Aleeta was silent during the trip, making Rendra also silent. They were busy with their own thoughts, until finally the trip was colored by silence.

Right at an entrance to a park, Rendra stopped his vehicle. Get out of the car, then jog a little around the front of the car to open the door for Aleeta.

The woman remained silent with a blank stare. Don't know what he was thinking until he didn't realize Rendra had opened the door for him.

"Aleeta ... Aleeta ...," called Rendra for the umpteenth time. Because there was no response, the man held Aleeta's hand.

Aleeta was a little surprised when she realized the man who was smiling sweetly was holding her hand. Inevitably, he followed the man's steps into the garden.

The park is not too big and quite quiet. The place is good, it's just that it's far away so it's not as busy as other parks.

"Where are we going, Ryan? There's a seat here too," protested Aleeta, pointing to a long white bench made of wood.

"It's better there, Aleeta. I'm sure you'll like it. Trust me," replied Rendra confidently.

Because that place is also often visited when the day or his heart is not well.

Aleeta smiled broadly at Rendra when they arrived at the place Rendra had intended.

"Very good, Ryan. Where do you know this place from?" asked Aleeta curiously. "I never knew a place like this existed."

Rendra was happy to see Aleeta smiling like that again. Not in vain the man took him to his secret place. That means, they have a little secret together. Ah, thinking about it made a smile continue to be etched on Rendra's handsome face.

"This is where I get rid of my sadness. Because you are a special person to me, so I invite you to my special place," said Rendra while holding on to the safety fence made of iron along the left side of the garden.

Aleeta's face reddened when she heard Rendra's words. Not wanting her red face to be seen by the man, she stepped closer to the safety fence, then spread her arms out feeling the wind blow against her face and play with her long mane.

"Thank you," said Aleeta briefly without taking her eyes off. The sight of the rows of houses and buildings stretching out in front of her caught her attention too much.

"I'm happy when you're happy. I like it when you laugh, it's more beautiful. Makes me feel more at home to see it." Rendra returned to praise for the umpteenth time. It seemed that he never squandered the opportunity at hand.

"Why me?" asked Aleeta in a low voice. "I'm sure with your position and handsome face, there must be a lot of women approaching."

Rendra also looked straight at the expanse of the buildings.

"I don't know why my heart chose you and I don't need a reason for that. For me ... I like you because it's you," answered Rendra turning his face towards Aleeta. Even with that woman.

They stared at each other for a moment without saying anything.

It seems that Aleeta is still at war with her own feelings. After liking a man she hadn't known existed for a long time, it made it hard for her to open her heart. Instead, she always felt betrayed.

Rendra turned his gaze back and broke eye contact between them.

"You don't have to feel burdened, Aleeta. I've already said that I will keep waiting even if it means it will take a long time."

Aleeta smiled faintly at Rendra. When he was in doubt, it seemed that the man was very sure of his own feelings. Made her a little jealous of him. Even though the time they spent was only a moment, but I don't know what made Rendra so sure of him.

"I invite you here to reduce the burden on your mind, not to add to it. So, just enjoy this view," concluded Rendra as he swung his steps towards another white wooden chair. The chair is not as long as the other chairs and can only fit two people.

"I like the view. Especially with the evening sky like this, it's even more beautiful." Aleeta turned around and leaned against the iron railing.

Now he was facing each other with Rendra with a distance of three meters. The gust of wind again made Aleeta's Mane dance until it covered part of her face.

The figure of Aleeta like that looks very beautiful in Rendra's eyes. Making the man record firmly in his memory. Yes, as a healer when longing to greet his heart.

"But you are prettier."

"Ugh, what are you doing? You've been cursing all the time," protested Aleeta, annoyed. When he was about to take a step, Rendra rushed over to him and led him to the wooden chair he had been sitting on.

"I've never been rude, have I. Everything I said is true."

"Ah, never mind. I'm lazy to argue with you." Aleeta was silent again enjoying the afternoon breeze accompanied by the scenery in front of her.

The lights began to glow, as if they became a collection of scattered stars. The dim atmosphere makes it even more beautiful.

Rendra took off his coat and slung it over Aleeta's shoulder. It seemed that he was afraid that the woman would catch a cold due to the decreasing temperature.

"Let's go home now, let's go. I'm afraid you'll get sick. If you're sick, I won't be able to concentrate on work," said Rendra holding out his hand to carry Aleeta.

However, the woman refused by shaking her head. They were only about six or seven meters away from the car. Of course he would be strong enough to walk there, he thought.

Rendra, who doesn't want to argue, chooses to support Aleeta. He put one hand on Aleeta's shoulder and the other on her waist.

After Aleeta entered the vehicle, Rendra did not immediately enter. He took out his cell phone and called Ryan to make sure his assistant had done his job.

"Where are you, Ryan?" asked Rendra when the phone line was connected.

"I'm already on my way to the hotel, boss," Ryan replied curtly.

"Why are you taking so long, huh? Even though I've given you enough time. You're not good enough, Ryan."

"Sorry, Boss. I was with Malika somewhere. So it took me a while to get to the supermarket to pick up Miss Aleeta's groceries," Ryan explained with an excuse. He is not Doraemon who has a magic door that can take him anywhere. Just open the door and you will arrive at your destination.

Rendra chuckled annoyed hearing that reason. Ryan knew very well to use Malika as a shield.

"I'll slow down my car. Just watch out if you arrive later than me at the hotel. If that happens, say goodbye to your salary next month," threatened Rendra with great emphasis.

Ryan hadn't even answered Rendra's words, but that reason had cut the line. It is always like that. Just said what he said without letting Rendra speak until he was done. Fate.

"Stupid Ryan!"