Chapter 2 - Zombies 3/21

Zombies 3/21

Dear Akeldama,

Zombies are run by a monarchy as of 10,000 years ago. Before that we still loved human brains and were controlled by that desire. That desire made us the 3rd/5 races in term of power, now thanks to the human race Dependents are ranked first in power.

I'm the crown prince of the Zombie race currently 12 years old. I have one older brother (17y/old) who is currently in jail for the illegal consumption of human brains, hearts, and other organs.

My mother is currently the Queen of the Zombie race. Today, I learned about the Zombie race in general studies.

Zombies are part of the dependent race which are also known as undead. The Dependents Race is one of the two races that can be identified by physical appearance. Zombies are know for their paste greenish brown colored skin although the skin itself is usually very smooth. Dirt brown hair and emerald eyes. The deeper the color of green the stronger their powers. These strengths include muscle or physical enhancement, strong digestive tracts (being able to eat even poisonous things),having superhuman regeneration abilities, very high fertility (being able to have babies, we used to bite humans to reproduce), and a dedicated mind (they were sooo dedicated to eating humans).

Zombies today are mostly known for their strength and fertility, so of course we as the Royal Family are involved in Military and Law enforcement matters the most. Our services are requested by the the Continent Astech as well as R-Tech quite frequently, as a result many Zombies have migrated and settled in those continents under the Royal Family's orders.

Even though my brother trafficked humans he wouldn't have been removed from the throne until I became of age. At the age of 6 Zombies develop their unique identifiers. The colors of their eye changes along with their hair color. Once I turned 6 my brother officially relinquished the thrown. My name Akeldama, means pool of blood. As in the wish of the 'knock on wood' rule being respected and their being no wars in my lifetime.

