Chereads / A Druid's journey / Chapter 2 - New horizons

Chapter 2 - New horizons

Bloomrich 61st

I didn't get much sleep last night, that's how excited I am! I don't even know what to expect. I wonder if Zaquan got a good night's sleep. It's about time for us to head out, get some breakfast and set out to Comerth.

Zaquan and I met up in the guild for some breakfast and set out to the south. I asked Zaquan what kind of city Comerth is. He said compared to Moghdun, Comerth is a respectable dump. Whatever that might mean. The people there aren't that friendly compared to Moghdun.

The road to Comerth was pretty calming, we walked past a couple of farms with big grain fields spreading as far as the eye can see. There wasn't much else of interest, a couple of trees scattered around the hilly plains. 

We were almost at the location of where the Goblin camp was spotted. I haven't seen a Goblin before so I wonder what they look like. I hoped that they were friendly but the bounty said that they were hostile so I'm pretty worried. 

We scouted the area a bit, looking for tracks and out of nowhere Zaquan got flung into the air hung up by his feet. It was a trap! Five Goblins jumped out of the bushes, small green skinned creatures with big pointy ears and big noses. I remembered what happened inside the big tree and readied my staff to shoot a bolt of fire at one of them but it didn't seem to work.

I figured the staff was broken so I gave it a couple of whacks, that didn't seem to fix the problem. I got mad and thrust my staff in the ground. I don't know what happened but I heard a loud bang and when I opened my eyes all of the goblins were on the ground looking a bit charred with smoke coming from their bodies.

Zaquan looked quite shocked at me, apparently when I thrust my staff in the ground five bolts of lightning shot down right out of the sky on the Goblins killing them instantly. According to him it was really awesome. Zaquan thought he knew a lot about lightning magic but he was never able to pull that off. 

I helped Zaquan get back on the ground again and left the Goblins lying on the floor. We continued to follow the tracks. Again, Nibbles was looking back a lot but when we both looked back there was no one there except for another squirrel. I laughed it off and continued on. 

It was getting pretty late so we decided to collect some fire wood and set up camp. We knew there were Goblins in the area so we took turns watching over and alerting each other if we saw one. I took the first watch so I could write this before I went to sleep. I didn't see any yet and in 3 hours we switch so I can sleep.

No Goblins yet, my watch is almost over. I will wake up Zaquan soon, hopefully we can get through this night unscathed. 

Bloomrich 62nd

Zaquan woke me up, I thought he saw a Goblin but luckily that wasn't the case. We had some breakfast and now we have to gather our stuff. Hopefully we can still find their tracks.

We found the Goblin camp pretty easily, we hid in the bushes to make a plan. Zaquan would go in and start blasting them with thunder bolts. Then I would come in as a bear and finish off any runners. 

I didn't know if I could pull it off, I have only done it once before and that was not even my own doing! I had to focus. Have a clear picture in my head of the bear. There I felt it again, the weird sensation in my bones. During my transformation Zaquan set the plan in action and went into the camp. 

I soon followed and took care of the spear Goblins whilst Zaquan focused on the archers. It went pretty smoothly. After the battle I quickly turned back into myself using the same steps I used for turning into a bear. 

For some weird reason they had a couple of cannons in their camp. We looked around if there were any more Goblins remaining.

The camp was also partially set in a cave, there weren't any Goblins here but there was quite a lot of stuff there. A couple sets of small wings, maybe they were used for the cannons. But also small rusty swords, gold pouches stolen from travelers, rotting food. A small Goblin hoard. 

We took the pouches which totalled 35 silver pieces and 27 copper pieces. Which we split amongst our selves. We left the cave and right in the middle of the camp we saw him. He didn't quite look like the other Goblins, he was wearing ragged clothing, wielding a sharpened stick and a bucket? 

He looked at us and thanked us a million times. Zaquan wanted to shoot him with his thunder but I asked him to let the little guy speak. Glerm is his name and he used to live at this camp until someone sabotaged his wings, after he got shot out of a cannon to scout the area his right wing collapsed. Leaving a giant dent in his head from the impact. 

After he returned they all kicked him out because no one wanted him there, poor guy. He asked us where we were going and if he could come with us. Since he has no where else to go, I looked at Zaquan and he made a weird face. So I said sure you can come with us, we're going to Comerth.

