Chereads / The Dragon and The Wolf / Chapter 4 - Chapter Four:

Chapter 4 - Chapter Four:

The young girl finally told me her name. Rose. I snort. Such an innocent name for an innocent girl. She had calmed down. The little boy was still sleeping. Even when she cleaned him. He probably out from the shock.

I had changed into a simple black long sleeved shirt and Grey sweat pants. I glance at myself in the mirror to pull back my wild mane. My porclien skin drew my attention first. I notice The long scar down the side of my neck and smirk. Training with a vampire wasn't easy.

My Grey eyes shifted to pure silver for a moment letting me know that my dragon spirit was restless. I shake my head. She wasn't a very friendly being. She made herself known but never spoke to me. Not since that night.

Grabbing my waist length scarlet curls I quickly braid my hair down the side of my head. My figure wasn't to bad. Athletic sort of like an hourglass I suppose. The only disadvantage I had was my height. I was only five-two.

I glance over to Rose who had some how manged to fall asleep on the sofa. But the movement next to her drew my attention. The little boy's head popped up. I rush over in fear he would fall off the sofa.

He tilts his head at me curiously before giving me a wide smile. Aww!! He had several teeth! I smile back at him.

"MAMA!" He squealed it making Rose jump up. But it was to late. The little boy had launched himself into my arms. I stared out mouthed at Rose. She covers her smile.

"That's his first word." My eyes widen and my face flushes with color.

"B-But I-I am not his mother!" I look down at him and he's just staring up at me with wonder. He reaches up and touches my cheek lightly before patting it and getting excited and smiling.

"Luca come here little prince." He looks at Rose before what looks like him glaring and clinging to my neck. I giggle alittle amused at the child.

"It's alright I'll hold him." Rose looks surprised but leans over picking up a sippy cup and handing it to me. Luca snatched the cup and starting drinking it. Causing me laugh again.

"Has my King sent word?" I look up at her.

"If you feel up to it we can go ask." She nods eagerly. I stand holding Luca closely. Rose arches an eyebrow at me.

"I can take him." Holds her hands out. But something stirs inside of me. I didn't want to hand him to her.

"It's fine I have him." She nods as we exit my room. I noticed a few people with wide eyes. These people were being ridiculous! Over a child and a young woman! I glance down and Luca was holding my braid and still had his cup in his mouth. I smirk down at the little boy. His emerald eyes glance up at me and he smiles brightly around his cup.

The walk back to the throne room was short and as we entered I notice members of the war council was there. I let out a low growl as their eyes land on Luca.

They flinch and quickly look away. Niko looks just as angry as I felt.

"How are you doing?" His question was directed at Rose. She blushes slightly and looks down at the ground.

"Fine thank you. The princess is a very caring person." I arch an eyebrow at her suppressing a laugh and then I look at Niko. His expression was soft as he looks between me and the child.

"Your King will be here within the hour. If you like I was about to eat. I'm sure the boy is hungry by now." Rose nods and follows behind Niko as we go to the far side of the room. I did notice the high chair.

I go to place Luca in it and he starts to whine and cling to my braid. My eyebrows draw together as I fight him for a moment before giving up and placing him on my lap at the table.

I noticed the cooks had made a variety of things. Mashed potatoes and gravy, steamed green beans, steak. Sighing I pick up my spoon and I begin mashing the green beans.

Luca squeals and digs his fingers in. I giggle lightly as I watch him eat. Niko clears his throat causing me to look up at him. He gives me a curious look and I feel my ears burn.

"MAMA!" My head snaps down to Luca as he grins up at me with mashed potatoes dropping out of his mouth. Niko starts laughing. I scowl at him.

"Shut Up Niko!" But he only laughed harder. Rose leans over handing me a napkin with a sympathic smile on her face. I take the napkin from her offering a small smile back. I wipe Luca the best that I can.

As dinner went on Niko got Rose talking and she even laughed. I watched them curiously. Strange my brother hasn't smiled like that in a long time. I noticed that Luca had gone still. Looking down he had his cup and his eyes were closed. He was still holding my braid.

I glance up and Rose is smiling gently looking at us and then she stiffens. I'm about to ask her what's wrong and then the doors swing open. I flinch and stand up clutching Luca tighter.

Uncle Dante enters. He was shaking with anger. He was an older version if Niko. Because he was my father's twin brother.

I growl as his eyes land on me and the child. Niko was standing and pulling Rose behind him.

