I tried to understand what drew me to the place where my parents where slaughtered. It was on the boarder of our lands. We had went to the Temple of the Moon. It was neutral ground. Whoever had attacked us was waiting for us to leave the area. I Inhale a deep breath and the memory of the frosty air hits my senses taking me right back to that night.
I look around. Seven years later and a dull pain in my shoulder reminds me of the arrow. Brother said he looked everywhere for it but no traces of it was found and the wound was completely healed.
As far as I knew I didn't have the ability to self heal and I even tested that theory and I didn't heal. The sound of crunching leaves behind me causes my body to tense up. I slowly bend down to mess with my laces on my boots. Carefully grabbing the dagger that is hidden inside. I turn my head slightly as the footsteps come closer.
Inhaling a deep breath I calm myself.
Snatching the dagger I swing around sweeping the person's legs and pounce onto the chest pinning their arms under my legs holding the dagger to their throats.
I blink several times realizing that one I had just assulted my brother and two I had assulted the king! I jump off him quickly pulling my to his feet. He begins laughing to the point he's holding his torso.
"I had no idea you were this jumpy." I roll my eyes and look around. No guards were with him. My stomach drops.
"What the hell Niko?! Where are your guards?!" Niko frowns and rolls his eyes.
"Behind the trees. Obviously. They know my BABY sister would kill them if they didn't follow me. Even after I told them not to." I smirk. Well at least they knew not disobey a direct order.
He looks around and I watch his eyes darken.
"Why are you here Freya?" I flinch at the question. Why was I here? I let out a long sigh.
"I don't know. I was walking and found myself here." Niko huffs out a laugh.
"I wish you'd stay away from this place. It holds bloodshed." My hand curls into a fist. Like I didn't know that. I was in the middle of all of it. I turn away from him. He was obviously here to lecture me.
"Take your time. I'll see you back at the castle." My eyes widen in surprise. But I didn't turn around to face my brother again.
I could hear his footsteps moving away and then he was talking to someone but their voices were muffled.
My body stiffens as an arrow lands between my boots. I let out a snarl as a fire blooms in my chest. I knew my scales would soon appear on certain areas of skin.
This was a threat! And they had my attention now!