Chereads / The Dragon and The Wolf / Chapter 33 - Chapter 31: Raph's Point Of View.

Chapter 33 - Chapter 31: Raph's Point Of View.

As I set Freya and Shade down in the Circle, the Rune symbols around it begin to glow. I hurry and take a few steps back. Then there was a roar of a dragon making me cover my ears. I wince as Freya's body drops to the floor in a heavy heap. Her eyes were closed and Her breathing was even. I wasn't sure if Shade was going to be able to pull her out of this..But I pray that Demona shows up to help her...

***FREYA'S MIND. Freya's Point Of View***

The darkness was all consuming. I lay in the corner of a dark room curled into myself. I just stared off into the distance. There was nothingness there. I felt so empty. Niko had successed in breaking me. The pain I felt for the loss of a child I'll never know was unlike anything I had ever felt before. There was no comfort. There was no peace.

I had failed to protect the small innocent life that I didn't know that I wanted..A sob escapes me.

"Freya?!" That was Shade's voice. She sounded so far away. But I didn't have the strength to answer her. I didn't want to. I wanted to remain here. Alone. Its what I deserved.

"Oh my dear sweet baby girl." I shot up into the sitting position as light erupts around me. I gasp as red hair catches my eyes. Soft ivory skin and a sad gray eyes leveled with me...

"Mom?" My voice croaked. The woman reaches out and touches my cheek. Warmth returns to my body. I hadn't even realized that I was cold.

"I'm here Little one." I threw myself into her hands and sobbed. She hums quietly and strokes my hair gently.

"This isn't your fault. Your brother gave into his darkness. But you are so strong my beautiful Freya. You can not let this darkness consume you." I pull away from her. I was confused.

"" I inhale a shaky breath and try to blink away the tears. Mom sighs and pulls me to her again.

"Your brother took her from you. But it is not the end. I want you to get back up my love. This will hurt and It will be hard. But you have let go..You retreated in here and left Shade. If you stay here any longer you will both die! It is not your time dear one." I shake my head. A girl?! It was a girl...I bite down hard on the inside of my cheek. I could taste the blood filling my mouth.

"Your Mate will help you heal. But you must go back!" I wrap my arms around my mother tightly.

"I miss you mom.." Mom tightens her hold on me.

"And I miss you my child. But you must return. Shade is weakening and your body can not withstand much more."

I inhale a shaky breath and look around. There was a door directly behind Mom. She pulls me to my feet and toward the door.

"Raph will be waiting. He will protect you. Trust him." I arch an eyebrow at her and then gasp when she shoves me through the door.

*** **** *** **** **

I gasp and sit up. Frantically looking around I found myself in a stone room. I look up and a Silver Dragon stood there with a woman underneath it with her arm stretched up. Where am I? I flinch as the doors burst open and someone comes running in. I kept my eyes lowered. I wasn't ready to see anyone. I didn't want to be around anyone.

"Freya?!" My eyes shoot up at the sound of Raph's worried voice. I grimce. He hadn't looked like he had slept in days..He looked awful.

"Where are we?!" Raph sighs and gives a small smile.

"Dragon's Keep. We are safe here. But we need to get back to Astor. He's losing his mind and I can't communicate with him here." I stiffen.

Go back to Astor? How was I suppose to face him and tell him what I had lost because of my own anger?!

I blink back tears and sniffle. I gasp as Raph wraps his arms around me tightly smothering me in his ashy scent. I crinkle my nose.

"Raph? what happened?" Raph pulls away from me and stares at me for along minute.

"What do you remember?" I shake my head and lay a hand over my stomach.

"Shade took over...Your brother is gone Freya." I nod my head.

'I had to do it Freya..Everything that he has done to us. What he stole.' Shade's voice broke and I wasn't mad at her. I have closed myself off..I hid away after what happened..Shade knew that I wouldn't be able to kill Niko. Even if he deserved it. Shade was in just as much pain as I was. I sigh and look up at Raph.

He made me miss Astor. Miss little Luca. Raph chuckles and shakes his head.

"Alright. Let me help you to a room and then we can both shower and get some food." 8 nod as Raph lifts me into his arms. I still couldn't feel anything. I let my eyes wonder around d trying to look at everything.

"Thank the goddess She's awake." The new voice startled me. My head snaps in the direction of the voice and my eyes widen as a pair of amethyst ones stared back at me. The man was tall and athletically built. His hair a starlight color that was slicked back. He gives me a gentle smile. I squint my eyes and that's when I saw the purplish aura around him.

He was a Mage.

"Silias I thought I told you to wait!" Raph seemed pretty annoyed at him. I snort and look back to the Mage.

"Hello Freya. My name is Silias. I am Raph's friend. He sent me and S.O.S and here I am." I smile politely and nod my head.

"I'm taking her to a room. You can follow me there." Silias grins. It almost remindse of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonder Land. I arch an eyebrow at him as Raph passes him.

I peek up at Raph but his expression was hard to read. He looks at me and sighs.

"He's a healer. I know you're in pain. Physically he can take it away." I could feel the corner of my mouth turn up a little. He was worried about me.

And here I thought that this big bad wolf didn't have a heart.