Chereads / Blue Paint / Chapter 67 - Solus Council II

Chapter 67 - Solus Council II

The sun was glaring down on Lexgran. The ship dock of the capital city was bustling with activity. Ships were pulling in while others pulled out. Cargo ships were pooling in with supplies, getting papers signed and crates checked. Transport ships were dropping people off, their bodies joining in the mass of people while others were pooling onto them.

Guards from the Tower were patrolling the dock, keeping watch and observing every transaction; Their full-body metal armor glistened under the lights of the sparkling ship space. There was a convergence of guards gathering around the back of a nearby ship, forming two lines while waiting for someone of importance.

The back end began to fall, opening to reveal its interior. At the sight of the figures that stood there, the soldiers all slammed their right fists against their chest in salute.

Descending from the ship first was Nizael, striding forward, full of pride and almost overbearing confidence, her military garb slightly fluttering from the movement.

"At ease."

Her voice flowed through the air as confidently as she walked. Following her words, the men and women lined up around her returned their arms to their sides or armaments. Her gaze passed over them and the dock for a moment.

"Return to your post. I won't be conducting an inspection today."

Nodding their heads, they quickly dismissed themselves, going off in different directions, heeding her words.

"Come along now, dear. Say goodbye to the brat and your mother. We'll be gone for a while."

Turning to the three figures that followed after her from the ship, Karma, her vibrant hair curling around her shoulders, standing next to her was the well put together, Lalia. She was busy checking over Lulu. Puffing her cloak, it would cover her entire figure, but most importantly: her hair.

Skipping ahead of them, Karma spoke out, "I'll see you later, Lulu. I'll quickly go and visit mom. Good luck, don't die on me, please!" She said with a smile spread across her face.

Lalia's eyes pierced Karma, "Don't say things like that, Karma!"

Lulu, however, was amused by her words. Chuckling in response to her. Shushing herself after catching her mother's glare

"Whatever you say, auntie." With a snort of her nose, she quickly turned on her heels, "Bye!"

A grin tugged at her lips. Lulu waved at the redhead's back, "Bye." Silently watching her sprint away before turning to look at her worried mother.

"You made sure to bring enough vials with you, right? Did you bring the medicine with you as well, don't forget to keep track of time, bring the syringe with you just in case, alright? You never know what can happen, so be careful with who you talk to; be sure to mind your manners in front of the council, also-"

"Mama." Lulu's voice broke through her mother's rambling, gently taking the caring woman's hands in hers. "I'll be alright. And if anything happens, grandma will be there with me. So don't worry, I'll be fine."

Her mother's lips burst into a small smile, her eyes flashing with reminiscent. "You've grown up so fast, my dear. Take care of yourself." Pulling her daughter into a hug, she released her, looking towards Nizae, who was waiting patiently.

"Take care of her." She muttered softly.

"Of course." With a quick response, she took her daughter into a brief hug, pulling away only moments later. "Let's go, Lulu."


Following behind her grandmother, she swiftly led her across the floors that glistened like they had been cleaned and wiped over a hundred times. It was easy for them to pass through the dock. Everywhere they went, the people would part like Moses parting the sea. They would stand by and watch Nizael pass with gazes of respect and reverence. It was scary.

In response to all the gazes and heads turned toward her direction, Lulu pulled her cloak's hood down on her head even tighter than before. The attention was becoming overbearing, yet her grandmother did not react to it.

Fidgeting with her fingers, she sighed to herself, silently following after the old General.

Soon they were leaving the docks and were on the streets. A man dressed sharply in the uniform of the Bavel estate came up to them with a curt bow. Holding his hand out with a pair of keys. "Your ride, General."

"Right, thank you. You may leave now."

Taking the keys, she promptly entered the vehicle, offering no other words before starting it. Lulu hurriedly entered the back seats. They zoomed into the sky just as she finished strapping in.

While they sped through the skies, Lulu called, "Grandma."


She thought for a moment, a finger on her chin, "Where are we going? You never told me before dragging us out of the north. What did mama mean by the council?" She questioned with a curious gaze.

Nizael chuckled at the tone of Lulu's voice. The girl was like a cat when it came to her curiosities. "We'll be going to the Everion's Blolanc first. Then we'll be going off-planet for the Solus Council meeting."

"Oh, never mind the Everion's Blolanc." Brushing off the mention of the mysterious Everion's Blolanc, she continued, "What is the Solus Council?"

"It's a council formed of the many powers spread across the universe. Due to our people being recognized as one of the strongest, especially with our ability to use Flauna with ease. We are one of the founders of the council."

Deciding on a quick explanation, Nizael quickly told her what she saw as important enough for the girl. Even though she was getting older, seventeen cycles now, she was still surprisingly naive towards some things. She would always say: "I'm a genius idiot." That probably summed it up.

Rolling her finger in circles on her chin, "I see, so it's important?" She questioned.

"In some ways, yes." She shrugged. It wasn't as important to them and their people as it was for others.

She tilted her head at that answer, even more curious, "Then how come you're bringing me along? I wouldn't say I'm the most useful or intelligent person to bring along."

"For experience."


After Nizael's final words, she went silent, contemplating what type of experience she would gain from attending this council meeting. It was clear what she was supposed to learn, though how she was supposed to, she was worried her feeble emotional control might not hold.

While she sat in silence, mulling over her thoughts, they had arrived at a place she was familiar with, one she's seen, though she hadn't been to since she was a child; Brigid Tower.

"I thought we were going to the Everion's Blolanc?" She inquired.

"We are."

With a simple reply, Nizael parked in the private parking area. Reserved only for workers and business associates. She stepped out, opening the door for Lulu after, "Follow me and speak to no one, even if you know them, ok?"

