After kissing me so seductively Carvis looked at me strangely.
"Olivia,do you really mean it?" His deep lovely voice asked
"Carvis,why would I joke?"after sputtering that I lept in kissing him and holding his head.
Spinning around in circles we just just kept kissing and touching it seemed like forever but I didn't want it to stop and be forgotten.
Sighing,Carvis was taking a breather from all that kissing.
"Olive,you'll have to miss school tomorrow."
"Ah,it's because I was throwing up.."Silence falls between us as Carvis brings the past along..
"Olive,what are you going to do if someone figures out your secrete?"
"I.. won't let them."I turned to Carvis all ready and dressed on the bed.
"Have you forgotten,I have powers?"a grin was punched into my face looking at Carvis.
"But,Olivia you can't control them."He sat down nicely dressed.
"Then I WILL control them" I feircly snapped back
"How?How are you going to take care of your powers?!"Carvis snapped back but whisperingly.
Then as the handsomely man stood up,he left the room.
Quiet.I sat there on the bed refreshed and clean as Carvis rushes back into the room.
"Olive,you better run!"
"Carvis..what are you talking about?"
The pounding on the door got louder.
"Wait,Carvis.That's not your mother!?"
My anxiety made me jump on the bed and open the window but before I could Carvis said th one thing that I could never do.
"Hey,Olive!Please be safe!"His body holding half the neighborhood off behind a door.I sent him off with a smile that I'd never given him before and jumped out the window and there I saw Oliver and Ms.Julia shocked and curious.Then Oliver came running after me.My skirt was flying in the wind as my church shoes slipped on the rocks and the wind was coursing through my lungs.Oliver was right behind me as he made me slip and fall on the rocky,slippery surface of gravel,Oliver pulled my arm,stopping me dead in my tracks.
"I didn't know you killed people,you freak!"His grip got tighter by the second.I tried shaking it off but Oliver awakened the whole neighborhood.I started crying full of fear and anger.
"I didn't kill anyone,YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!"my screams echoed throughout the neighborhood.
"What are you doing?Trying to persuade me with your 'powers' ?"Oliver laughed hard and loud enough to make the neighborhood start calling me names.I sat there Crying on the ground as people threw food at me,trash,rocks,anything.
Until Oliver pulled me up by a big strand of my hair,I pushed him,he fell on to a hand sized rock on his back.
"Please stop I didn't do anything!!"I screamed full of fear.A person in the crowd demanded as the others protested too.
"Where is your little sister,did you kill her too!??"
"We know you killed your family!"
"If you don't tell us we will find your sister for ourselves!!"
"Bitch,Slut,Whore,Pig,You just wanted to inheritate money!"
"If she has powers she could kill us,set the witch on fire!!"
"Kill her!"
"BURN her!"
"Kill her!"
"Kill her!"
The townspeople protested a little girl all sad and alone who was abused in the middle of town square.
"Stop it."I angryly fought back while getting back up
A middle aged man grabbed my arm and threw me down onto the stones again.
Then the white man woke me up again,I was sitting there in the whitest room buckled tightly to that leatherd wooden chair
"What did they say about your powers."
the man in a white suit asked me while my brain went dead.I looked to my left and saw an electric powered box,used in prison called as 'The Electric chair'.My mouth spoke.
"They didn't like me,and called me names."My child self answering.
"Yes,because that's what you get if you tell people your powers,people won't like you and won't be your friend anymore."The man in white took his cane frome the rack and opened the huge metallic door.Before waving good bye I stared at him like I were daydreaming.
"Mrs.DnVille,unplug her from the machine,and this time do it fucking correctly,last time you almost killed 55.8 of her braincells." A cigar was in his mouth as he stared at me until the door slowly closed.Then I turned to look at the lady she was different than the nice one.
"Ma'am,I had a question?"
"What is it kid?"She lit a cigarette and blew the smoke in my face as she coughed and wheezed I was immune to it my mother did it all the time.
"Who was that boy and why were the townspeople telling me that I killed someone?" Her face had turned away then looked at me as I asked that question.
"I don't know what the hell you're talking about kid, I don't see your fucking future."Her eyes were nervous looking everywhere I knew she was lying.
"Buuuut,I can ask the doctor and see what he thinks."she inhaled then exhaled her white smoke calmly.She removed the machine cables and took them off of my headset but didn't do it carefully or correctly.Then all I knew was I fell asleep and woke up in my mother's car with 2 stuffed animals.A rabbit with shorts (a boy ♂️) and a smaller rabbit but it had a dress (a girl♀️) that place had given me.My mother was in the backseat with me and the butlers upfront driving.My mother was interested in them so much she threw them out the window.
I woke up in the bedroom where Carvis' had left me and it ran a shiver down my spine I mean it twas the room where I had jumped out the window,too.
Then Carvis came in quickly holding the door knob tightly and the door off and there was slight banging.
oooOooOOhhH iM mEnTellY iLL 🤪