Chereads / Daily Life With A Lilim / Chapter 17 - 4.3 What’s Cooking?

Chapter 17 - 4.3 What’s Cooking?

'I sense a disturbance in the Force'

It was an odd thing to think about while hiding out in the shower. Sometimes Stan would have such random thoughts but for some reason this particular quote resonated with the situation for some reason. What is the 'situation' one might ask? Stan couldn't tell you because he wasn't someone who had a sense for these things. Still, with a quote like that and a Lilim in his house he would err on the side that's probably warning him that shit's about to go down.

'And I just got my boner down, great'

Of course he got an erection from this morning's escapades, he was just very good at hiding it or rather Ezraphel was too distracted to notice. If she did notice he highly doubt she wouldn't bring it up, not that it mattered now. Stanley turned off the shower and began drying off, the whole process of bathing first thing in the morning was a relatively new thing for him.

Not to say that he doesn't take his daily showers but it is hard to gauge the level of your cleanliness when you barely leave your air conditioned house. Sweat might as well be a seasonal tourist for him and he never saw the point in wasting water washing off the barely existent grime accumulated from sitting down doing fuck all most days. His electricity bill was already making the utility company a killing.

This can be chalked up to one of several changes Stanley had to make to accommodate his guest. Something about a beautiful woman willingly choosing to be in close physical contact brings out the common decency in him and he isn't disgusting enough to use body odor as a means of getting her to keep her distance. On that note Stan has kept a tight lock on his hamper, he wouldn't think Ezraphel would do something like route through his dirty laundry but at one point during one of their snuggle session he could swear she was sniffing him like a drugged up coke addict.

'Speaking of Ezraphel I hope she's gone, I forgot to bring new clothes before I left'

He forgot his clothes but he didn't forget his tablet, priorities and all that. A few taps showed that the Lilim has left the room and she wasn't waiting to ambush him outside the bathroom door either. He wasn't about to make any moves until he saw her though and-oh he found her.

"What the hell?"

After a few minutes of watching her Stanley could say that he definitely did not see that coming. Although in hindsight he really should have taken it into consideration. More importantly since she was preoccupied with that it meant he was free to make a run for it. Quickly as he can he wrapped a towel around his waist and after double checking to make sure there were no surprises locked himself in his room.

'Note to self, get deadbolt for bedroom and bathroom'

He doubted it would stop her if she wanted to get through but it was more for his peace of mind than anything else. It is a sad day when a man can't even shower in his own home without worrying about a busty Amazon woman breaking down the door looking to snu-snu.

He spent a few minutes getting dressed and after closing the window for his camera on his tablet journeyed downstairs to where Ezraphel was cooking up her next plot to advance their relationship. He meant that literally by the way, he actually smelled it before he saw it and god damn did it smell good.

The stairs were to the left side wall when coming down, to the right was the living room and an expansive kitchen with island countertop in the middle where the food can be served. In the kitchen Ezraphel was making breakfast and he didn't know what was more surprising, the fact that she was doing such a thing or the fact that she was doing such a thing while wearing clothes.

What, as if the thought of a succubus cooking you food would not bring up thoughts of her employing the legendary naked apron technique.

'Thank god for that'

For a moment Stanley felt a profound sense of loss at the internal admission, as if he had missed a great opportunity and it burned deep within his male soul.

'What the hell is wrong with me?'

"Hello Stanley" Ezraphel interrupted his thoughts with an over the shoulder smile.

He did not return the smile, though his expression was curiously harmless "heeey, so what brought this on?"

"Well, as much as I have come to enjoy your 'take out' food I do not believe those kinds of food are good for you" she perked up with a cheery smile "so I will be taking the liberty of cooking your food from now on."

She sounded like his mother and considering she was the only other female he had ever interacted with for a prolonged period of time it could have either been a coincidence or it could be a 'woman thing.' In either case Stanley wasn't sure how to feel about it.

'This is obviously a ploy' Stanley thought with a frown as he took a seat at the island counter.

Maybe so, but it's not as if she's wrong.

Stanley could give her that, he acknowledged that many aspects of his lifestyle choices weren't exactly healthy but as the saying goes 'old habits die hard' and it's not as if he was completely hopeless, Stanley can and has cooked before. He was far from a master chef but he can do simple dishes and on occasion, if he was properly motivated, he would make a YouTube assisted dish and try it out. The problem was that Stanley was lazy and preferred fast and easy food that tasted good over long meticulous healthy food that tasted good.

Though if there was someone who was able and willing to make stuff for him…

Speaking of "what are you making?"

"It's a surprise~"

Stan grunted, he wouldn't pry, there was something about Ezraphel or rather, a woman, in a kitchen that made him defer to her. Call it a stereotype and call him sexist if you want but for him personally, if a woman knows what she's doing in the kitchen then as a man (who happens to not be very kitchen savvy) its best that you shut the fuck up and leave her be.

And Ezraphel looks like she knows what she's doing. Stan was almost utterly mesmerized by the speed and meticulousness of her work. Also damn if whatever she is frying up doesn't smell good.

