Chereads / Consciousness and Forsaken Abilities / Chapter 36 - Chapter XXXI

Chapter 36 - Chapter XXXI

It was the start of a new term in August, and Kurmara's return to school was both exciting and nerve-wracking. However, her classmates believed she was dead after Aizawa and All Might had informed them about the distressing message. As a result, she had been confined to her home for what felt like an eternity. Restricted from going out or using social media, Kurmara found solace in her sketchbooks, creating countless outfits. But her brother, Eun, intervened, putting her creations away and urging her to stop wasting fabric. She thought back to the heated argument and talk they had just the week before.

"Ugh, I can't stand this!" Kurmara shouted at him, her frustration reaching its peak. Eun simply rolled his eyes, unfazed by her outburst. "Too bad, you just have to deal with it since your teachers told you to," he responded calmly. Kurmara's anger surged through her, a burning fire of frustration. She couldn't bear the thought of being confined to her home, unable to see her friends and longing for the adventures they used to have. She accused Eun, her voice trembling with anger, "I have literally nothing else to do but sit here and rot until the new term! And you don't help me in any way!" Her Quirk reacted to her intense emotions, causing an angry wave to emanate from her, a physical manifestation of her pent-up frustration. Eun shot back, his voice laced with frustration, "What else do you want me to do, Kurmara? Just allow you to walk around the city and risk being spotted by one of your friends?" Kurmara's anger wavered, morphing into sorrow. The weight of her loneliness and boredom pressed heavily upon her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she pleaded, "No! You're meant to help me take my mind off of it all! To help me, your sister, not suffer from boredom! I don't give a shit if you're mad that I won't be here anymore, just help me out!" Her words hung in the air, their intensity reverberating between them. Eun shrugged nonchalantly, his indifference piercing through her.

"I guess you're just stuck then," he voiced, turning his back to her. Fuelled by a mixture of anger and desperation, Kurmara lashed out, throwing something at Eun. It shattered upon impact, catching his attention as he swiftly turned back to face her. "Did you just throw something at me?" he demanded, visibly irritated. As the tension thickened in the room, Kurmara's anger gave way to a hint of profound sadness. The realization of their estrangement hit her, and she couldn't hold back her sorrow any longer. With a quivering voice, she spoke, "You're such an asshole, Eun. I'm not asking you to let me leave. I'm asking you to keep me occupied, to help take my mind off everything." Her Quirk responded to her emotional turmoil, generating a slightly larger wave that now reached Eun. At that moment, he could feel the weight of her despair, the depth of her sadness. Kurmara felt utterly helpless, her heart heavy with misery and longing. Being confined to her room and house amplified her emotions, intensifying her sense of being trapped and alone. Eun hadn't fully grasped the extent of her feelings, consumed as he was by his own fears and anxieties about losing his sister. But now, in the face of her sorrow, he let out a sigh, rubbing his face in exasperation.

He turned his attention to Kurmara, who sat on the ground with her knees drawn to her chest, her face downturned. Her Quirk no longer affected him as he settled down beside her, their shared silence enveloping them. Finally, Eun broke the stillness. "You know, I remember one time when Da-Eun and Dad fought," he began, his voice gentle and nostalgic. Kurmara lifted her head slightly, her curiosity piqued. Intrigued, she encouraged him to continue. "I don't think you remember, since you were only two or three at the time, but one night, Da-Eun came over to give us something she was apparently allowed to take with her. Dad got angry and tried to take it away from her," Eun reminisced, his voice tinged with the memories of their parents' arguments. Kurmara's skepticism showed in her eyes, as their father had always been a calm and composed figure in her eyes. Undeterred, Eun continued, "Mom had to take us into the room so we wouldn't hear them arguing, but their voices carried through, making it hard to tune them out. I remember the expression on Dad's face as they yelled at each other. He told her that those kinds of things shouldn't be brought into the house, while she insisted they weren't dangerous. It was scary because I didn't know if Dad was going to tell her she couldn't come around anymore."

The story intrigued Kurmara, her head lifting further as she listened intently. Eun nodded, affirming the truth of his recollection. "Yeah, I remember crying and telling Mom that I wanted Da-Eun to keep coming to see us, and I didn't want them to fight anymore," he recalled, a flicker of vulnerability in his voice. "I also remember running out of the room, pleading with Dad to let her stay and not be angry with her because I was the one who had asked her to bring something back for us." Kurmara's interest deepened, her skepticism giving way to curiosity. "What happened after that?" she asked, her voice filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. "They both looked at me, then at each other, their anger dissipating," Eun recounted, his gaze fixed on Kurmara. "Dad knelt down in front of me, assuring me that he wouldn't yell and apologizing if he had scared me. He made it clear that Da-Eun wasn't going to leave, but they needed to have a conversation." A glimmer of understanding began to take root within Kurmara. "I feel like you're lying, but if I ask Da-Eun, she'll agree with you," she responded, her skepticism fading. Eun chuckled softly, his laughter tinged with fondness.

