At the end of school if you went to the old science room you would find 6 students 4 boys and 2 girls their names where Desmond ,Anthony ,Jasper ,Eli ,Victoria , and Mckenzie

The boys are bullies of the school and the girls they loved to mess with vodo so when they heard about the dead chemistry lab partners Victoria told her boyfriend Anthony. about how they were planning to go to the room Anthony told his friends and Joined the girls. Later when they snuck into the school on the way to the chemistry lab the girls .started telling the boys about how the lab partners died it was 2 boys doing a experiment during lunch so no can tell on them as they were experimenting something went wrong and chemicals exploded in their face the chemicals was so strong no one went in the room for months. because whoever went in would drop to the floor and have a hard time breathing and when they die they see the 2 boy's looking at them and every time someone stays past school hours in there go's missing the next day . Anthony and his friends except Jasper laughed about how stupid the story was Eli said that the story was only told to scare students so that way they didn't sneak in so they could make out Mckenzie laughed at Eli's words and said "we will see".

When they got to the doors of the lab they could hear 2 boys talking Victoria slammed the door open only to find nothing no one was in the room she walked into the room with everyone else following her Mckenzie started putting everything together on the floor Desmond asked what she was doing Makenzie replied " I'm making everything ready for us to connect the boys who died". Desmond and 2 other boys looked like they where uncomfortable Jasper finely said something about how the boys and Victoria should go walk around the school and find some more candles Anthony wasn't sure if they should be in the school anymore but he agreed to go head and look around. when Jasper and Mckenzie were alone Jasper asked how long where they going to pretend Mckenzie replied " they will be dead soon so not for long I'm going to go and help lead them to the boys you continue the ritual to wake the twins" as Anthony was walking down the hall Victoria ran up to him and hugged him asking if he could stay with her saying that she didn't feel safe she pointed to the abandoned classroom saying that he could make her feel safe in the room he took her hand and walked into the abandoned classroom but as he turned around to close the doors he heard a man's voice saying hello then all of a sudden he falls into the black hole in the floor all that could be heard was his calls for help. Desmond was walking next to the 3rd floor bathroom and talking with Victoria about how they were planning on telling Anthony about their affair then Victoria asked if him and her could go into the bathroom for a little saying no one was going to be looking for them for awhile he agreed as he and her were kissing both heard sounds coming from the stalls Desmond went to look in the stalls but couldn't find anything when he turned around Victoria was gone he looked for her allover the bathroom and he still couldn't find her so he looked outside the bathroom and saw her bleeding all over he grabbed her and started running down the stairs yelling for Jasper and Mckenzie and Anthony but then he collapsed and dropped Victoria down the stairs then when when he woke up he was in the gym tied down to a wooden plank just like Anthony and Victoria Anthony was trying to get free Victoria was crying and begging for someone to come save them and Desmond was to scared to say anything then Mckenzie and Jasper came out the dark along with 2 men and 3 boys and a girl 2 of the boys are dressed in lab clothes the boys stepped up to them they could hear a man talking behind them saying "since the these boys are new we will have to help them so that way when they do this they can do it in there own room and on their own these are their targets expect you all to keep watch and make sure none of them escape while they're doing their experiments " after that the voice is gone the 2 boys start going up to Victoria 1 boy cuts her open the other pores the chemicals into her stomach Anthony is crying and screaming for them to stop as he watches his girlfriend die in front of him Desmond knew he was going to die next so he yelled to Anthony that him and Victoria were having an affair Anthony stopped and looked at his friend with a look of betrayal soon after that Anthony was cut down and attacked with chemicals being poured into his mouth one of the men was holding him down while one of the boys poured chemicals into his mouth the other one still working on Victoria. Desmond yelled for Mckenzie and Jasper to help him but all they did was smile at him soon he was cut down but he was paralyzed he couldn't move the boys came over to him and began to make bigger holes in his ears with a knife and poured chemicals into his ears all Desmond could do was scream the next day when the gym teacher walked in she screamed the principal walked in to see what the screaming was about and saw the bodies she called the police when the police came they looked at the bodies all 3 had chemicals in them after examining them a week later they held funerals for the poor kids that died and that day was the day a investigator showed something shocking to the chef of police their was 2 boys on the screen their names were William and Percy both boys had a criminal record of killing people by experimenting on them they got it from their mother who escaped prison and ran off with her husband while she was pregnant and later died from heart attack at the age of 36 the father got married 2 years later the woman hated when the boys did experiments so she banned them from doing it 3 weeks later she went missing same with the father the boys kept doing their experiments as they felt closer to their mother every time they experimented on someone everyone didn't understand because they both died a year ago so It couldn't have been them so they continued the investigation for 3 weeks they later stopped the investigation because every time they tried one of the police investigators would always go missing so now no one is allowed in the chemistry room