Glerm seemed pretty happy with that answer. I suddenly heard a voice in my head, it was Zaquan. He said that I couldn't just do that, what if he tried to attack us. I said he just needed to relax, I'll keep him under control. But on the other hand he'll be a big problem in Comerth.

We looked around for things we could use to disguise Glerm. One of the Goblins was dressed in some sort of leather chest piece and a dark blue robe he probably stole from an adventurer. We didn't give him any weapons yet, just to be sure he won't attack us.

For a final touch we made a mask for him so when he has both his hood and mask on no one will know he is a Goblin. The bucket might be a little problem though. It was a pretty small wooden bucket but we had to leave it behind. I promised Glerm I would get him a better bucket in Comerth.

I checked with Zaquan if it was a problem with the guild if we brought a Goblin with us. We saw a couple working in Moghdun but he was also a witness. So we continued on our way to Comerth.

It was still a pretty long way to travel. Five days of walking. Darkness soon set over the lands and we set up camp for the night. As a safety precaution we tied Glerm up to a tree. He seemed totally fine with that, he was just happy to be here.

I again took first watch so I could write this, Glerm seemed interested. I don't know if he could even read or write so I told him what I had been doing. We had a very nice conversation about what happened to us. The Goblin camp we were sent out to investigate, was part of a Goblin group that went rogue against their circus crew. Glerm used to be a flying Goblin there, shot out of a cannon towards a big net with a target on it. 

But some Goblins did not appreciate the way they were treated there. So they escaped with a big group. Glerm was the youngest of the bunch. What I didn't expect is that he was just 2 years old! But for Goblins that is seen as mature. After a while the others did not want him anymore, so now he is here! 

He really seems like a great guy, a bit messed up in the head though. That's to expect when you're shot headfirst into a tree multiple times. But my shift is almost over, it's been pretty quiet. So I will see you again tomorrow.

Bloomrich 63rd 

This morning is pretty misty, Zaquan and I went to bed pretty early so we could be well rested before we went on. Glerm was still stuck to the tree sound asleep. I will release him for some breakfast. After that we will continue on.

We found a farmer that is willing to bring us to Comerth faster. He rides about 1 day travel away from Comerth so we shall part ways there. His name is Bill, he grows tomatoes. I like Bill.

I'm going to take some more rest on the way to Comerth. I suggested to Zaquan that we could walk through the night. It would be faster and we would arrive at Comerth sometime in the morning. He agreed so we both took some rest taking turns to watch for danger.

We arrived at the point where the farmer had to go the other way. We said goodbye to Bill and left him some coin for the trouble. We walked for a bit and sat down to eat some dinner. After we are done eating we will continue on to Comerth.

Bloomrich 64th

We have arrived, the city gates of Comerth look very dark. It is not very nice to look at. The first place we'll go is the guild. I told Glerm to cover up before we went in. We asked the nearest guard where the adventurers guild was.  I didn't hear what he said but he said something about my blue pointy ears. So I said thank you sir, I love them too! Apparently it wasn't very nice according to Zaquan. At least we got the directions to the guild now.

We found it pretty fast and walked inside. This guild was quite a bit smaller and not as vibrant as the one in Moghdun. We walked up to the desk with the quest paper in hand. The woman behind the desk asked if we had proof of the quest and we showed her Glerm. Proof enough because he was the one who created the quest.

We received our reward and were curious about what Glerm is as an adventurer. He let it check and apparently you can have two ranks. His results were Rogue Bard. That is an interesting combination.

With the 50 gold we received from the guild we could do quite a lot. I suggested we have a rest day and just relaxe. I'm going to draw a couple of things I have seen, smoke some of the weeds I collected and chill out.

Bloomrich 65th

The rest day was pretty nice, we checked into a tavern and asked the bartender for some drinks and a place to stay. 15 silver per person, per night! It was a high price but we could always do more quests.

After that we drank and ate, Zaquan got into a bar fight and smashed a chair over someone's head. The barkeeper wasn't very happy with that.

We ate some breakfast and went back to the guild. There weren't many quests available. One of them looked different than the others. It was a time-related quest. Right outside of Comerth was a hill with a cave, two hours after sundown there would be a ritual going on. We would have to find out what is happening and how to stop them.

