As the gangs sensed the tense atmosphere, they approached and surrounded Henry with hardened faces. "What did he do again boss?" a man with a red earring asked. "Mr Henry is spitting nonsense and changing the plans again, so we cancel this operation now. Now Mr Henry, raise your hands and turn around. Our contract has ended."
Henry stared at the leader with no expression. The feeling to strangle his neck intensified. The leader was getting annoyed, so he held his gun closer to Henry's head. "I said turn around" he hollered with rage. Henry smiled and turned around.
"That's a good boy. We are leaving, and oh, we're taking your plane, since you wasted our time coming here. Come on boys, we have a plane to catch." Haney could hear noises as the gangs began packing their bags and left the warehouse.
Henry watched them from the warehouse as they climb into the areophane orderly and threatened the pilot to fly them away from here. The pilot was obviously shaken from the gun pointed at his face, so he promptly started the engine.
Henry's emotions were complicated. What would he tell his brother about what just happened? He was too embarrassed to tell him some puny gangs robbed the company's plane. Charles had always warned him not to use the company's resources no matter what happened. Henry had always been mad about the restrictions, but he could not do anything but abide by them, and that was because he respected his brother deeply.
Ever since his mother died and his father left them when they were ten and thirteen respectively, Charles had always been the one providing for him. He worked at odd jobs just to put food on the table. As a result, Henry looked up to him as a father and a mother figure.
It was until he joined a group of drug pushers that things changed drastically for him. They moved away from the poverty-ridden and crime-stricken neighbourhood to the city in New York. When Charles turned 25, he decides to quit the gang and finish his schooling he paused some seven years ago.
With all the money he acquired from his illegal business, he used it to set up a company and hired the best professional engineers and software developers to work for AIRC. Charles soon hired his brother to work for home after he finished college. Things were going smoothly for both of them.
But his past soon caught up with him. His former gangs he pushed drugs with contacted him and reminded him that he cannot leave his former business unless he was dead. It was something he swore to before he joined them. Charles already making honest money was already terrified and desperate, he could not lose everything he suffered to build, so he made a deal with them.
Taking account of the nature of Charles' business, his former gangs requested they build him a war android that was smart enough to complete missions with little human interference. Charles was at first glad that their request was not extravagant, so he quickly made four batches of the robot's prototype and installed the best chip the companies produced.
It was then that Charles knew their requests were not as simple as that. After sending them the bots, they immediately returned them and informed him that the batch they sent was not 'smart' enough.
Since that time, they pressured the company to make the best android that was both intelligent and compliant to commands. That was when Charles met Andrew, James father. Andrew came as a huge blessing to the company.
In less than four months, Andrew had made two of the best chips the company had ever created. In fact, it was probably the best chip ever made. Charles could not thank Andrew enough, so he promoted him to be assisted manager of the company.
Andrew somehow noticed something sinister with Charles request. When he asked where the chips he made was, Charles gave a vague answer that it was sent to an affiliated company for further testing, but Andrew knew better.
A day after work closed, Andrew purposely told Charles he was going to work overtime, which Charles credulously agreed, leaving him alone on the floor, and seeing that no one was on the building, Andrew promptly headed to Charles office and hacked the lock and headed inside the office.
He searched for the two chips on his desk, but it was not there. After ten minutes of searching, he gave up. He kicked the rolling chair in frustration, and a box fell to the floor. Andrew was startled, as he did not know where the box came from.
He picked up the box and looked at the base of the chair, before realizing there was a compartment on the base of the chair, where the box had fallen from. Opening the box, there it was, the two chips and a piece of paper.
Andrew took out the paper and read it. It was then he realized what was happening all along. Andrew took out the chips and replaced them with regular chips, before placing the box back in the compartment under the chair.
The next day, Andrew dropped his resignation letter and left New York for Boston. Charles read the letter and became enraged, before realizing something. He immediately brought out the box and inspected the chips. It was then that everything started making sense to him.
When the gangs saw that the chips were not coming, they thought they were being played, so they informed a notorious mafia in the country to suffer Charles and his business whose leader was a middle-aged man with a white suit, and since then, Charles had not known peace.
Charles sent people to go retrieve the chips from Andrew and exterminate his family. The gangs came back and reported that they killed the family but could not find the chip he was asking for. Enraged, Charles sent investigators to go search the ruins for the chips, but they came back with a surgery report from James.
Charles suspected that the chip was inside James, so since then, he ordered people to kidnap James and kill whoever affiliated with him, up till now.