His wet hair dripped from his face as he opened the door slowly.I had wondered why in the middle of whatever we were doing he shot up and went to go take a shower.Maybe he was nervous,shy.I mean I was too.
"Carvis?Oh no!"I got out of his bed and took the towel out of his hands in front of him hiding his chest.I took it and started drying his hair.My silk nightgown reached at my thighs while my hands reached up and tugged on his hair over the towel.
"You'll catch a cold up here,even with how warm it is."I quivered as my hands let go of his hair and dropped placed his towel on his chair at his desk next the window.
"Olivia,where are you sleeping?"He stuttered softly while pink surrounded his cheeks.
" I can sleep on the ground or the couch In the living room."I smiled while brushing my wavy hair behind my ear.
"I know it's weird but,"He stuttered again.
"Can you sleep with me!" Carvis exclaimed quietly while rushing over to me and grasping my arms by my side.
"Ahah,that sounded wrong,I mean,It gets really cold in here at night even if the heater is on."His quirky face drowned in a depressed frown.
"Well,you aren't wrong because of the broken window."I exclaimed while jumping In the covers on his bed.His body dropped beside me patting next to me with a happy tired smile.He jumped into the covers wearing his blue jeans.
"Are you comfortable with wearing that?"I quietly suggested.
"Yes,but anything for a lady."I snickered while he said that joke.I rolled over towards the wall and brought my knees up to my chest hugging them.
Carvis lowered my legs back down trying to hug me so gently my silk nightgown will roll back down.Tickeling my bare stomach I pushed Carvis away laughing hard.Rolling over towards the left staring at Carvis back while he was rolling over made me even more sleepy.Zoning out I soon fell asleep.
I woke up right away as Carvis mother yelled and heard like she was throwing things.Waking up I had Carvis' Right arm and leg with me hugging onto them.He was warm and yet he was awake shivering.
"Carvis,what time is it?"I whispered slightly bending my body up out of bed.
"It's Saturday,about...8:23."He whispered back looking and twisting at his wrist.
Carvis got out of bed with his blue jeans still on and started picking out a shirt and another pair of pants.And I followed along,picking my clothes off of the ground,taking off my silk nightgown static ran off my hands and shocked me.
"Ooh!"I shocked myself."I groaned in my head.
"What's wrong?"Carvis looked over asking that question turning all the way around with a black T-shirt on.
Me standing there in my underwear with Carvis staring turned into utter silence but Julia yelled louder saying unknown sentences stomping up the stairs.I quickly put my dress back on with the buttons in the front,but the zipper in the back of the dress had to be zipped or I'm practically naked.
"Carvis!"I rushed over towards him and forced him to zip my zipper since I rarely wear this dress.The door creaked as I rushed over towards the bed to put my socks on.
"Are y'all two awake yet?!"Julia questioned peeking through the door.
Carvis fully dressed and me putting on my socks said "Yes Ms.Julia."she cocked her head and giggled"You best be home by then if you're wanting to go somewhere."My face crinkled into a confusing face.
Made this in honor of being gone!