"Hahaha, I'm just kidding, but if you want to thank her, I would recommend that you give her some toyherb as a gift, I know she will love it. So let's continue, as I said, to recover runic energy there are several ways, you can eat foods rich in runic energy, sleep several hours to regenerate or you can also take a bath in the thermal waters of the town, they are special and fill you with energy with just enjoy the bath."
"Well, I already wrote it down in my head."
"Hehe, fine, I hope you don't forget anything... Now, continuing with the theme of magic, in addition to the fact that it can be used to fight, and heal others, magic can also be used on objects, for example, the chest of your house as well as the small bag on my waist, are designed with a space spell, these are responsible for absorbing the runic energy of the environment so that the spell remains active and generates all that space even though it seems that nothing could fit inside it, another example would be the fridge, it is designing with a water spell that makes the space remain cold inside it, and there are many more tools that also work thanks to magic, but there are too many to say them all. You should also know that the spells within them do not remain infinitely, after a while they wear out little by little and you have to rewrite them so that they work perfectly again, but in reality, it must take a long time for them to wear out completely so that you should always try to understand the spells with which the objects you use work so that you can repair them yourself."
The new world that opened before Blake made him think of all the possibilities and how incredible magic was. He was getting excited to experiment and try to use it himself, even though he had his supposed inventory and that voice, he wasn't sure if that was magic.
"And that would be all I have to explain to you, Blake... If you want to learn more about magic, you should look for Marjorie, she is a great witch and, in her business, you can buy many spells for you to learn... For now, I will give you a spell that should always be the first one learned, here!" After saying that, it was yellow and was rolled up and held by a kind of seal, and she handed it to Blake while speaking again. "This is the first spell that everyone learns for the first time, "Teleport", is a spell of the space element that helps you return to a point that you mark as long as the distance is not too much... It is incredibly useful, and you will wonder why it is the first you learn it, that's because why when you are starting to control magic, this spell helps you get used to feeling the runes around you. All you have to do to learn it is break the seal and the spell will appear in your mind."
And so he did, Blake removed the seal from the parchment and he could see how the interior of it began to glow and some kind of strange symbols entered his head, but he could not understand what they meant, but just when he was going to ask Shara that, the typical voice in his head was heard again.
[Do you want to learn the "Teleport" spell?]
'I think this is too convenient.' Blake agreed to learn the spell and the symbols on his head became clear to explain all.
"It may take a few days to fully understand the spell, at first they will seem like meaningless symbols, but once..." And without letting her finish speaking, Blake placed his hand on the floor of place and a kind of cyan light came out of his hand.
"Blake, how...!" Once again, Blake left Shara with the word in her mouth as he walked away from the place where he had generated that strange light. After being at a considerable distance, from his mouth came the word necessary to activate the spell.
"Teleport!" And while Shara was still surprised by what had just happened, her surprise at hearing that word made her mouth drop open. When he finished saying that, Blake had disappeared in a halo of light from the place where he was and appeared in the area where he had generated the cyan light previously. "It seems that it worked."
"Blake, h-how did you do that?!"
"Well... I just learned the spell and that's it." Shara's surprised face did not disappear as she tried to digest how Blake had managed to use that spell at the same time that he did not understand that she did something extremely surprising.
"You are incredible! Blake! In all my life I have never seen someone who could use a spell the moment they learned it; you have a great talent for magic!" Again, the praise made Blake a bit embarrassed, plus he was surprised to be able to use magic so easily, and he was sure it was all thanks to the voice he heard in his head. "Well, Blake, I think that at the end that would be all I had to explain to you, I hope you have understood everything perfectly, but if you still have any other questions, you can always ask me again."
"Thanks for everything, Shara! If there is something I do not understand I will ask you, but I think everything is clear."
"Hehe, I'm glad! Well, finally, you should choose a name for your farm."
"Eh? A name for the farm? Do I have to name it?"
"Yeah right. After all, this is your home now!"
"Okay, I'll call it..." After thinking of some strange names like herbs and logs, or the magic farm, he ultimately decided on something simple.
"Sharance. The Sharance farm. You like...?"
"Yes! It is a beautiful name!" The smile on Shara's face told him that he had chosen the right name and something inside him was beginning to accept the new life that awaited him in the future. "I have to go now, Blake, but if you want you can go to my house later... I have something else to tell you, but first I have to go to the store, it's already a bit late."
"Okay, see you later... Um, by the way, where is your house?"
"If you go down the path from here, you will see three stores. The middle one is where I live, the florist... There are many flowers around, so you should be able to distinguish it immediately."
"Okay, got it!"
"It is good to hear. Well, I'll see you later."
"Okay! Thank you very much for everything!"
"It was a pleasure, hehe." After their goodbye finished, Shara walked away, disappearing from Blake's sight through the ground floor exit, making him stay alone in that place this time.
"Sigh... What an interesting day."
[Progress... Saved.]