The wooden door creaked open. Hero and Arthur step into the room. "This is your house?" through them dim moonlight Hero take a look at the dust filled room cramped with books and trash of all kind. "I thought you were a knight." "I prefer the streets back then, pretty girls everywhere." He joked and light up the lantern in the house. Hero rolled his eyes and place down his items. "So the king has gave me his words, and there is no way I am going to let you lose the tournament or both of us shall be beheaded." He said and pull out a few books from the shelves and a few scattered on the ground. "So I need to give you a brief rundown of the rules." "Why do you need books, I thought you passed the test?" Hero scoot closer and asked. "I am a lazy reader." He chuckled and open one of the book and start explaining:


A tournament hosted to pick one of the 10 royal knights. Only 6 specially chosen participants will be allowed to attend. To avoid or lower the death and casualties, participants need to engage in a hand-to-hand combat. No weapons are allowed, if not the participant will be removed from the tournament immediately. Any kind of armor, shield or protection is also forbidden. Same goes to potions and enhancing drugs. Finalist will be matched in a special arena, with new rules.

With that Arthur close the book with a slam: "I guess we are having 7 participants this year. You lucky number seven." "How am I going to fight those guys," Hero grumbled, this is way harder than he thought. "That is of of your advantages my friend." He placed his hand on his shoulder. "Advantages?" "Yes advantages. You are an adventurer, at least you have some basics right?" Arthur stood up and signal him to follow. They walk for quite a time until they arrived at a flat area with barely anyone passing by. "Very well now," Arthur roll his sleeves up and put his fist in front of his chest, taking his stance. "Fight me."

"Huh? What do you mean by fight yo-" Before he could even finish asking, a punch was landed square right on his face, sending him to the ground. "During the tournament, there is no negotiating." Arthur lift his leg up and was about to step on his head, Hero did a barrel roll and barely managed to dodge the hit. He stumble to get his feet up and wipe the blood of his nose. "Now fight me." He shouted again, this time louder. His relaxed, approachable attitude totally disappeared. Hero advanced and let out a punch, Arthur tilt his head and the punch only brushed through his hair. Arthur punches once more, this time right at his face once more, harder, faster with no hesitation.

Hero backs up a bit, blood was gushing through his nose, the aching pain signaling his nose bridge is broken from that strike, but he get over the pain. He keep his body moving, he knew that their gap is far too large, in terms of strength, experience and technique, Arthur has all the advantages. All he could do now is to play safe.

Hero keep his hand up and continue to move. Arthur looked at him for a second before suddenly dashes towards him, evading his punch and send a sidekick right into his upper hip, almost sending him falling. "Your movement is too predictable." Hero punches once more but was blocked easily, he let out another punch but was caught by him. With a slight twist, Hero was flipped over like a pancake and fell flat to the ground. Hero was about to get back on his feet but Arthur pinned him down, locking himself onto him with his legs crossed and wrap his arms around him, squeezing him like an anaconda, suffocating him.

Hero's world spun. He hit the hand with all his might, dug his finger deep into the skin of his thigh but to no avail. His world is now spinning even furiously, he could feel every air trapping in his lungs, the beating of his heart grew slower, he could swear he would be dead if he didn't let him go.

Hero stumbled to the ground and heaved, breathing like crazy. The throbbing and pain were all gone. He glare at Arthur, Arthur gave him a "you deserved that" expression before finally helping him back to his feet. "You do have the basic, which is quite a pleasant surprise. You sure are tough, normal people would fall with my punch right on their face, talking about twice." "That sure hurts a lot." Hero rub his neck, which was burning hot by now as if someone set it on flame.

"Very well then, tomorrow I will began my teaching my fellow student." He boasted, Hero rolled his eyes. "Oh for crying out loud." Both of them laughed and headed back home, what Hero didn't know is that the suffering has just begun.