Chereads / Crystal Stitches (BL) / Chapter 8 - A Fair Exchange

Chapter 8 - A Fair Exchange

Down Bellany Avenue strolled two gentlemen who earned curious glances from the locals. Some even looked upon them with nothing, but disdain. But, to the merchants who kept shop there, they were a sight for sore eyes. They wasted no time bringing out their finest wares, putting them in the shop windows in hopes of luring the well to do nobles in to spend some of the money that was obviously burning a hole in their pockets.

"That is a fine, new cane you've got for yourself, Jamison! Our peers can say what they like about this shabby neighborhood, but they DO have to admit that some fine craftsmen keep shop here!"

"Yes, this cane is grand! A grand thing, indeed! But, I could do with a new coat or two. I wonder what fashion delights The Ode to Maria has to offer today! We simply must pay it a visit, Hanesly!"

"Don't bother! The shop's always closed nowadays! Rumor has it that the tailor who owns it is working on a secret project."

"Oh? For a noble, perhaps?"

"Who can say? But, whoever they are, they must have gold Asters coming out of their ears! I'm even willing to bet that they've paid the tailor a fortune to focus on their commission and their commission, alone! That being said, I don't think the Ode to Maria will be opening its doors to the public anytime soon-"

"Look, Hanesly! Look!" the stouter noble exclaimed, as he gripped his companion's shoulder with one hand, as he pointed with the other, "It's open!"

"Why, by the devil's beard, you're right! Let's hurry, before it gets too crowded!"

But, when they stepped into the shop, they found that it was already too late. People were packed in like sardines. Not only that, but the poorer men were mixing with the well to do and the crowding was causing many of them to resort to violence over the dwindling supply of vests and overcoats; the unspoken rule of prioritizing the higher class be damned!

"This is ridiculous! I've not seen such disorder since the apple riot fifteen years ago!"

"That may be the case, old chum! But, isn't this sort of exciting?"

Hanesly looked at Jamison like he had lost his mind. Once he got over his initial shock, he opened his mouth to tell him just how mad that statement was, only to finally close it with a shrug. Taking stock of just how bored he and his friend had been, could he really criticize? And seeing other people of higher breeding out on the floor duking it out for what they thought was rightfully theirs WAS rather inspiring!

"Alright, Jamison Pucket! Let's get down there and get our fair share, dash it all!"

"Righto, Hanesly Gordon! Let's go show all of those other posh and poor people alike that two old timers like us can still scuffle with the best of em!"

With that, they joined the fray, struggling to get at the waist coats, before they were all sold out. While certain people were finding joy and amusement in the chaos, a certain tailor was just about ready to pull his own hair out! It seemed that word had spread like wildfire that the Ode to Maria was open again for business. He expected an uptick in patronage, since he had shut his doors for a few days to finish Alabaster's outfit, but this was ridiculous!

He quickly stitched up a hole in a man's trousers, feeding them back to him hurriedly over the dressing room door. Said man slipped a few Asters under it, which Simon scooped up with just as much haste, thanking the man for his business. Without skipping a beat, he scrambled off to restock the now scantily clad racks with the new suits he managed to cobble together just the night before.

"Do you have any more gloves, tailor?! That brute just took the last of them!"

"Hey! Who are ya callin' a brute! Ya bloated ole' bugger!"

"Why, you! I'll show you who's boss, you peasant trash!"

"Gentlemen!" Simon shouted, turning around the face them, "If you're going to knock each other's teeth in, that's your own business. But, do it out of my shop, if you please! Incidentally, I do have more gloves. I will put them out, immediately, sir."

By the time he brought them out, the two men had gone their separate ways.

"Thank heaven for small favors," he muttered in relief.

However, little did he realize that this was the only favor he would be getting from on high today; his troubles were just beginning.

"My my. You do seem to be busy today," a gentle voice said from behind him, "What's the occasion?"

"It's because I shut down my shop for a week to finish a client's suit," he said, as he collected a few customer's payments, quickly thumbing through the coins, "Now it would seem that the entire city's turned out for The Ode to Maria's reopening.

