I feel like I've just been run over by a freight train. One minute I was evading Cadmus's nasty glares, and the next, I was sitting beside his mom at the huge mahogany desk in his home office slash study. My face heated as I recalled the numerous times Cadmus had taken me on this very desk, made love to me which seemed to be one of the only things he hadn't gotten rid of when he changed everything else in the house.
Before my mind could start wondering as to why that is and taking me down a long and winding road that leads to nowhere, I cut my thoughts off and tried to focus on what Reena was saying. I was still nervous in her presence, still expecting some kind of strong backlash for my actions, but for the half an hour we were there, she never once said anything derogatory or hurtful to me.
In fact, she acted as though we'd just seen each other the day before. The conversation sounded no different to many we'd had in the past, except for questions about the twins and their likes and dislikes and, of course, when she was going to be allowed to have them overnight once she set up a nursery at her home.
Her excitement and easy acceptance almost made me cry tears of shame, but as always, she seemed to recognize this and set about putting me at ease, much like she had the first time we met. It would've been so easy to fall back into the same old routine, like slipping my foot into an old comfortable shoe, but the fact that Cadmus had disappeared with our twins kept me from being too relaxed.
That, and the thought of spending the night here. It's funny, but I hadn't looked this far ahead, haven't had time to truth be known since Cadmus rushed back into my life. I haven't even thought of my mother and how she will react to this turn of events.
I'm sure she won't stay away once word gets back to her though I was hoping that her minions hadn't seen Cadmus coming and going from my house. The thought put such fear in me that my body started to tingle in fear, and I started to feel panic rising in my chest, so I had to take deep breaths to calm down.