She was confused, though she responded anyway, "Ok."

They entered from the side of the Tower. The soldiers guarding the entrance had quickly let the two in at the sight of Nizael, not even slightly worried about Lulu, covered in her suspicious cloak.

Nizael led Lulu through a few halls passing by people who gave short greetings to her as they passed. They entered a restricted room. The room was empty, only a single box in a corner containing cards yet to be registered and activated.

Lulu watched Nizael step to the far wall of the room. She pressed her hand against the wall, raising one of the many cards she had in her possession, a silver and translucent one.

Moments after, the wall shook for a moment. Sliding off to the side, it revealed a hidden elevator. Nizael stepped into the elevator, Lulu following after her. After the wall slid back over, covering the elevator once more, she raised her hand to the pad on the side of the entrance, blue light flashing over the hand.

The elevator soon lurched upward. At least that's what Lulu thought happened because soon there wasn't a wall in front of them. Instead, there was a long corridor. A long carpet stretched the entire length of the floor. One side of the walls was completely open, letting air come through, blowing the fabric draping the wall opposite it. Gold, silver, and blue metals were placed about, while men and women dressed in sparkling plate armor lined up down the corridor.

They stood there, still. Their heads hadn't even snapped in their direction after the two stepped off the elevator.

One look at Lulu's expression caused Nizael to chuckle. The girl had awe and amazement spread across her face; taking hold of her eyes was a look of curiosity. A look she had gained after looking over the open side of the corridor.

Her eyes, gazing downward, locked onto what was far below them, the place they were in only moments ago.

"How can't this place be seen from the capital?" She questioned, unaware of the woman approaching them, unable to hide her curiosity.

"Because this place is made hidden by the ancient power of Lords Soletti and Tyvetta. In more ways than one, we are on another plane. I believe you have experienced this before, Lulia?" A silky voice responded to her while calling out to her.

Unfamiliar with the owner of the voice, she turned her gaze away from the capital, her eyes veering to the woman who had two armored guards by her side, standing with all the grace in the world. Her entire being was sparkling.

"Who- ah, Tavella?" She was struck into silence at the woman before she gained a look of realization.

The woman. Her sparkling shoulder-length golden brown hair - fluttered from the wind. There was half of what looked to be the Everion's crown circling her head. Her star-filled gaze flashed in happiness. A smirk took hold of her lips, "I'm glad you've remembered me. Lulia. It's been many cycles since we last saw each other."

Lulu, taking up a smirk of her own, "Oh, right. How are you? Anyways, what you said about being on another plane. Is that why this place wasn't attacked seven cycles ago?" She questioned, talking again in a nervous tone, "What do you mean, I experienced this before? I don't know what you're talking about."

Firmly denying what the girl said, she failed to notice how her hood had been blown off her head long ago, though it wasn't like it mattered where they were now.

"Well, firstly, I'm doing perfectly splendid. Second, that is exactly why this place was left untargeted, and third, I know what I know. I've seen it, you know. Your pull into the forest, your meeting with the Lord, your adventure into the plane, you..." Her gaze fluttered over to the metal arm, "Losing your arm. I've seen all of it."

As Tavella spoke, Lulu sighed in understanding before taking notice of the sour expression on her grandmother's face. The topic of everything she went through didn't seem to be something she liked talking about.

"Lord Yuletti should keep her gaze off of such matters." She muttered.

At her comment, Tavella's starry eyes turned to Nizael, a look of empathy and understanding seeping through a single gaze.

She nodded, "She told me of your thoughts on such matters, General. I've... also been informed of the future you hope to prevent. I hope you succeed in doing so. But the future I see is bleak."

She was doing it again, what Lulu saw as the most annoying thing in the world when talking about any matter with Tavella. The woman always found a way to speak mysteriously. It was hard to understand what she was talking about unless you knew everything as she did.

"What? What are you two talking about? Prevent what? What future?" She questioned the two women, tired of their mysteries and ambiguous words.

Nizael and Tavella merely shook their heads, Nizael speaking, "It doesn't matter. You're not ready to know yet." She shook off the girl's curiosities.

"All will reveal itself in the future, Lulia. One moment at a time, your destiny shall fold itself into reality. It would be best if you take heed that your choices will determine what that reality will be and whether or not it's the one you're happy with. Follow me. Let's not keep the Everion waiting for too long." Tavella spoke up, turning around and heading down the corridor, her guards right on heels.

Watching her grandmother follow after her, Lulu huffed, grumbling under her breath in frustration. Why were there so many secrets? Why can't - why won't they tell her? The thoughts flooded her head while she followed after them.


Slouching through the corridors, she took note of the few portraits and paintings hung along the walls. There were portraits of families, two people, and individuals. The family portraits held people with similar looks to Tavella's and the Everion. The few containing two people always had the strange crown of the Everion split in two between the two, just like Tavella's. The single portraits were the portraits of every Everion that has ever been in power.

Lost in thought as she gazed at the many portraits lining the halls, Lulu didn't notice them stopping at a large set of doors, causing her to smack her face into the back of one of Tavella's guards. Crying out in pain, she started rubbing her forehead.

She rushed out an apology, "S-Sorry..."

Not receiving a reply, she watched as the guard glanced at her, frightening her as she did so, before walking with the other guard to pull its handles, pulling it open.

Tavella hurriedly walked through the doors. Nizael grabbed Lulu by the shoulders, pushing her forward into the room.

Past the doors was a grand throne room. A large throne was elevated at the end of the room. Slouched on the throne, staff in hand, the other half of the crown circled his head. The Everion had a stunning smile rounded nicely by his wrinkles.

He dismissed the guards in the room with a wave of his hand, "Welcome, Nizael, Lulia. We must talk."

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