Trying to sleep but the light creeping through the curtains had other plans for me, getting up i hopped into the shower and brushed the knots out my curly hair which currently looked like a birds nest. Trying my wet hair in a platt I could smell the delicious aroma of bacon, I got dressed and headed downstairs. Pele was stood in the kitchen cooking a fry up, she was in full cheer this morning. Pele was such a beautiful woman, she had short black tightly curled hair, her black skin was even without any sort or blemish. She had an Athletic build with defined muscles, she stood about 5ft 9 and her eyes were a gorgeous chocolate brown. I was always envious of her eyes. "morning Pele, someone looks happy" she turned to look at me and gave me a wink, "thanks for last night Kore, we had a lovely time. Sendas in the bath so she's gonna be a while, help yourself to some brekkie" I looked at all the food laid out in front of me and started dishing up. I put the sausage, bacon, eggs and hashbrowns into toast making a sandwich with beans on the side. I skipped past the black pudding, it's not my thing what so ever. After scoffing the food sends finally came down to join us, she wore beautify silk blue robes which showed off her stunning figure. She's from Inuit decent, she has a slightly tanned skin with dark black hair and beautiful Ice blue eyes, she's short 5ft4ish but has a figure that would make any woman jealous. They make such a beautiful couple, I'd love to have such a secure relationship… actually would just be nice to get laid. Thing with living in a small town is you know everyone and they know you, the dating pool is so small it's non existent. Im about 5ft.6 and have fire red curly hair with green eyes, I've got a lot of freckles and I'm blessed to have a large bosom but I'm not a small frame. I sit around size 16-18 when you live with Sedna a stunning petite woman, it can make you self conscious but she's such a lovely woman you soon forget feeling bad about yourself. "Morning sweetie, did you have a good evening?" Sedna said in her honeyed voice "not as good as you it seems sed" I Added laughing, Pele gave a hearty chuckle but Sedna simply blushed. "What have you got planned today?" I asked changing the subject, senda replied with a thankful look "I've got a new animal in, an orca with a damaged fin. It's struggling being held in captivity so I'm going to try calm him down and get him fixed up asap so he can be free again. They really shouldn't be in tanks, they are meant to be free with their pods. Poor thing." She was silent for a while so Pele jumped in " got the day off today so I'm gonna get some errands done, then knots likely chill out. I'll make chicken pie tonight so don't fill up too much at lunch, you're working today right?" "Yeah I'm unlocking the shop, and gonna take a few animals out for a walk and bath, that will be fun. Sand baths for the Phoenixs make a big mess" I said sighing. Speaking of which what's the time. 8am. I had better get to work "see you guys later, have a good day" I said waving as I headed out the door.
Kore grabbed the key and unlocked the door, as she walked through she was greeted with a barrage of animals sounds. They were clearly happy to see her, and she them. She loved those animals more than she probably should, they should all be in loving homes not stuck in a shelter she thought to herself. She turned on the lights and walked over to her favourite three headed puppy, "hi Cerbie, how you been fella?" She said giving two of the three chins a good scratch. She felt Ra had landed on her shoulder, no doubt wanting her heat she thought to herself. She slowly warmed her core temperature up so she was very warm to touch, Ra thankfully rubbed his head against hers. "Right, this won't do." She said to Herself "time to get you guys fed" she walked over to the storage and grabbed out some raw meat for cerbie and the other carnivorous dogs and birds, she picked up fish from the tank for Ra and the other piscivores. Ra had both meat and fish, he wasn't too fussy so she tried to mix up what he ate. After all the animals were fed it was time to bath them, Cerberus loved the attention but wasn't keen on water. He would only let Kore bath him, Ra took great care in his sand bath . He ruffled it around his feathers and smeared it into his talons and beak, Kore made her way over to the stables out back to the hippogriff and started to comb his feathers around his neck. She was just brushing his tail when the bell rang at the door as someone had entered. She came out to greet them, it was an older gentleman she had seen before. His name was frank, he was always in the coffee shop across the road. "Morning frank, how are you today?" She said cheerily, he looked up at her with his milky eyes full of Worry "have you seen Carla? The coffee shops closed" closed? She thought to herself, she had only just seen her yesterday. She was suppose to be at work, it's unlike her to not be at work. "No I haven't, she's suppose to be at work today though. Maybe she's just running late" Kore said in a hopeful tone. "She's never been late before, I'm worried about her" he said fumbling with his cane. "I'm on lunch soon, I'll pop over to her house and see if she's alright" Frank gave her a nod and a thanks as he walked of looking no less worried than he he came in.
The rest of the morning was uneventful so Kore locked up for lunch and made her way to Carla's house, it looked dark and unoccupied. She knocked on the window calling out "Carla? Are you in there?" No response. She too was getting worried, this was unlike Carla. She made her way back through the town and noticed many shops were closed. In this town people worked like clockwork and anything interesting news wise spread like wildfire. So to see so many shops closed without a reason and the people who owned them disappearing was unheard of. It was quite concerning.
The rest of the day went by fast and uneventful, despite the nagging feeling or worry Kore made her way home. Again she had the feeling that someone was watching her, she looked around but couldn't see anyone. Picking up the pace she marched towards home. There was a a sound of someone walking, behind her. She was on edge, picked up the pace to a near run until she heard it. A panicked ear piercing scream. "HEEELP" she stopped and looked around, her heart in her throat. She was torn, should she run home or go to help. No a second later she took off in the direction the scream had come from, she could see anyone. It was eerily silent, the only noise was the sound of their heart thrashing against her ribs. Suddenly she felt a pair of hand gripping at her throat and mouth, she tried to move but they had her tight. She looked around but there wasn't any fire she could use to help herself. Oh if only she was a level three she panicked "you got another one?" Asked a man who wore a balaclava but was tall and sounded like a chain smoker. The one holding her moved, she assumed to nod his head. "Nice, boss will be happy. We've met our quota and then some this week, out her in with the others and let's get out of here" she tried to scream and kick with all her might but the person who held her was not letting go. Tears burned her eyes not knowing what to do, just as she was giving up a huge fire ball came flying past her. " That was a warning! if you don't let her go the next one will burn your flesh to a cinder!"