"I just wanted to share that story because they're siblings. They had their arguments and even used some choice words at times, but as you got older, those instances became less frequent." His words resonated with Kurmara, her heart softening. Tears welled up in her eyes as she reached out and grasped Eun's hand. "I'm sorry I couldn't see how you were feeling because I was too wrapped up in my own problems," she confessed, her voice filled with remorse. Eun sighed, his gaze filled with understanding. "I'm sorry too," Eun pulled Kurmara into a tight embrace, offering her solace and reassurance. "I understand that you're worried about everything, and I let my frustrations get directed at you," he admitted, his voice filled with sincerity. They sat there, locked in an embrace, the weight of their shared emotions filling the room. A sense of understanding and forgiveness washed over Kurmara. She felt the walls between them crumbling, replaced by a renewed connection and empathy. "I'm certain your friends will be thrilled to see you alive and well. Well, maybe not completely well," Eun added with a hint of humor, managing to elicit a small smile from Kurmara despite the heaviness in her heart. "But they'll be happy to have you back."

Tears streamed down Kurmara's cheeks as she leaned her head against Eun's shoulder, cherishing this moment of vulnerability and love between them. "I'll miss you too," she whispered softly, her voice filled with a mix of sadness and gratitude. In that fragile moment, Kurmara realized that even though they would be physically separated, their bond as siblings would endure. They had weathered storms before, and they would find a way to navigate through the challenges that lay ahead. With Eun by her side, she felt a glimmer of hope that transcended their present circumstances. As they clung to each other, Kurmara let go of the weight that had burdened her, the weight of loneliness and isolation. In Eun's embrace, she found solace, comfort, and a renewed sense of strength. The future still held uncertainties, but she knew that together, they would face whatever came their way. As their tears mingled, Kurmara and Eun shared a silent vow. They would cherish the time they had left together, and when the moment came for Kurmara to rejoin her friends, they would be ready to support and uplift each other from afar.

In that tender moment, they found solace in their shared love and understanding, knowing that no matter the distance or challenges they faced, their bond as siblings would endure. And as they sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, Kurmara allowed herself to believe that, in the end, everything would be okay.

Kurmara let out a sigh, her gaze sweeping across the now-empty room. Everything had been taken away by someone sent by her teachers, leaving the space devoid of the memories it once held. The reality of leaving was sinking in, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of profound sadness. This place had been her home, and now she had to let it all go. All that remained were her backpack and a duffle bag with her clothes. It's hard to believe this is actually happening, she thought, her sigh carrying a tinge of melancholy. Gathering her bags, she made her way to the front of the house where her brother awaited her. "Do you have everything?" Eun asked, to which Kurmara nodded. "It's all so surreal," she admitted, and Eun chuckled, opening the front door. "Come on, let's go outside and wait for your teacher. He'll be here to escort you to the school." Kurmara placed her bag on the ground and put on her shoes before following her brother outside. They stood outside for only a few minutes when a car pulled up in front of their house, and All Might emerged, offering a small wave. "I suppose it's time for me to leave," Kurmara said, turning to her brother, who nodded. "Yes, it is," he replied, giving her a gentle smile.

He opened his arms, inviting her into a final embrace. Kurmara dropped her bags and wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly. Eun held her close, his embrace filled with mixed emotions, tears welling up in his eyes. With a shaky sigh, he kissed the top of her head, their hug unbroken. "I'm going to miss having you around, kid," he choked out, his voice wavering. Kurmara couldn't hold back her tears. "I'm going to miss you too," she sniffled, her face buried in his chest. The Hayashi siblings had reached the end of their time living together, as Kurmara prepared to join her classmates and leave her brother to manage the house on his own. They released their embrace and locked eyes, Eun gently wiping away the tears on Kurmara's face before offering her a smile. "You're going to have puffy eyes when you see your classmates," he chuckled, and Kurmara let out a giggle. "Well, can't do much about that. I suppose it's time for me to go now." She sighed, and her brother nodded in understanding. "Take care of yourself, alright? Remember, you can always call or text me whenever you need." "Of course. And I'm certain they'll allow us to visit our family, even if it's not too soon." With those words, Kurmara gathered her bags and bid her brother a final goodbye. She climbed into the car with her teacher and headed for the school where everyone had gathered. 

During the drive, Kurmara's nerves gnawed at her, and All Might sensed her worry. "Are you alright?" he asked, his concern evident. Shaking her head, Kurmara confessed, "I'm nervous... everyone thinks I'm dead, so I don't know how they'll react." All Might gently placed his hand on her head, offering reassurance. "It'll be alright. They'll all be relieved to see you back after everything you've been through. I'm sure Aizawa has informed them about the dorms and shown them their rooms by now. He's just waiting for us." Kurmara nodded, finding solace in his words. Once they arrived at the school, All Might and Kurmara stepped out of the car. Kurmara followed her teacher as they made their way toward the dormitory building. As they stood before the massive structure, Kurmara couldn't shake her anxiety. Her heart raced, her stomach churned, and she felt a trembling in her limbs. It was as if she might vomit. All Might remained by her side, his warm smile providing comfort. Taking a deep breath, she mustered her resolve. "I-I'm ready," she stammered, her voice quivering. She longed to step inside. "You can stand behind me until it's time to reveal yourself," All Might suggested.