But Glerm is part Bard, and Bards are nothing without their instruments. So we set out to find a lute for the little guy. We searched for quite a while but eventually found a small store in one of the small alleys. 

We went inside and looked around, for such a small store they sure had quite a collection. We walked up to the store owner. He was a Gnome, probably around 65 years old. Little gray mutton chops with a big bushy mustache. Also he has really cool goggles. 

We greeted each other and asked for a relatively cheap lute. After a bit of searching we found one for 5 gold pieces and gave it to Glerm. He was really happy with it, but he didn't really know what to do with it yet. The owner was kind enough to teach him something.

We still had some time to kill before going to investigate, Zaquan wanted to go to the tavern to bet his money. I wanted to try it too so we went there together. Glerm decided to climb up on stage to play for us. He needs a little bit of practice though. We played some sort of card game with a drunk Dwarf. If you had a higher number than your opponents, you won the total prize of what everyone had bet. 

I bet 2 gold and received my hand. An ace of spades and an 8 of hearts. 19 total. I waited for the rest to receive theirs. On the count of three we put our cards down face up on the table. I had the highest score! 19! The total prize was 14 gold pieces so I collected them. I played a couple of other games and left with a total of 24 gold pieces. I decided to walk around town for a bit to get a lay of the lands. Glerm wanted to come with me, so he tagged along. Zaquan stayed at the tavern.

The city is not as big as Moghdun but still pretty big. There were a bunch of dark alleys with wanted posters. Crime must be pretty high in this city. We went to the town square where Glerm decided to climb onto a nearby box and play something on his lute. It sounded a lot better than in the tavern. I guess he is just a natural then. A lot of people walked by and watched the little hooded man play on his lute. They also threw him some coins for the song. 

Glerm seemed quite satisfied with himself at that moment. It was slowly getting dark so we headed back to the tavern where we find a complete mess. Turns out that Zaquan started a little bit of a bar fight. The tavern owner warned him that if he broke something one last time, that he would be thrown out and banned from this tavern. Glerm and I went back to our rooms to gear up for our quest. 

We had one hour to spare after gearing up. Zaquan sobered up a bit too so that is great. We looked at the map for which direction we needed to go. After we found it we got our stuff and headed to the cave. It was half an hour of walking but it was not that bad. When we arrived at the cave we heard some voices inside. There was a fire too. Someone said something about tonight being the night they get one step closer to resurrecting someone. They also needed a vessel of some sort. 

We would need to find a way to stop the ritual from taking place. We sent in Glerm as a distraction, he would play a song for them and then Zaquan and I will charge in with an attack. 

We set the plan in action, we waited until Glerm had the full attention of the men inside. I needed to turn into a bear again. I told nibbles to wait in a nearby bush, this could get ugly. I turned into the bear, Zaquan went inside shooting a massive lightning bolt to three of the men. I took two of the remainers down by slashing their throats. Zaquan threw Glerm a dagger and Glerm charged right in to one of them like a beast, stabbing him like 6 times!

There were two guys left, the sacrifice on the table looked to be a young woman stripped down to her underwear. The leader was about to cut her open to complete the ritual. Zaquan stunned him with a lightning bolt, Glerm stabbed him in the legs so he would fall over. And I gave him a knockout punch so we could get info on this.

We took the chains of the girl and gave her a cloak from one of the cultists. Upon closer inspection she looked to be an elf no older than 21. We asked for her name, she said it was Lyra. She works at the church in Comerth, but she went out too late and got caught by these men. After a while she woke up in this cave. 

The leader woke up, time to ask him some questions. What was going on here? Why did you take this girl? Who is Lord von Liechtheim? He wouldn't answer us, he said we wouldn't understand. Glerm told him to spill the beans. Putting his knife near the guy's throat. He started talking.

To fully understand it here is what happened. They found an ancient lich that would grant them one wish for a dozen sacrifices. This girl wasn't the only unfortunate soul that got targeted. The name of the lich? Lord von Lichtheim. The sacrifices had to be pure, untouched by man.

But the murders will go on, another part of their cult will take it over. He said that there is no end to this. That is all we wanted to know, we ended his suffering and took the girl back to Comerth. We dropped her off at the church, and we would come back to the adventurers guild tomorrow. For now we took plenty of rest and spent the rest of the night in the tavern.