Dear Akeldama,
Today I saw my brother. Like usual we walked and talked and I was very happy… until his withdrawal Simpson's started to affect him.
He lied on the ground and sobbed and scratched and bled. Grabbed me and tried to take a bite while also trying to stop himself by eating his own face, until he got dragged away by the Royal guards. His face was laughing while crying at the same time. …. Disgusting
Zombies withdrawal symptoms are worse than drugs when it comes to humans. A strong whiff of blood could leave weaker zombies in the hospital for years until they recover. My brothers withdrawal symptoms are relatively mild.
Although he never hurt a live human he did damage the corpses of humans who illegally buried their remains. While walking in an area that he bought to be developed he caught strong whiffs of human blood. He couldn't resist the biological temptation and ate.
Later the area was shut down and is still being dug up today… The humans were arrested ,but my brother who was 6 at that time is still struggling from withdrawal symptoms 6 years later.
Human burials have been illegal since year 0111, this is because of their risk to humans. Humans now can only donate their bodies to research or be cremated, but since my brother did consume humans he was stripped of his title, detained and jailed by Mother and Father, and still suffers with withdrawal symptoms.
…While those humans were jailed for 3 years and then later set free.