"Stand Down Dante!" I take a defensive stance as Dante takes a step closer to me. His eyes on the child.

"Why haven't We gotten rid of that thing?!" I could feel the fire building. Itching to get out. He was threatening a child!

"Stay back!" Dante smirks.

"You won't kill me Freya. I'm family." Growling again I let the flames out. Blue and silver flames dance around me in a circle.

"You won't touch him!"

"They killed My Brother! Your Father!" He roared at me causing Luca to stir against me.

"Take another step and I'll. Burn.You.Alive." Dante snarls at me walking forward until I notice gaurds tackling him to the ground.

I inhale a shaky breath falling to my knees holding Luca against me tightly. I inhale several deep breaths trying to calm my racing heart.

I let out a clipped sigh and swallow hard. He was safe. I protected him. I threatened to kill my uncle. I squeeze my eyes shut willing the fire back inside.

I hand rests on my shoulders. I look up and Niko stood there with a small smile and an understanding look on his face.

"You did well sister!" I nod and look down at Luca. He was still sleeping. I let out a long sigh as Niko helps me to stand up.

He turns to Dante. Who was laying belly first on the ground glaring up at us.

"Traitors! You are both Traitors to your parents!" Niko growls and squares his shoulders.

"You have earned yourself a year in the dungeons! We do not MURDER babies! We DO NOT harm innocent lives! After you are released you are banished! You are no longer a subject to THIS kingdom!" I flinch at Niko's words. They were harsh but it needed done.

Silently I watch as the guards drag him out.

The doors open again causing me to go on the defensive and snarl. Rose runs toward me standing slightly infront of me. She waves her frantically.


I growl a low warning as this Selene girl kept rambling about her commander. Reassuring me that my son was okay and that her commander would protect him. It wasn't easing my wolf in the slightest. He wanted out. He wanted to kill something! I arch an eyebrow at this girl as she just giggles at my growl.

"You got nothing on my commander." She was some what amusing.

She opened the doors to the throne room and a growl draws my attention. I notice Rose waving her hands franticly infront of someone.

"I want my son!" Thankful that my voice was calm. I inhale a deep breath and that was the wrong decision. The scent of Ash and wildflowers struck my senses. My wolf howled in my head. Urging me to go to it.

'Mine. Mate.' My wolf kept repeating that. But that wasn't possible. We had already gotten our mate and they were killed. Leaving my son without a mother.

A girl walks around Rose. I followed her crimson braid all the way down to where my son clinging to it as he slept. She held him protectively against her.

Shocked I just stood there. Rose was the only one that Luca would let hold him like that. The girl inhale a deep breath and starts toward me. Causing me to stiffen. Her scent was getting stronger the closer that she came.

"He's fine. Just sleeping." Her voice sent a jolt of electricity through me. I could feel my eyes soften as I stared at her. I reach down slowly careful not to touch her. Taking Luca from her he stirs and his small eyes flutter open. I arch an eyebrow at my son as he stares at almost Mad. He begins grunting and whines.

"Mama!" He began to cry. The girl hisses and snatches Luca from me, causing me to let lose a growl. Then my eyes widen as she smiles at Luca.

"MAMA!" Luca excitedly smacks her chest making her giggle. My heart ached. Not only had my son said his first word but it was to a totally stranger and he was calling her mama. Did he sense the mate bond?

"Time for you to go home little one. Be good for your daddy and Rose." He frowns but hands him back to me. I was stunned. I wasn't quite sure what to think.

"Thank you.." She smiles warmly at me.

"Freya. And your welcome. Have a safe trip back." She turns to walk away but freezes mid step. Sighing she turns around pulling a pendent from around her neck placing it over Luca's. I glance down and it was a black dragon pendent with silver eyes.

"I'm sorry we cant-" She holds her hand up and touches Luca's cheek softly making him laugh.

"It's mine to give. And this way atleast you know your son has an ally here." I couldn't help but smile at her curiously. She was amazing.

"Thank you princess." She blushes slightly but nods. She turns and walks away. I turn toward the king and he seemed confused as he watched his sister walk away.

"Have a safe trip home King Astor." I nod and turn around. Luca was holding onto the pendent and babbling. I smirk down at him.

"Alpha...she was so good with the little prince. and she was good to me." It was Rose's small voice next to me. Surprised I look down at her in confusion.

"What are you talking about Rose." She clears her throat and looks away from me for a moment before getting the courage to look me dead in the face.

"Amelia would approve."