Chereads / Reverse reincarnation / Cultivations and basic stuff

Reverse reincarnation

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Cultivations and basic stuff

spirit cultivation

Stages- 1st door, 2nd door, 3rd door....10th door

Energy- spirit power

Usage- It can be used according to the willpower of the user

After usage- Willpower will be drained

Replenishment- sleep, meditation and using a spirit cultivation method

Related professions- Alchemist, array and rune masters

Essence cultivation

Stages- Root chakra, Sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra and crown chakra.

Further division

Root chakra- 1st pink petal, 2nd pink petal, 3rd pink petal, 4th pink petal

Sacral chakra- drop, pond, lake, river, sea, ocean

(Refer while in 2nd volume)Solar plexus chakra- transparent jewel, white jewel, red jewel, orange jewel, yellow jewel, green jewel, blue jewel, indigo jewel, violet jewel, black jewel

(Don't refer yet) Heart chakra- Peace petal, bliss petal, love petal, harmony petal, empathy petal, understanding petal, purity petal, clarity petal, compassion petal, unity petal, forgiveness petal, kindness petal. (This 12 green petal can glow in any order)

(Don't refer yet) Throat chakra- 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor....16th floor

(Don't refer yet) Third eye chakra- creating a world inside one's conscious. The highest evolved (Don't refer yet) species determine the cultivator's power. The highest is the human species.

(Don't refer yet) Crown chakra- One should light 1000 stars in the conscious world and should connect each star. The more the stars are connected the more powerful one becomes. The highest possibility is 499,500 connections.

Energy- spiritual energy

Usage- There are many usages but mostly used for destruction and violence.

After usage- the body will be exhausted and willpower will be drained

Replenishment- eating pills, herbs, food, etc. Sleeping, using a cultivation method.

Related professions- anything related to violence, destruction, protection, etc.

Body cultivation

No specific levels. The power will be graded with kilograms of strength.


levels- trainee, trainer, teacher, master, great master, grandmaster, alchemy king, alchemy emperor, alchemy saint and alchemy god.

Pill levels- 1st grade, 2nd grade....10th grade

pill quality- 1%, 2%, 3%.....100% (after 50% pill starts to radiate light, more the quality more the glow)

Pill usage- eating

(refer while in 2nd volume) special features- when pills are done with array techniques, they will form dots. 1 dot pill- 20% of the pill will be used as soon as consumed, 2 dots pill- 40%, 3 dots pill- 60%, 4 dots pill- 80% and 5 dots pill- 100%

Other products- medicines, poisons, etc.

Boost- array and rune skills


levels- trainee, trainer, teacher, master, great master, grandmaster, weapon king, weapon emperor, weapon saint and weapon god

weapon level- 1st grade, 2nd grade....10th grade

weapon quality- low, mid, high

weapon usage- hurt

special features- after 3rd grade, a blacksmith can install a feature for the weapon.

other products- useful devices

Boost- array and rune skills

(Refer in 2nd volume) Array and runemaster

Some people only focus on array, some people only focus on rune and some people focus on both.

levels- trainee, trainer, teacher, master, great master, grandmaster, array or rune king, array or rune emperor, array or rune saint and array or rune god

levels- 1st level,2nd level....10th level

usage- a wide range of usages

Different kinds of energies

spirit power- which can be stored in conscious space. 

spiritual energy- which can be stored in chakras

body energy- which can be stored in the body

willpower- everyone have will power according to how much they can endure.

conscious space- every person has a conscious space, spirit power can be stored there. Spirit weapons can be stored there. That is the place where the person's soul will be residing.

chakra space- The space one enters when he was about to break through.


A yogi is a person who practices the spiritual way.

Yogi doesn't care about materialistic things, society and stuff humans created to live in their comfort zone and illusions like money, respect pride, etc.

They believe living creatures should mingle with nature but in a spiritual way.

They believe humans should strive to transform themselves as they are the highest evolved beings on earth.

Most of humanity just fulfilling the natural carvings (sleep, hunger, sex) of any other living creature in a fanciful way. Yogi believes that is the cause of humans' distress.

Humans have a carving to evolve but they didn't realize it was in a spiritual way and only evolved in a materialistic way. So they are distressed.

Yogi will also spread spiritual ways while practicing but as it is an unrealistic thing for modern humans, they just ignore yogis.

main characters

Akira in Yuki's body- always joyful because his mother raised him such way.

Only get other emotions according to situations and forget after the situation is settled.

High endurance for the pain of exhaustion.

High endurance for physical pain.

Goal- to become a yogi but always waver due to environment and circumstances.

stupid and can't think properly on some occasions, which lead to offending people

don't like when people try to control how she should behave.

She doesn't care about the life and death of others. She only cares when it is connected to her and tries her best to disconnect that. Though she won't care about others she never causes trouble to others. If she did, then she will go to extreme lengths to correct it.