Chereads / Olivia's Notebook / Chapter 7 - Fight

Chapter 7 - Fight

Still resuming after "The First Memory"

Then I somehow managed to fall asleep for some reason.

I awoke in my bed(as a child)my stuffed animal teddy bear hugging my arm as I squeezed it tightly."I don't want to be home." I talked to myself.It was midnight,dark and scary."I don't want to be home" I resaid and replayed with my words and mouth.I saw the maids rooms then Ivy's room.Ivy was now a 1 year old still learning to walk,speak and sit up all by herself.But why don't I have any memories?Why am I only remembering this one?What is going on?"I don't want to be home,I don't want to be home, I don't want to be home, I don't want to be home!

Mr.Sprack shook my arm,"Olivia!"My eyes opened and fell straight up to Mr.Sparks angry face.He was holding the biggest ruler,not to teach with but to hit me with.The big,fat ruler hit the back of my head as the old man scurried away and sang"So you wanna stay here and learn or,want to go home and get in trouble?"At the chalkboard.Kids laughed aloud at the sound of my head getting thwacked with a big ruler.Elisa stared at me,concentrating on the back of my head,like others."You clutz,pay attention!"She giggled in the funniest way to then make me laugh.Mr.Sparks then yelled across the room for peace and quiet so I could answer."Stay here and learn."I yelled back."Then don't fall asleep in my classroom again!" he screamed with a smile.

I looked over to my left to look out the window,it was beutiful.The sky was light blue waving in white clouds that took shapes of many,i wanted to look down at the grass,but my head shifted another way towards Mr.Sparks.Carvis was staring at me with no emotion on his face at all,just staring.But I could tell that he was worried.At lunch yesterday Carvis "investigated me"and today his girlfriend Meradath came to "talk to me".

Hi,are you feeling well?

Y-yes thank you Meradath fo-


I-im sorry?What did I do wrong?Elisa looked at Meradath like she were going to kill her.Elisa and Carvis never got along but the got along if they were with me.Elisa warned Carvis about having a relationship with a toxic bitch can make a friends relationship messy and if she ever does anything to anyone Elisa that too would get messy.I waved at Elisa that it was ok,words can't hurt me.Meradath was a lunatic she always was cringey when her girl group asked her questions about what she always wanted to do.She would always say that she wanted to kill someone with her bare hands.


Calm down Meradath!Carvis and I just ate and talked because we are just friends,so calm down!

OH,shut up!You fucking skanky SLUT,you pleasured him with your own hands.Everyone started whispering and I stood up and stared at Meradath.

Why,are you doing this?Tears fell from my eyes,But gaseline started the fire in me.Meradath pushes people but shes pushing me too hard.

TOO STUNNED TO SPEAK BECAUSE ITS TRUE!!She laughed and screamed in the cafeteria.Everyone was laughing at me except Elisa and Carvis,that's it.Meradath walked over next to me and stroked my arm.My hands tightly shifted into a fist of anger. I wanted her dead already,she bullied everyone but none did whatsoever about it.

My brain did what I did to Ahbram,I thought to myself, STOP!!My face blood red from tears and anger had made me sick of being bullied by her.

What's wrong sweetheart?You got what you wanted right?Some alone time with MY BOYFRIEND!!

Her hand was reached into her skirt pocket and pulled out a knife,a pocket knife but bigger that that.She pulled back into the air and...

she froze

her face filled with terror filled everyone's faces with fear even Carvis' and Elisa's.

Now I had the knife.


Meradath didn't move as she stood there frozen backing up slowly trying to achieve getting away from me.

I stopped as I saw a teacher come in I dropped the life and slid it under the table with my foot.Meradath watched me do this with absolute horror.

The teacher came up to us.Oh my!Um Meradath..I think you have had an accident!Urine dripped all over her skirt,shoes and white socks.

"That's why we were talking Mrs.Chase,I had realized she had an accident and she was screaming at me because she thought I was making fun of her."

Mrs.Chase nodded at me,letting me go and dragging Meradath and her pee puddle along to the bathroom