Chereads / The titans among the elements / Chapter 3 - Investigation

Chapter 3 - Investigation

"That was a warning! if you don't let her go the next one will burn your flesh to a cinder!"

Kore stilled panicked but the realisation had hit her, she knew this voice. The person holding her shock and shouted "UNDER ATTACK! RUN" he released Kore and turned to face his new foe, Pele was stood with flames dancing around her fists. The guy shot out a chunk of earth towards Pele, she shot another fire ball towards the earth shattering it "An earth elemental huh? Let's just see if you match up to me" she said shooting out and strong flamethrower, Kore could feel the heat from the distance she was stood at. It shook her out of the fright and she went to work, one of the profound fireballs had created a small fire on a nearby tree so she channeled it and forced it into the guy from behind. He was hit with flames from both sides screaming in agony as his flesh started to char. "Nice work Kore!" Pele shouted before stopping all flames and running up to the now burning man sprawled on the floor, she put a foot on his back pushing hard making him scream in agony. "What we're you planning on doing to my friend!" She asked angrily "and just who were you telling to run" Kore looked at the crumpled man and spoke "he had another friend, they mentioned about others, I came here when I heard a scream" she looked around but there was no light or sound it was eerily silent. Pele looked shocked she created a fire ring around the half dead man on the floor and looked at Kore "wait here, I'm gonna go look. If he moves use the fire and fry his arse, try not to kill him too much as we wanna take him to the cops" she headed off. Kore was sat for what felt like hours, she was beginning to worry something had happened to Pele until she walked back with a sweat. "There was a van, they had a bunch of people but they drove off. I couldn't catch them. They had a water element with them, we better got to the police. You feeling okay?" She asked worriedly searching Kore for any marks, "I'm fine thanks to you, we should move though. Without help this guy won't make it from his burns" Pele grunted and extinguished all the flames. She called Sedna telling her what happened and to stay at work until they could pick her up, Sedna agreed reluctantly. It's a fact that water is the strongest element and being a high level 3 meant she was most likely safe for most threats but her gentle nature meant she wasn't really used to using her powers for fighting. At the police station the took the man and got him healers to work on keeping him alive, they questioned both Kore and Pele but said they could leave. "What does this mean? Are we safe! Does this have something to do with all the missing people lately?" Pele questioned frustrated at their lack of helpfulness "sorry ladies but this is a police matter, we cannot talk about investigations ongoing" Pele studied his face "so it does have something to do with the missing people, someone is kidnapping people" she said in a superseded tone. The police told them that they should go home and not go out alone. Fat load of help that was Kore thought. They headed off to pick up Sedna.

At home with a nice cup of tea they were talking on the matters that had occurred that night, " I don't understand why they wouldn't take this more seriously" Sedna said full of concern. "They can't risk a mass panic in the town" Kore said trying to be the voice of reason "But there's at least 30 shops closed, that's 30 people we know of. What if there's more, you could have been taken tonight if I wasn't walking by and heard the commotion" Pele said angrily. "We need to look into this further, I've got a bunch of holiday I haven't used at work. I'm gonna cash it in and look into this" Pele said deep in thought, Sedna looked at her shocked " well I had planned to take some time off too, I can help" she said placing her hand on Pele back. They gazed into each other's eyes lovingly when Pele asked "what about you, you never use your holiday. Take it off and stay with us' that guy was strong and I think it's time we push your training up a gear, let's get you to level three. There's not always fire hanging around and I won't always be here to help" she said eyeing Kore. Kore was in shock so nodded her head and texted her boss asking to use some holiday.


The girls had spent the new weeks talking to locals and had found a huge amount of them had known people missing "we need to try another town, it can't just be us that is missing people" Sedna said pondering just how long this had been going on "great idea sed, the nearest town is about 30 minute drive. We should go get the car" Pele added. Kore was in shock at just how many people were actually missing or knew of people who had vanished.

They had arrived at the next town and the same thing was happening there, so they moved onto the next town. It was very much the same story all over the place. "I'm hungry" Pele growled, Sedna took them out to eat. The found a lovely little restaurant that had a beautiful frontage, it had a thatched roof and resembled an old English cottage. inside the cottage building there were topiary plants in the shape of different creatures, there were elephants, giraffes, dragons and even mermaids. This is amazing Kore thought to herself, They sat down and looked at the menu. After they placed their order with the waitress, a man came out to greet them. He had a darker skin tone and wore a kind smile, he couldn't have been much older than Pele. He was stocky, well built but he didn't wear shoes which was odd. "Hello ladies, he said tipping his brown cap. Admiring my work I see" he said looking at Kore who was staring at the dragon topiary. "You did this?" She asked pointing towards it fascinated "I did indeed miss, the names Geb. At your service" he said taking a small bow before looking up at the three women. "I'm Kore, this is Pele and Sedna" he took each of their hands and planted a small kiss "a pleasure" he said before continuing "You're not from around here are you?" "How'd you guess" Pele asked. "Most people her know who I am, I'm the only level three elemental. Though it's through my work that I'm known" he said gesturing towards the plants around. "It's truly stunning" Sedna said in awe "thank you, so what brings you ladies to town" he asked curiously, "we are investigating the Disappearances happening in different towns" Sedna answered. Geb rubbed his chin thinking for a moment before replying "it's awful, I wasn't aware that it was happening elsewhere. Mind you, now that I think about it, There is a pattern here. Maybe it's all connected" he said in thought. "What do you mean?" Kore asked "well, A few weeks back, someone tried to take me. But they weren't expecting for me to be such a strong level, people assume because I spend my time creating Garden art that I'm not very strong. After that I had noticed There were more being taken, however thinking about it the ones taken were known for using their elements out in public" Pele looked at Kore in shock. "Do you use your element out in public?" She asked her, Kore thought a moment before replying "I change my core temperature for the animals but I don't — oh wait when I'm coming home late I sometimes use a flame for light" she said think back to the night she had thought someone was following her, she was using a flame then. "Somethings Amiss" Sedna spoke confused "what possible reason would anyone be interested in element power?" That question hung thick in the air light weighted steel. Why would someone possibly want to take someone based on their element skills? What could be gained from it? Kore suddenly asked "why would they not take level 3s? After all that's far more rare and powerful?" "Maybe that's why" Pele jumped in "unless they are a 3 them selves, they would either need to have so many people to attack at once — which would cause a scene— or be stronger level 3 and what are the odds of that. Thing is, what could you need from someone else's power?" She asked confused "one things for sure, we need to up your level again Kore, it's the only way you'll be able to defend yourself" Pele said determined. "Levelling up? That's a splendid idea, is there any way I can help?" Geb asked with innocence. "That could work, Kore could learn not just how to use fire and fight a fire element but to fight against other types as well, actually all of us could do that" Sedna said which left Kore and Pele in shock. Sedna thinking about fighting and strategies is like seeing a rabbit maul a dog. Kore looked at geb and replied "that would be amazing if you thank you" he gave her a heart smile and replied "I even have a training ground we can use" he said with a smile. It was agreed they would train "but food first, I'm starving" said Pele. They all chuckled