"There. Good as new. I should go on my way then. Leader is waiting for me." Upon further inspecting the crack, Ciel made the decision to continue on, as it would seem like it would hold, for now at least.
"Still, while these things do double as my goggles, I'm still worried about one thing... I hope it doesn't happen right now. Without my goggles, I'm just your average pilot."
Ciel was fast approaching the cockpit. Inside, there were Karman who had barricaded the door with the nearby furniture.
They were armed to the teeth, and were taking cover directly behind a makeshift barricade that they had created.
Finally reaching the door to the cockpit, Ciel pressed his thumb to scan himself in the sensor, but was surprised to find that the system did not recognize his fingerprint.
"That's weird. The A.I's never malfunctioned before. Hmm..." Ciel began brainstorming of other ways to bust the door open.
"What are the chances of me being able to break this thing down, anyway? It's made of Adamantium." Ciel once again scanned his finger on the sensor, yet the results were still the same. Unidenfiable profile.
"Did the higher ups already figure out about my betrayal? I knew word went around fast, but I didn't think they'd know THIS fast." Ciel sighed as he kept on trying.
"Well, at least you still work." He tapped the rim of his goggles, the Fluminum inside shifting slightly. Perhaps the A.I ran on a different program than the main one.
Suddenly, Ciel heard the sound of footsteps down the hallway. This was bad. If he was caught in his defenseless state, he would be killed.
"Dammit. I hope there isn't a lot." Ciel groaned as he bust open a nearby room's door and rushed inside. Oddly enough this one didn't have a fingerprint sensor.
Inside, there were multiple see-through lockers, many filled to the brim with weaponry.
"Well, look what we have here. I stumbled into the armory! Haha, come to daddy!" Ciel said in excitement as he rushed over to open the lockers... and... they're fingerprint activated.
"Dammit." He once again tried his finger. Didn't work, so Ciel thought of a plan to get it to work.
"Ksjsh yaiay gaga uash, washs gaisv iabnnab oaba bash!" (Keep your guards up, we've got invaders on board!)
The footsteps that Ciel had heard earlier belonged to this group of Karman. Numbering four, they swiftly moved through the halls as they began to check every corner for the invaders.
"Thshs onghd teow ofnsb thwn, rigb? Thwnsb wahss arre wnaj tkas ixx slai?" (There's only two of them, right? Then why are we taking it slow?)
"Yaisb idsjs. Thwuab ma gx uwer. Onsd spw anx wea bekss gonaaa." (You idiot. They're magic users. One spell and we'll be gone.)
"Aab, Iaa gauaa yoh riah. Bhss I dai hww tah oee ofss thes waw a beehs." (Ah, I guess your right. But I did here that one of them was a brother.)
Each Karman called their kind brothers and sisters. Possibly a way for them to relate to each other.
"Whahs yiu hss thax fra? Ndg wfue oen ods ore bris os sirr woxu jasis tshab willsidb." (Where'd you here that from? No way one of our brothers or sisters would join them willingly.)
"Yssys proabdb rias. Axuws, leusbe spaud uas. Tad coad mee grsi." (You're probably right. Anyway, let's split up. To cover more ground.)
"Aire. Sesa yass at the ciwbs." (Alright. See you at the cockpit.)
Just close by, Ciel was listening in on the whole conversation.
"Now's my chance. They've split up, and I should be able to take one down at least." Ciel peeked at the crack in the door, and after seeing no one in the hallway, he eagerly pushed it open, only to find the two Karman standing right in front of him, their guns pointed to his face.
"Whaus! Yadid wadrw riajef, brair! Thdaq readl wadq ada sttska hfw!" (Whoa! You were right, brother! There really was a straggler here!)
"Aadadaa aADA DWDAQAS nodad dada." (And a DESERTER no doubt.)
Both Karman raised their laser rifles at Ciel, who raised his hands up high.
'I didn't think that they'd actually be waiting for me at the door. Fuck.' Ciel cursed inwardly.
"Whs ddkmdam wea lawa djw oe aaefm, bria? I'adadad onaddada ofaaqd yada." (Why don't we lay down our arms, brothers? I'm one of you.)
Just as Ciel was saying this, he placed his hands behind his neck, and tapped the back of his goggles. The Fluminum inside moved.
"Well, sucks for you two." Ciel winced as he leaned back, the Fluminum in his goggles bursting out and covering the eyes of the two Karman?, blinding them.
A momentary blindness, it would've been. The two Karman struggled, using throwing away their weaponry and using their fingers to rip the liquid stuck on their faces in panic.
It took only a few seconds for the A.I in the Fluminum to iniatiate the process of switching forms of matter, and by the time Ciel had seized their laser rifles, the liquid had already dried off, turning to solid, and most likely permanently blinding them.
The two Karman kept on scratching at their eyes, hoping to remove the sticky liquid. Alas, there could not feel the slippery structure of the Fluminum anymore. It had now turned as hard as concrete.
Choosing to put them out of their misery, Ciel took the rifle in his hand, and fired a few shots to their vital parts. One shot was not enough, their bodies easily surviving the hot beams, despite getting shot directly through their brains.
Once Ciel had confirmed that there was no more movement from the two, he slung the rifle behind his back, and moved on.
"Oh wait, I wonder if theirs works... Ahh, but it's going to be to much of a hassle. Fine." Ciel groaned as he grabbed one of the deceased Karman's arms, and dragged him towards the armory.
After a few minutes, Ciel came back, and proceeded to drag the other Karman's body.
Back at the armory, Ciel was standing in front of one locker, the two bodies behind him.
"Hopefully they work..." He took one Karman's arm, and pressed its thumb onto the sensor.
"Yes! Let's goooooo!" Ciel screamed in surprise. He expected at least one of them to not work.
The locker opened automatically, and peering inside, Ciel took out a laser pocket knife.
Trying his luck on the other lockers, Ciel was surprised to find out they did not open, even when trying the other Karman's fingerprints.
"Eh, better than nothing." Ciel muttered as he placed the knife into his pocket, and slung his rifle over his back.
"I should head to the cockpit now. Or maybe wait for the other two."