Kurmara swiftly positioned herself behind her teacher, finding a small measure of security, prompting a light laugh from him. They ascended the stairs and arrived at the dormitory doors. All Might opened the door slightly, and they could hear Aizawa addressing the class. "That's not the only announcement I have, so quiet down," Aizawa informed the students, prompting them to silence as they focused their attention on him. "We have a guest with us starting today, and I'm certain you all know this person. You may enter now," Aizawa announced. Kurmara glanced at All Might, who offered her a reassuring smile and nod. With a small sigh, she followed closely behind him, clutching the back of his shirt as her heart pounded in her ears. As they crossed the threshold, whispers erupted throughout the room at the sight of All Might. "Hello, everyone. I know it's a surprise to see me, but there's someone else I'd like for you all to meet. Hopefully, this will bring some comfort after everything we've been through," All Might addressed the class. Stepping aside, he unveiled the blonde and brown-haired girl, causing an immediate hush to fall over the room. Kurmara scanned the familiar faces, catching Bakugou's stoic expression as he stood alongside Kirishima.

She mustered a small wave, her hand trembling slightly. The first to react was Mina, who rushed toward Kurmara, her eyes filled with tears as she enveloped her in a tight embrace. The weight of their shared emotions poured out, tears streaming down both girls' faces, as they held onto each other as if they would never let go. Soon, the rest of the class swarmed around them, their expressions a mix of relief, disbelief, and overwhelming joy. Uraraka and Midoriya joined Mina, wrapping Kurmara in their arms, creating a circle of support and love amid the tears and a chorus of voices. "You're alive!" Uraraka exclaimed, her voice choked with emotion. "We were told that you died because of some thugs!" Midoriya added, his voice quivering. "You died after getting released from the hospital?!" Mina sobbed, her grip on Kurmara tightening. Amidst the overwhelming emotions, Kurmara managed to offer them a weak but genuine smile. "I'm...I'm okay," she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and gratitude. "I'm so glad you're okay!" Mina cried, her tears soaking Kurmara's shoulder. "When we received the... the message..." Uraraka's voice trailed off, her eyes resembling a waterfall as she gazed at Kurmara. "We thought we had lost you forever," Midoriya admitted, his voice filled with a mix of sadness and relief.

Just as Kurmara thought she couldn't take any more emotions, a voice called out, drawing her attention. She turned to see Bakugou and Kirishima approaching, their faces a mixture of concern and relief. The three friends released their embrace, and she looked up at the two boys, her eyes still shimmering with tears. Bakugou surprised everyone by pulling her into a hug, his grip tight but comforting. Kurmara hugged him back, her tears dampening his shoulder. "You can't go dying twice... especially after being discharged from a damn hospital, dumbass," he muttered, his voice laced with a hint of worry and affection. She couldn't help but let out a weak giggle. "I'll try not to do that," she replied, her voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and determination. Next, Kurmara turned to Kirishima, feeling a surge of emotions overwhelm her once again. She embraced him tightly, clinging to him as if he were her lifeline. He gave her a gentle squeeze, his touch grounding her in the moment. Tears streamed down her face, a mix of relief, vulnerability, and an overwhelming sense of love. "I'm so glad you're alive," he murmured, his voice filled with raw emotion. She could only manage a sniffle in response, her words lost in a sea of emotions.

As Kurmara and Kirishima held each other, their moment of vulnerability was interrupted by the arrival of Kaminari and Sero. They joined the hug, their tears mingling with Kurmara's and Kirishima's. "You can't go dying on us, Hayashi!" Kaminari wept, his voice breaking. Sero echoed the sentiment, tears streaming down his face. "You're stronger than that, Hayashi! We need you!" The two boys sobbed, their voices filled with a mix of desperation and relief. Kurmara managed a weak smile through her tears as she patted their backs, her touch filled with reassurance. "I promise I'll make sure to stay alive for you guys," she voiced, her words carrying a deep sense of determination and gratitude. Aizawa's voice cut through the cacophony, commanding attention. The room gradually quieted down as everyone turned their focus to their teacher. "Now that everyone is here, I have one more announcement to make," Aizawa began, his voice firm yet filled with a hint of warmth. "But before we get into the details of the dorms, I want to give you all a moment to enjoy this brief celebration." The room erupted into excited chatter once again, the atmosphere buzzing with anticipation and relief.

Amidst the joyful chaos, Kurmara found herself surrounded by her classmates once more. Their voices intertwined as they expressed their relief, love, and happiness at her return. Kurmara's heart swelled with gratitude as she basked in their genuine affection, feeling a renewed sense of belonging among her friends and classmates. In that moment, she realized that despite the challenges they had faced and the pain they had endured, they were bound together by a bond that nothing could break. They were not just classmates or friends; they were a family. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that their unwavering support and love would guide them through the darkest of times. And as Kurmara stood there, embraced by her friends, she couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of hope, knowing that no matter what happened, she would never be alone again.