivan I'll let him know that little Julie is looking for him." I said smiling at the infant girl now somehow napping in her mother's arms.
" Thank you sugar, I appreciate it and thanks again for finding my Julie!" Amy replied smiling, she turned around leaving to her business and so did I.
somehow the weird feeling I had since this morning kept growing and growing, the weird feeling felt more worse by the minute.
however my goal now was to find Ivan and tell him that the redhead lady and her daughter were looking for him, well it's not exactly my goal I'm just bored.
learning that Ivan can be a nice person, has not entirely made me change my mind about him, but you have to argue that if the town's grumpiest man is appreciated by a single mother and her adorable child will make anyone think that maybe he has some good in him,
....few minutes later....
as if the ground engulfed him somehow there was no sight for Ivan in the town, so naturally I hit the outside, I decided to go straight to the tree house once again, if there's anywhere Ivan could be it could be that place.
sure enough that he was, as I climbed up all the way inside tree house I found I Ivan looking at the window I suspected to be facing the Town square, zoned out and deep in thought he didn't even notice me.
there was a look on the old man's face that I couldn't recognize, somehow it made me pity him.
" flower crowns huh? add that to the list of the cutest shit I heard today, didn't take you for that kind of guy!" I said bringing A lost Ivan back to reality, he was unexceptionally unhappy to see me as his face molded into an angry expression.
" geez chill mate, seriously if looks can kill I have been dead a long time ago probably the day I met you, I just came here as a messenger of peace from a little birdie called Julie?" I stated, Ivan's expression suddenly dropped to a softer one....
....chapter end.....