Chereads / The Dragon and The Wolf / Chapter 37 - Chapter 35: Freya's Point Of View

Chapter 37 - Chapter 35: Freya's Point Of View

As I walk out of the hospital I jump and stagger backwards. Silias stood there grinning at me. I openly glare at him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Silias places a hand on my shoulder and gives me a gentle smile. What the hell is wrong with him?

"That was very brave of you Princess." I growl a sigh and swat his hand away from him. He was ruining my peaceful mood. I knew where this conversation was headed.

"I don't know what you are talking about it." I move passed him and continue walking. I wasn't in the mood for this. He was way to persistent about what had happened to me and it was starting to make me angry.

"If you can help bring life into this world then you are ready to tell Astor what happened." I let out a warning growl but don't turn toward him. I wasn't having this conversation again.

"You are healing..but can't heal completely unless you tell your mate." I growl and swing around on him letting my fist slam into his chest. Silias doubles over and goes into a cough fit.

"ENOUGH! I'm done talking about this!" I turn around and continue walking toward the Palace. I notice a few pack members rushing around. Which was normal. But the vibe was tense like something was wrong.

Had something happened while I was out?

I make my way toward the Throne room and groan as Silias stood there just outside the door. Stupid Mage Magic! He looked worried too? I could feel my eyebrows draw together.

'I can't reach Aro..'I inhale a deep breath. Whatever was going on I could handle it. I had to be able to handle it. I didn't want to disappoint anyone.

I throw the doors open to the throne room and my stomache drops and my eyes widen. Raph had Astor pinned up against the far wall growling in his face. But what bothered me was Astor wasn't fighting back.

I glance around the room..Lily and Aria were here? What for? A hand comes down on my shoulder giving it a light squeeze.

"Raph! Release him!" Raph snarls and doesn't budge.

"Silias remove him." Silias's hand leaves my shoulder and I watch as Raph stiffens and Flys across the room. He stands there frozen.

"Freya?" Astor looks at mecand there is so much pain in his eyes. My heart stops. What was with that look?

"Why did Raph attack you?" Astor straightens up and glances over at Aria and Lily. Raph would never attack Astor. He was his brother and he respected Astor.

"I made a mistake." I steel my heart. He made a mistake? What kind of mistake?

Lily clears her throat and I turn my attention to her. Aria looked way to smug about this situation.

"It seems that Aria is pregant..with Astor's child.." Shade roared in my head. I clenched my jaw and turn my attention back to Astor.

"I understand. I am happy for you. Since I can not give you children." Astor's eyes widen. He goes rigid. I could hear Lily gasp.

"What do you mean?" He sounded so broke and it hurt me to hear that. But the truth needed to be said and This probably wasn't the best way to do. But after hearing that that she-wolf was pregnant with my Mate's child I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"I mean that I can not have children since black magic was used on me to take my child. But I am glad that you are having a child. As for Aria.." I turn attention to her and she flinchrs under my gaze. Shade had pushed forward.

"You took advantage of Astor. In his grief. I am not letting Astor go of all the blame. You committed a crime. You betrayed your Luna. You will be stripped of you warrior status and become an Omega. You will receive fifty lashes after your baby is born. Once that punishment is carried out, you and your child will be well taken care of since the baby is The King's child. If you will excuse me."

I turn on my heels and leave the room. I wonder out to the gardens and sit down on a bench staring at the ground. I should be angry. I should be furious. I should be heart broken that my mate slept with someone else and now they were carrying his child. But I wasn't. I didn't feel anything.

I wasn't angry. Astor deserved to have children. I couldn't do that for him, so I couldn't deny him this. Not Only that I had kept our baby's death from him. So I guess this makes us even. He kept something from me as well. I knew that he regretted it. I could feel it.

I should want to rip Aria's heart from her chest. But I couldn't..I wouldn't take a child's mother. I wouldn't take a life simply because of a mistake.

I inhale a deep breath and tilt my head back.

'You did well mistress. I know that your heart is broken right now.' I Hum to myself. It wasn't that I was ignoring Shade. My heart was broken because I realized that I loved him..I'd do whatever I could to make sure that he was happy. I smile to my self.

'He loves us too. And Aro. They were so broken without us. Not knowing if we were alive or dead.'

I let out a clipped sigh.

'I'm not angry with him...I'm disappointed that he let it go that far. There's no excuse for it.'

"Freya? I'm sorry to intrude on your private time." I look up and Lily stood there. She wore a sad expression. I sigh as she sits down.

"I am sorry that all this has happened to you in such a sort amount of time." I look at her a bit confused.

"It's alright. I'm a matter of fact I'm at peace with all I helped bring another life into this world. A little girl." Lily smiles through her own tears. I wince. I didn't realize..she'd be upset about losing a grandchild. I place my hand over hers and give it a gentle squeeze.

"A girl? What did the mother name her?" I couldn't contain my smile.

"She gave that honor to me. Nigeria Shade." Lily looked sad again for a moment at hearing the name of My Mother's Dragon.

"It's a beautiful name. Shall we go and see them tomorrow?" I nod and look around. it almost felt like someone was watching us.