Chereads / Crystal Stitches (BL) / Chapter 16 - Dance With Me

Chapter 16 - Dance With Me

Simon had gone into this affair with business on the brain and a cup full of bravado. But, it was amazing how quickly all of that could be stripped from a man. Those feelings faded like shadows from the light, as he found himself surrounded by a veritable wonderland; a place full of smiling faces, beautiful outfits and sumptuous food. But, it was really the music that did it for him. It was different than the sort that was played in the bars of the working class.

The violins, the cellos and the grand piano all came together in a delightful symphony that seemed to sweep the dancers effortlessly across the floor. One pair in particular stood out to the tailor. A fine gentleman in a long, red coat twirled a brunette in a gorgeous, golden gown around the room. The pair almost seemed to be getting lost in each other's eyes. Not only that, but the longer they circled one another, the more they blended together, until they became as one.

Simon must have stared a bit too long. Because his vampire companion stepped beside him, following his line of sight, before whispering tenderly into his ear,

"I sometimes imagine us like that, you know."

"R-Ridiculous!" the human exclaimed, scandalized, as he stepped to the side, forcefully breaking the spell that he had been under, "Let me remind you that I'm not here to make merry and dance! I'm here to work!"

Alabaster seemed to pout as the other man straightened his coat and trotted off into the crowd, obviously expecting him to follow. The noble would have complained, but he was the one who offered Simon a chance to network at this prestigious event. He could tell that it was very important to the man who always made himself busy. Though, the vampire did have to wonder if the human knew just HOW important this party was. Mr. Stone may not have known much about business, but he HAD seen entire lives change just from getting an invitation to a gala. That being said, he believed that this would open a whole new world up to the tailor; he just needed someone to be his guide.

'It may be a pain, but I must be supportive. I really would like to help this man reach his hopes and dreams.'

With that thought in mind, the powerful creature faded into the sea of people, walking after the man on a mission. It wasn't very hard to get the fish to bite. Alabaster made small talk with the well to do, a drink in one hand and Simon's shoulder rested upon with the other.

"Oh my! You say that you got your clothes at this fine gentleman's shop?! The Ode to Maria, you say?"

"Yes. It's a little store tucked away on Bellany Avenue."

"THAT street?!" one of the gentlemen practically squealed with horror, "It's practically a rat trap!"

"The neighborhood might not be up to your standards," Simon said with a sigh, as he removed Alabaster's hand from his person, "But, my shop is both clean and filled with high quality goods. I can guarantee it."

"Not to mention that he takes custom orders. Which is why my suit is so entirely different from anything you've ever seen. Isn't that right, dear tailor?"

"Yes. I do make custom. Here is my card, if you ever have need of my services. I also make house calls."

With that last line spoken by a man who recognized that the thought of going down Bellany Avenue made even the bravest of aristocracy practically break out in hives, his customers took his card with gratitude. Finally, Simon glanced around the room with a smile of satisfaction. He realized that practically all of them had his information, now. Snatches of faint gossip graced his ears of how they couldn't wait to get one of the tailor's 'clever needlework's' or 'fabric works of art'.

After the Price Pattimond event, Simon believed that his life was over. That he would have no choice, but to shut down The Ode to Maria and become a beggar to the people he once made clothes for. But, now, his future seemed bright. And there was just one man to thank for it.

Speaking of the devil, Simon turned just in time to see the vampire approaching him. The vampire claimed a fresh glass of bubbly from the platter of a servant passing by. The tailor raised an eyebrow as the other man took a sip. He decided to bring up a topic he had been instantly curious about, but had never found the proper time to address.

"I don't mean to be insensitive. However, I thought that vampires only drank blood up until I met you."

Alabaster blinked with a startled look, before breaking out in a peel of rich laughter.

"Vampires don't just drink blood, you silly man! We take in other fluids, as well as food, just like human beings. The reason behind our partaking of blood is much more complicated, my dear tailor."

Just then, he spirited another champagne flute off of a passing platter, before handing it to Simon. He held up his own glass with a charming smile.

"To us."

Simon was not much of a drinker. But, who was he to refuse a toast? Especially when he was having such a wonderful evening? A leather gloved hand raised the glass in solidarity.

"Yes. To us."

They took a sip of the luxurious concoction, together. Simon savored the taste, before lowering his glass to look at the other man. He thought of how he had saved him from the unscrupulous hands of Lord Price. Of how he had picked him up in a diamond studded carriage to share this beautiful evening with him. But, what really struck a cord was how Alabaster Stone had injected himself into areas that had once been empty pockets in Simon's world.

Something stirred within the tailor's heart in that moment. Was it gratitude? Or perhaps something more? Either way, he would blame his next actions on the alcohol, though he had, but a sip. Simon sauntered toward the vampire, claiming the glass from his hand, before placing both of them on a passing servant's tray. The vampire looked from the human back to the disappearing glasses in an amused sense of confusion.

"I wasn't even drunk, yet, you know."

"I know. That's why I took away your glass. Because I refused to let you forget this moment."

With that, the tailor turned his back on the other man, taking a few measured steps toward the dance floor, before turning toward Alabaster and doing something he never expected to see in a million years. He extended his hand to him in offering; Simon Hart was asking him to dance.

Just then, the vampire had flashbacks from ages ago. A set of shimmering eyes, a hand extended in offering, the moonlight shining down upon them, as they whispered sweet nothings into each others ears-

"Well? Do you wish to dance or not?"

Ignoring his companion's mildly irritated tone, the vampire only smiled, before nodding. The tailor tried to hold his hand steady. However, his bravery seemed to retreat, as he saw the other man advancing. He faltered, pulling back his appendage, only for Alabaster to bridge the gap. He claimed the other's hand in his own, before pulling Simon flush to him.

Their eyes locked, as a flush exploded onto the human's cheeks; the vampire had brought his other hand down to cradle his waist, most intimately. To say that Simon Hart was unused to such touch was the understatement of the year. But, he had no one to blame, but himself. After all, it was he who had offered up such a rare invitation.

Needless to say, he wasn't going to back down; not now. Especially not when he knew that this is what Alabaster had been hoping for, all along. Slowly, carefully, they tested each other's steps. Before Simon knew it, he was following Alabaster's lead and being twirled around the dance floor, just like that woman from earlier that he had secretly envied. Still, there must have been some hesitation left in his steps.

"Don't worry," the vampire utterly softly, "You're doing wonderfully, Simon."

He could have given a tart response to that. The tailor didn't like being talked down to, after all. But, the way those crystal-blue eyes held him as if he was the most precious thing in the world was enough to make his sense of sourness melt away. He focused, instead, on how his chest was beginning to feel warm and ache; sensations that he had not yet known in himself began to come alive.

'What is happening to me? I've never.. I've never felt this way before.'

But, aside from that single, inner thought, he didn't question it. He couldn't. So transfixed was he as they danced together, spinning as one, that he could do nothing to spoil the moment; the moment that he wished would last forever.

But, sadly, not everyone felt the same way. The moment shattered like the glass skylight above, as the unwary patrons screamed in fright. Alabaster pulled Simon to his chest to shield him from the raining shards, before they both looked up in shock. Standing against the backdrop of the full moon and stars was an entire group of red-eyed monsters; vampires.