'If this is going to become a regular thing…' Stan paused at the thought, he knew he had some ingredients in the refrigerator, long forgotten in the freezer but hopefully not to the point where they had gone spoiled.

'Shit I hope they aren't spoiled'

That's the thing about his cooking motivations, Stanley didn't necessarily plan cooking, it just sort of comes to him like a whim. Unfortunately that could be weeks or months away by which time most of his groceries would have gone bad. You would not believe how many times earlier in this phase that he had to wipe down his cupboard and fridge with bleach or throw away things that had been expired and eaten by insects or rodents.

He winced 'might need to do some grocery shopping later'

Considering how long she's been here and most of her time was spent in his presence by design he wondered when and how Ezraphel even got to the point where she was flitting about the kitchen like a master chef or someone who knows what they are actually doing. He may have once read that some mamono are domestically inclined but he didn't think a Lilim princess would even try to be domestic.

'One of the many mysteries of Mamono I suppose'

A few minutes later and Ezraphel placed down a plate of egg and cheese omelet with a side of bacon, toast, orange juice and a tall glass of milk.

He raised an eyebrow at her but was at a loss for words "uh…"

"I tried to make tea or coffee but you did not have any so I had to improvise" now she was looking self conscious "is it bad?"

"No, no! I mean, it's just that when I woke up today I did not expect…this" he gestured to the food.

"Oh Stanley it's only natural for a wife to cook for her husband."

"We're not married"

Stan's heckles were raised when she gave him a pitying look that screamed "oh you poor misguided little man."

He grumbled under his breath and took a bite of toast, paused, then took another bite.

His expression showed confusion "this is French toast?"

"Yes, I made them from scratch"

"Is that right?" he said while nibbling on the very tasty treat "I thought I was out of milk"

"O-oh you still had some left that I could use" she informed him quickly.

Too quickly and was he imagining that stutter?

"I should clean up. Eat your breakfast and tell me what you think okay?" then she leaned across the counter and pecked him on the cheek.

Stan didn't even have the awareness to tell her off and he figured he had better use of his time than to waste his breath on a clearly hopeless endeavor anyway. So the moment of truth, he dug into the omelet and bacon whilst munching on toast, then washed it down with some milk.

The verdict?

'Never have I wanted something so badly and never realized it until just now'

Perhaps it was an exaggeration but it did not detract from the fact that the breakfast was really good and before he knew it Stanley was taking the last bite of his makeshift cheese omelet sandwich. Ezraphel also had her own plate although her attention was solely on him, waiting in anticipation.

"So, how was it?"

He swallowed "okay wow that is pretty good" in fact it was too good, suspicious "you didn't put anything weird in it did you?"

For her part Ezraphel looked insulted "are you insinuating that I tampered with your meal?"

Red flag!

One of the lessons he had learned from a young age was to never insult a woman's culinary skill and after tasting her food Stanley didn't think he could go back to microwave food and takeout for breakfast.

"N-no! what I meant was if maybe you did something different since I've eaten omelet before and it never tasted as good as this"

Ezraphel continued to glare at him, her smoldering red-black eyes making him shift uncomfortable.

Then she smiled "that is a trade secret~"

Stan blinked, glared and for a moment he actually pouted which made Ezraphel giggle "so cute~"

With a roll of his eyes and a slightly disgruntled sigh Stan got off the chair "fine whatever, don't tell me" he picked up the plate and headed to the sink "where did you even learn how to make French toast and omelets anyway?"

"You underestimate my world too much Stanley" she said with sniff as she started eating primly with a knife and fork, looking the part of an aristocrat "we also have such cuisines though from what I have seen they are named differently. I will wash the dishes."

He paused and gave an unsure "okay" before mulling over her earlier words "I guess that makes sense" he placed the dishes down and turned to her drumming his fingers on the sink "what's the other reason?"


"…fair enough. Sooo… I guess you're cooking from now on" he stated slowly.

"Of course but only if you want me to" she took a gulp of milk, some of it dribbled at the corner of her lips (most likely on purpose) to which she trailed a finger along it and sensually licked the white cream clean.

"Do you want me to, Stanley?"

He scowled lightly at the deliberate pause and averted his gaze "I would appreciate it, yes"

"Then I will handle all your needs then" she chirped as if nothing had happened "it will be challenging with the ingredients on hand but I am sure I can make something for lunch and dinner"

Stan waved her off "don't bother making anything for lunch-"

"I insist" she interrupted "I will handle all your needs from now on Stanley"

He blinked at the force behind those words and he knew somehow that arguing with her was hopeless "fine whatever. As for ingredients, make a list and I'll get them later" he said before walking away.

"Anything?" she asked.

"If I can get it, I'll get it. If not" he shrugged "just make sure it will last for at least a week"

Ezraphel hummed, now finished with her meal she got ready to wash the plates and utensils.

"Understood, then I shall make a list of ingredients and give it to you within the hour"

"Take your time. I have to work anyway"

The Lilim paused "work? You?"

He gave her a surly look before facing forward "you get a pass, just this once"

She winced, to be honest she hasn't seen him leave the house and assumed he was living off of an inheritance. As he walked away a devious smile crept onto her face.