Chereads / The Church - Ultimate Edition / Chapter 2 - Promise in Darkness

Chapter 2 - Promise in Darkness

After ramping over the gate, the car's fuel tank was punctured, causing it to lose speed as Daniel and Holly drove into the night. Frustrated, Daniel guided the car to the side of the road, slamming his hands onto the steering wheel in exasperation.

"What now?" Holly groaned, rubbing her eyes as she woke up. "Why did we stop?" Daniel sighed, turning to face her. "I think the damn fuel tank got punctured. We can't keep driving like this. We'll have to continue on foot," he said reluctantly. Holly stretched and yawned. "Seriously? We're in the middle of nowhere!"

"I know, but we don't have much of a choice, do we? We can't just sit here and wait for help. We have to keep moving."

Holly looked out into the darkness, hesitating. "But it's so dark out there. And we don't even know where we're going."

"True, but staying here won't do us any good either. Let's at least try to push the car into the bushes so it's not blocking the road," Daniel suggested.

They both stepped out of the car, and Daniel inspected the fuel tank, confirming their predicament. He returned to Holly, his face serious. "There's nothing we can do about the fuel tank. We'll have to leave the car behind and continue on foot," Daniel told her.

Holly pouted, looking down at her clothes, which consisted of only her shorts and a bra. "Well, this is just great. I'm practically naked!" Daniel smirked, looking her up and down. "I must say, it's quite the fashion statement. But don't worry, I've got you covered." He unbuttoned his shirt and handed it to her. "Here, wear this. It'll at least give you some modesty."

Holly took the shirt, slipping it on and rolling up the sleeves. "Thanks, Daniel. You're such a gentleman," she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Always looking out for you, Holly. Now, let's get moving before things get even more complicated," he said.

They attempted to push the car into the bushes, but Daniel's injured leg slowed their efforts. Frustrated, they decided to leave the car as it was and started walking along the desolate road.

As they trudged through the darkness, Holly broke the silence. "Maybe as we walk, we'll be able to stop a passing car. Someone might be able to give us a lift."

Daniel looked at her with skepticism. "Good luck trying to stop a car in that outfit," he said, dripping sarcasm.

Holly replied optimistically, "You never know. Stranger things have happened."

They continued walking for what felt like hours finally it was the break of dawn they came upon a flickering streetlight on the outskirts of a town. They took shelter under a billboard that welcomed them to the town. Daniel looked out into the streets as people went about their day. "Is it a good idea to head into town like this? We're covered in blood, half-dressed, and we don't exactly blend in."

Holly looked at him thoughtfully. "Maybe we should find a police station," Holly suggested. "They might be able to help us or provide some answers."

Daniel, considering her suggestion, replied, "You might be right. Let's see if we can find one. But first, we should bury the rifle we found under the billboard." He handed Holly the pistol to hide under her shirt.

Holly took the pistol and tucked it away, her eyes scanning their surroundings nervously. "I hope we won't need these weapons again," she murmured.

With a careful look around, Daniel dug a small hole beneath the billboard and buried the rifle, concealing it from sight. Satisfied, they gathered their courage and went into town. As they walked through the streets, the buildings loomed overhead, casting long shadows in the fading light. The town had an air of abandonment as most of the townsfolk seemed gloomy, as if it had been forgotten by time itself. Daniel couldn't shake off the unnerving feeling that something was terribly wrong.

After a while, they came across a small house. Just as they were about to continue their search, a car approached the house and came to a halt. An elderly man with kind eyes looked out from the driver's seat. "This is my house, need any help?" he asked, filled with genuine concern.

Holly eagerly agreed. "Yes, please! We've been through a lot, and we're in desperate need of assistance." Daniel, more cautious, smacked Holly lightly on the back of her head. "We don't even know this guy, Holly. We can't just trust anyone who offers help."

The man laughed a bit, his wrinkles deepening. "No need for such suspicion, young man. My name is Marshall, and I'm just trying to lend a helping hand." Still skeptical, Daniel decided to provide fake names. "I'm Ben, and this is Jane," he said, looking at Holly. "But we really need to find a police station. Can you take us there?"

"Of course. Get in, and I'll take you to the police station first," Marshall said. They climbed into the car, Holly's enthusiasm evident as she thanked Marshall profusely. The car rumbled to life, and they made their way to the police station. When they got there, they were met with an empty reception desk. The officer on duty told them that most of the police force had been dispatched elsewhere and hadn't returned yet.

Daniel's mind raced as he suspected where the missing officers might have gone. Still, he kept his knowledge to himself, not willing to reveal the truth just yet. They explained their situation, omitting the part about monsters and focusing solely on their kidnapping.

Daniel turned to Marshall. "I appreciate your help, but I need to see a doctor about my leg. I don't think I can trust anyone completely just yet."

"I understand your concerns. I'll take you to the hospital, and jane can stay with my family in the meantime," Marshall said.

Daniel reluctantly agreed, realizing the need to address his injured leg. Marshall dropped him off at the hospital, assuring him that Holly would be well taken care of. As Daniel got checked in, he couldn't shake off the sense of unease as he noticed that the hospital he had been checked into looked old and practically empty of patients, Daniel had slept after treatment on his leg and got up in the Evening's.

Raindrops splattered against the windows, dark clouds forming in the sky. "I better hurry before it pours," Daniel muttered to himself, realizing that time was slipping away. He got up from the bed, his eyes looking into the empty hospital room. Making his way to the exit, Daniel called out, "Hello? Is anyone here?" The silence and his voice echoed through the deserted corridors. There was no response, only the sound of his own footsteps bouncing off the decaying walls.