Chereads / Blue Paint / Chapter 70 - Solus Council V

Chapter 70 - Solus Council V

Persons of different species, all stemming from varying home worlds, were filing into the large and open room, taking seats at the large round table.

The leaders would sit in the center while their company sat at their sides.

The Everion had Nizael to his right while Lulu and Tavella were seated to his left, Tavella right next to him.

Although the Everion had three people accompanying him, more than his usual amount, he didn't have the most.

While leaders such as the Emperor of Solitul and the Emperor of Kritol had one person accompanying them, the Galactic Federation had five. Those five were the heads of the Federation, heads of the weakest races across the many galaxies.

Men and women who seemed slightly nervous under the gazes of people such as Nizael and Emperor Falcion, many stories of the two had reached their ears the moment species acquired interstellar travel.

Though the remained with their head held high, they were the ones who called for an emergency council. They had vital information important to all in the room; it needed to be addressed.

Once seats were taken, a man stood, gaining their attention. His visage was similar to them all, a body that was practically transfigured into a machine, barely any of the flesh that had made up his being could be seen - He was a Yuill, the red metal braids birthing out his skull being a known symbol.

The man opened a translucent screen in his hands before speaking up in a posh mechanized voice.

"This Council shall begin momentarily, but before that, I shall give an overview of the topic recently brought to our attention. We will also present live footage of an event preceding the destruction of the planet Ganesh and the Human colony, Delhi."

At the mention of the colony and the planet it resided on being destroyed, all the leaders nodded, prodding the mechanical man to continue.

"This sudden destruction was caused by the creatures that have been slow in activity recently. We believe this event means some things will come in the future."

The Kritol emperor rested his hand on his fist, "You speak of the World Eaters?"

"Yes, they are who we speak of."

The Solitul Emperor muttered under his breath - tapping a talon atop the table.

"Creatures of old such as the World Eaters, hmmm. They might have been less active than they used to be, but they remained active nevertheless. An event such as this was bound to happen sooner or later."

He turned to the heads of the Galactic Federation, "Were you not preparing for this possibility? What did you do to lead to such a loss?"

The heads of the Federation exchanged glances before the man, whose bone in his forehead was much more prominent, spoke up.

"Due to our Federation being much younger when compared to the others in this meeting, there were still things left undecided, such as us operating more along the lines of individuals. Our most recent members, Humans, and their homeworld, Earth. We have come to know them for their imaginative minds and their creativity."

"Get to the point, Alseran. We don't have all the time in the world."

"Right... My apologies, General Bavel. The Council, The Federation Council had recently decided that it was imperative to pool together all our scientists to experience much more advancement in all aspects.

In that decision, we sought to find groundbreaking advancement in the knowledge of the World Eaters... Make ourselves known in the grand universe."

"You messed with things beyond your understanding."

The Everion spoke out. Those were the first words he had uttered since taking a seat at the Council table, his words inciting the attention of the rest of the council.

"It is understandable - advancement requires an understanding of what is not. The difference here, however, is that these are creatures that even the oldest of species here dare not do such a thing."

Looking to his left, he exchanged glances with the indifferent look of Tavella and the curious gaze of Lulu.

"These... creatures have eaten many planets, terrorized species, caused the extinction of many more. What is it specifically you have done?"

Taking in his words, the Galactic Federation's leaders exchanged nervous glances.


"Yes, we were blind momentarily thinking of the possibilities; we have set up this meeting because of that. To inform you of our mistakes. We'll continue."

With a short bow to all the members, even Lulu and Tavella, the Alseran man continued.

"Three years ago, there was an operation utilizing genetically enhanced Human soldiers on planet Terror-05 in a continued effort to remove as many of them as possible from our sector. The planet had noticeably high World Eater activity - for simplification purposes, I will refer to the World Eaters as WDE."

Seeing nods of understanding, he continued.

"On said planet were multiple WDE nests, which we thoroughly destroyed. While scouring the surface, we discovered an anomaly. A small girl was interacting with a small WDE - with no harm being done to her. So the soldiers brought her aboard their ships and placed her in containment after seeing the WDEs protecting her."

"Protecting her?"

"Yes. They were protecting her. After many experiments, we discovered that the WDEs would do their all to defend and follow her. After said discovery, we assigned everything around it under a new project, World Mother.

And so, three years later, three months ago, we had her transferred to the research colony, Delhi, along with scientists from the species heading the Federation... aboard our Titan."

"A Titan? Am I right to assume that is the Interstellar ship you received as a gift from the Solitul Empire?" A woman with four arms and pale blue skin questioned.

"Yes, lady Viell. It is the only ship of that class we have in our hands."