"Yes, you and your shop do seem to be quite popular, dear tailor."

'Wait a just moment!' he thought as he froze, nearly dropping the Asters in his hand, 'Dear.. tailor?'

He only knew one person that called him that. But, it had to be a coincidence! Perhaps he had pulled too many all-nighters and was hearing things! Yes, that had to be it! Simon braced himself, before glancing over his shoulder. He expected to find open air. But, against all odds, there he was! That damnable vampire!

"Alabaster! What in the devil are you-!" Simon glanced around them quickly, before groaning and grabbing the taller man's wrist, leading him off to one of the open dressing rooms.

He swiftly shoved him inside, before following after, shutting the door behind them. Alabaster simply raised an eyebrow in that infuriating way of his, glancing down at the space between them; or rather, the lack thereof. Because of how cramped the fitting room was, they were pressed chest to chest. The tailor flushed nearly from head to toe when he realized.

"H-How dare you."

"Need I point out that I'm not the one who shoved our bodies flush together, but you?"

"That's not what I meant," he practically hissed, exchanging his embarrassment for barely restrained fury, "How dare you show up on such short notice! I already sent your suit to the castle! If you needed alterations, you should have booked an appointment-"

"I'm not here for alterations and I think you know that. I sent you many invites, Simon Hart. You ignored every last one of them."

"I'm not at your beck and call, vampire! I don't care how powerful you are! I don't owe you anything! And I will not cater to your every whim!-"

"I simply long to spend time with you. Is that really such a crime?"

"It is when I'm working! I'm not like you! I can't lounge around a castle all day! I have obligations and a business to run! Because I'm-"

"Yes, I know; because you're a busy man."

"Damn right I am!" he snapped, not liking the way the vampire rolled those pretty, blue eyes at him, "Besides, you're missing the glaring elephant in the room! You are Alabaster Stone, a member of the vampire royal family! I'm surprised no one's noticed you by now to be honest. Just you being here will cause a stir! As if it wasn't chaotic enough out there, already!"

"You don't need to worry about that."

"Oh? And why is that?!"

"Because what you see and what other people see are two different things."

"I.. What? Explain yourself!"

Alabaster's eyes illuminated, as his appearance changed right before Simon's eyes. Rounded ears pointed out, blue eyes became pink and his hair turned into a flaming red. But, the most distinctive change of all? His fangs had disappeared. He looked a lot like Mira and Villo like this; like an elf.

"You can change your appearance at will?" the tailor asked in awe.

"Yes. Just one of my many talents. And like this, I can walk unseen amongst the humans. They don't seem to be nervous around elves."

"No. No, they aren't."

Simon had a thoughtful look in his eyes. Alabaster couldn't help, but to wonder what was running through the tailor's mind. Little did he realize what devious thoughts were being hatched just beneath that hat of his.

"Come on," the human said, opening the door, before taking him by the wrist again.

"Oh? Where to?"

Simon said nothing, before bringing the other man out onto the showroom floor.

"Everyone! Your attention, please!"

The customers stopped in their tracks to look at the owner, wondering what all the fuss was about.

"This is my new assistant! He will be helping you in any way that he can!"

"W-What? Simon, I-"

"You said that you wanted to spend time with me, yes?"

"Well, naturally, of course, but-"

"And you acknowledged that I'm a busy man, did you not?"

"I know, but-"

"Well then, why not kill two birds with one stone? You can help me at my store. That way, we will technically be together all day. That's what you wanted, isn't it?"

The vampire really couldn't think of a thing to say in protest, when the other man put it that way.

'I fear that I've been outsmarted.'

But, that smirk on Simon's face was oh so attractive. It made it hard to stay mad at him. And the irony of the whole situation was the most entertaining thing that he had experienced in quite some time; it was enough to make a smile of his own blossom upon his lips.

'Well played, dear tailor. Well played.'

"Excuse me, young man? Do you have this in another color?"

"I'll.. check in the back."

And with that, Alabaster Stone had sealed his fate. He was vampire royalty no more. Instead, he was officially the tailor's new shop assistant; for a day, at least.