As pais and Ritone have been captured by the MPs and escorted to Alex office in the headquarters , for Alex he attends to let them have a interview with him
harbor port
Alex office
Alex (thinking) : these two actually thought they wouldn't been notice by out security in this town
Alex (thinking) : they're aren't sneaky when it comes to hidden tunnels
Alex (thinking) : right now I must get these two to have an interview with me to gain their trust
As the Military police spoke as he hands over the bag confiscated
Federation M.P : sir we've confiscated this bag from the spy
Pais : hey it's my bag !
Alex looks into the bag for information taken by the rebel spy's
And as Alex finds a clip board with written information
Alex begins read through it page by page
Alex : it seems you two have been asking these people questions about us
Pais : ...
Ritone : ...
Alex : though I don't expect any of you to trust me easily
Alex signals the military police to unmask and uncuff them
Federation M.P : yes sir
( mask Flip)
(Click clack )
Alex : I asked you two why are asking the people around here
Pais : we were searching information out these soldiers
Alex : and who do you think is leading them hmm
As both pais and Ritone begin to guess
Pais : it's you
Alex : correct
Alex : and what rank do you think I am ?
Ritone : a captain?
Alex : no a general
Pais : your the one that lead the attack on the harbor
Alex : yes I did it because the Invasion for my army to invade of the south of the empires position was nothing but a distraction
Alex : to draw out general budo
Ritone : a distraction ?
Pais : why to draw budo ?
Alex : because of his loyalty he thinks that dealing with the rebel army including mine would bring peace
Alex : but what he didn't get is he was a greater threat
Pais : why do you say he was ?
Alex : he was killed trying to stop my forces and me
Ritone : he's dead !
Alex : yes he is we've apprehended his teigu
Alex gives pais back her bag and clip board
Alex : here you
She grabs her bag and clip board
Alex : what is you name
Pais : pais
Ritone : and ritone
Alex : Paise and Ritone my reasons of wanting to help the rebel army and you two
Alex : is because we have the same goal please write it
As the interview begins
Pais : why did you ask the townfolk to help us
Alex : why do you ask ….I'll answer simply Rebel army needs food
Alex : I asked them that is because I want to make some connections with your generals and the entire rebel army
Ritone : how many soldiers in your army ?
Alex : have you ever heard of regiments
Pais : yes exactly we've met someone from the western region
Alex begins to be curious about it
Alex : and what kind of regiments do they have exactly ?
Pais : if I remember correctly it was marine corp , Rangers , delta and Nato
As Alex has a surprised face
Alex : and what did he looked Like ?
Pais : he has brownish hair tall and he's always fighting nonstop I've had an interview with
Alex : is it David
As the both of them Pais and Ritone are surprised
Pais : yes how do you know that ?
Alex enlightens them
Alex : he happens to my brother
Pais : what !!?
Ritone : what!!?
As the both of them are shocked to find out that member of regiment army for rebels happens to be his brother
Alex : I know it's shocking
Pais : but the both of you look so different ?
Alex : we maybe different but we're actually brothers by blood
Alex : now can we proceed with the interview now please
Pais : yes of course
As they proceed with the interview
Alex : anyways all the regiments of the army I have is about 7.500.000
Pais : that much on your regiments unbelievable
Pais : and the teigu you've apprehended are you planning to use it
Alex : no I plan on giving it to the rebel leader only the wise one
Pais : and the last one what will you do once the current empire is gone
Alex give pais the question a question so so Important
Alex : I plan on makin connections to all known country's and make some trades with the new nation
As pais has written everything down on her clipboard
Alex : are we done or is there more for you to aid with that clip board
Ritone ask Alex the question
Ritone : what is it like ?
Alex : what's ? What ? Like
Ritone : the country in the northeast what is it like ?
Alex explains what it's like
Alex : what it's like up their huh ?
Alex : you want to know what it's like in there
I'll tell You all about it
Alex leans towards his desk
Alex : my country has consisted over a very large abundance of food ,medic and very clean water
Pais : how much ?
Alex : about 200 percentage of the productions
Alex : would you also would like to know about the northern country
Ritone : um yes please
Alex : all those that were lords ,chieftain and elders , hell even the nobles agreed to give the land of the northern country
Pais : you've taken they're land
Alex : only by agreement and plus there wasn't any conflict because of the prince death they had no choice
Alex : and would like to know about the nation I've formed with my country and the north
As Pais nods her head
Alex : it's called the the federal socialist republic union simply to shorten the name the F.S.R.U
Alex stands up from his desk and walks to the file cabinet Alex goes through each five
Alex : here it is
Alex walks around his desk and approaches pais with a files
Alex : this is everything that has happened in th north and the number of prisoners I'm keeping and also
Alex : if your going sneak through the city by tunnel and hidden spots we've already found
Alex : please enter the gates friend
End next chapter