Nodding with a hum, she signaled with her hands for him to continue.

"They were to experiment on the subject more in the luscious environment with the input of scientists from varying corners of the universe. Not long after, a mere weeks ago... there was a containment breach, leading to the destruction of Ganesh."

Finished, he nodded towards the Yuill, a small screen appearing in front of each group at the table.

The footage began playing, showing horrifying images of shadowless creatures covered in tentacles and eyes devouring men, women, and children alike. People that attempted to fight back were met with futility and mutilation.

They clawed off their arms, legs, or heads. Swipes at their stomachs clawing out their guts, stomach acid and torn intestines spilling out, their innards to be scarfed down grotesquely.

Scenes of cruelty, horror, and disgust happened all across the planet, no man spared.

The enormous ship, the Titan, which orbited in the atmosphere, after taking as many evacuation shuttles on board as they could, began to flee only for that to prove futile.

Explosions spread all over the ship before it came barreling down to its surface, causing a large explosion followed by the ship's crash.

The creatures soon began to devour all remaining life on the planet before the footage was cut to them as they began tunneling into the innards of the celestial body and the explosion that followed.

After the footage ended, the council was quiet and as still as space. Many members and their entourages had their faces cringing in disgust while a solemn mood took hold of the Council chamber.

"...This is a problem of the utmost seriousness." Lady Viell muttered lowly. She tapped her pointed nails on the table, her face contorting at the thought of the situation.

Her words were spoken loud enough to be heard across the quiet room. The council members, those that had been silent since the beginning of the council, began to let their thoughts known; their agreements with Lady Viell, their thoughts on what should be done - even their panicked thoughts.

Lulu was blankly staring at the space where the screen once was. Her eyes shook - she couldn't unsee what she had just seen, the horrors experienced on Ganesh, the blood, the gore. It all made her nauseous.

The girl clutched at the armrests of her chair. She turned, watching the unwavering steel gazes of her grandmother and the Everion while Tavella had a blank expression, making it impossible to grasp her reaction.

She looked toward the heads of the Galactic Federation. She could tell that they looked over the footage multiple times - yet they still showed expressions of disgust and signs of recoil.

The council members weighing in their thoughts with each other, all concerned, not for the people that lost their lives, but for how this could affect their own people and home worlds. Even so, they all agreed this was a threat of the utmost importance.

So, they began petitioning ideas on how to handle the situation, raising ideas from uniting under one banner until the threat is dealt with to the use of planet-ending planets.

Once his hand rose, the chamber quieted, waiting for what Falcion had to say.

"Firstly," he sighed. "We can not utilize weapons that could harm an untold amount of civilian and blossoming species. That would simply be assisting in the WDE's path of chaos."

"So, what do you suggest we do, Emperor?" One of the previously enthusiastic council members asked.

"Simple, one of you mentioned it before. We unite," his sharp eyes went over the entire council. "The best action is to align our forces and face this threat together. In this... unity, we can better protect not just your people, but all our people."

"I agree. Who do you suggest lead this unity of ours?"

"there happens to be a species who will remain unaffected by the threat these WDEs pose, as they are one of the most powerful factions here - I believe they should be the head of the alliance."

Nodding at his words, they followed his line of sight to see where vision was focused: The Detrid group.

Under the gaze of Emperor Falcion and the eyes of the rest of the council, the Everion sat with his arms crossed and eyes shut, Nizael in a similar position, her eyes remaining shut when he opened his.

"I believe... that can be arranged."

But it wasn't the Everion who answered; It was Tavella. This being the first time she had let her voice be heard since the meeting began, caused them to cast her curious gazes.

Continuing, "If you believe this unity under our leadership is for the best, then so be it." She finished, looking Falcion directly in the eyes.

"Is there a problem, Solare?" The Everion questioned a winged man sitting near Emperor Falcion.

"No." He replied in a disgruntled voice, the distaste of the matter evident on his face.

The Kuill swept his gaze over the council. Taking note of how things were relatively decided, he spoke.

"Now that matters are decided, for the most part, we can bring a close to this meeting. Is this all right?"

Not hearing any new words, he nodded, "Very well, with this, this Council meeting is adjourned. There will be a proceeding meeting in about a day to cement the details of the alliance, so please return to your areas for now."

After his words, small conversations started as people rose from their seats, going out the large doors, the weight of the previously spoken subject still sitting on their shoulders.

Lulu looked to Tavella; she was calm and collected, not letting her emotions or whatever It was that she thought to affect her.

Even with the tense situation and the seriousness of the matter, she delivered her words without a single stutter or ounce of hesitance. It was inspiring to see.

She wished she could be more like that, more like her. So, she followed after her.

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