Chapter 81 - Chapter 81 Interview part 2

As the interview with rebel spy's is over but Alex in other hand begins to demonstrate his people knowledge and how he truly feels about the current imperial government

And as Pais ask how he feels about the empires way

Pais : if I may ask this ?

Pais : how do you feel how the empire is doing around by your perspective

Alex begins to answer his most honest questions how he felt about them

Alex : personally what I believe and how I feel about the empire and it's government

Pais : ….

Ritone : ….

As they wait for a question

Alex : by my own research all they have done is nothing but they're own way benefits of they're own needs

Alex explains as he glares with no smile

Alex : example by my spy's research throughout the imperial capital only 40% of the population is happy living Great and completely unaware of the Exactly what's going

Alex : 40% of Corruption costed by government officials , nobles , imperial police , drug dealers and the soldiers that have gotten away just to bride the higher officials have been none stop

Alex : the other 20% people money that sucked about taken away , as blood have now been homeless and starved

Alex : while on top of that I know that many children's that were sold we're once villagers and townfolk just to get money nothing but they're own survival

Alex : all that has been going on for the past thousands years of the imperials way have been dissatisfied

Alex : but not just me , by my own people

Alex : they have advanced in the early age , but they still haven't reached farther with firearms weapons and stronger weapons

Alex : and yet they use money to buy clothings and other unnecessary things

Alex : as for me I've used the money collected by tax collectors

Alex : I've used it to have workers build Crop fields , water plants , and medical facilities

Alex : even improvements in every city , towns and villages

Alex : my answers is simple they are nothing but fascist

Alex : the reports from my spy's have seen how they treated they're own

Alex : the homeless have been rather humiliated by nobles , some city folks and imperial police for they're own fun

Alex : refugees and western citizens have been poorly mistreated and none bothered to help because of they're own cowardice and selfish needs

Pais : ….

Ritone : …..

As the both of they are surprised by his words how he felt about imperials and it's current government

Alex : would any like to know how I could cripple they're morale ?

As the both of them nods they're heads at alex as they nervously wait for him to say

Alex : my people will be flying in the sky dropping posters of the empire government and officials doings

Alex : and that does includes they're once prideful great invincible general death

Pais : that's really smart !

Ritone : to think someone like him can think of an idea

Alex : the imperial morale will be crippled as for the citizens there will be a very high chance of an uprising

Alex (thinking) : little by little they're starting to trust ….but I still feel they don't just a bit further

Alex comes up of an idea

Alex (thinking) : I know

Alex speaks up

Alex : well do you want to see what's in the harbor ?

Once again they nodded they're heads

Alex : okay follow me

Alex leads the way , but as he does Pais and Ritone looks around the

Federation staff 1 : be careful with the paperwork

Ring , ring

(Typing, typing)

(Paper rip)

Pais : there's so many people here

Ritone ask Alex what's is that they are doing

Ritone : hey what are they doing ?

Alex : some are passing information of the landscape and areas , while the others are analyzing it mapping the area

Pais : and how long does it take ?

Alex : about three days less

Pais : three days !?

Alex : oh this is perfect come here

Alex heads to one of the staffs making propaganda posters and shows it to the rebel spy's

Alex : see this

Pais : woow

Alex : I know I'm surprised about your reaction don't you ever have any poster with colors ?

Ritone : we don't

Alex : then it's your first time seeing this

Pais reads what's on the propaganda poster

Pais : the pride of the speztnaz army shall never break in the battle

Ritone reads the poster

Ritone : the iron shackles of the imperial army shall not take our freedom

Ritone : this looks like this guy broke those chains

Alex : these posters are to represent the oppressions imperial army and our pride to fight for true freedom

Alex : let's proceed to the harbor shall we

Pais : yes please !

As the both of them follow Alex to the harbor right at front entrance

As the door Alex open

Alex points at his left side

Alex : look over there

Pais and ritone look where Alex pointed at and when they turn they're site on docks they see naval vessels they've never seen before

Pais : those are your naval fleet !!

As the both them are surprised about it

Alex : well yes and no

Alex : each naval vessel have they're own commander such as admirals

Ritone : and how many did land on the first day ?

Alex : for five ships in the size that would be ?

Alex : 10,000 soldiers

Ritone : that many ?!

Alex : yes shocker

Alex : the imperial army only has one strongest general left they'll to join take it back

Alex : but esdeath herself isn't that stupid to go charge in a suicidal mission

Alex : but if they try to take the harbor with our battleships they'll be slaughtered

Ritone : you do have a point by looking at those you are right

Pais : (light laughter) hmhmhm

Alex : is that everything you need Pais ?

Pais : yes !

Ritone : to be honest we thought you'd do something to us but you didn't and that's more the reason for us to trust you

Alex extended his right arm for a hand shake , Ritone and Pais shoke his hand

Alex : it is pleasure of meeting you both on this day

Pais : thanks

Alex : are you sure you don't want to stay here a little longer ?

Pais : no ….we have to get back to headquarters

Alex : that is fine and also

Alex : when you get back to your base tell your leaders of the information I've gave you and the folder please I'd like to make an alliance with them

As both Ritone and Pais smiled to each

Pais : yes we will !