A girl named Alice she loved music so much she would always sneak in to the music room and play violin the twin ghost boys took notice of this and began to watch her everyday until one day she didn't come the twins thought she was sick and stayed home so they waited for her to show up the next day started waiting and a week passed and still no sign of the girl they've grown to love so they started to look for her allover the school and found her sitting in the principals office she was in trouble for trying to sneak into the music room again principal Roseville said she was going to be suspended for trying to get into the music room after school hours the twins were beyond angry so they planned on getting back at the principal so later when everyone was gone the twins started getting all the ghosts together and as soon as they saw the principal get ready to leave their plan went into action the ghosts of the theater went into their disguises as Jasper and Mckenzie Jasper went behind her as and started whispering something in her ear she turned around and screamed at the site of Jasper with half his face gone she started running to the first room she saw the library she tried to get in but the doors where nailed shut when she turned around to check if Jasper was there he wasn't she started thinking that all the work she did today and the lack of sleep got to her so she then again started walking down the hall looking for the stairs all of a sudden she fell but she couldn't stop falling until she hit the floor she soon realized that the library was right across from the stairs so what did she fall off of the place she was in was dark she couldn't see anything or hear anything until she heard music and doors that had a single light next to it the music was so beautiful she couldn't stay away she had to go see what was making such beautiful music when she opened the doors just enough to peak inside she saw 2 boys playing a violen and a piano but then they stopped and looked at the doors they smiled then the lights went off she couldn't see anymore but she could hear the boys giggling and whispering something then it all stopped she was scared she couldn't hear them anymore she couldn't see anymore all she could do is stand alone in the dark place she was in she wanted nothing more then the be with her husband sitting by a fire and reading their books together holding hands while their children played in the backyard trying to catch fireflies her thoughts came to an end when she heard a door open behind her she turned her head so fast it hurt her neck but she didn't care all she cared about was who opened a door that's when she saw them the twins they looked like they just crawled out of a graveyard one had dark circles under his eye's and a very bloody smile and the other and had mask over his face they were holding hands just standing there looking at her she felt so sick to her stomach all she wanted was to was run out the door they were standing in front of she decided that she was done waiting for them to move and tried running past them but as soon as she did she felt arms rap around her and drag her into the floor she was falling again until she hit the cold hard floor her nose was bleeding and her hair was messy when she looked around she saw it was a girl's bathroom she heard one of the stalls opening she turned around and saw a tall girl with a school uniform she was reaching for the her the girl told her that her name was Emma and she was going to help her escape but it had to be through the pipes one body part at a time Roseville was terrified at what this ghost was saying she quickly got up and ran out the door as soon as she did she encountered a hallway full of lanterns along with blood everywhere with body's laying allover the ground most of them look fresh the others look old she tried running over to the stairs when one of the bodies grabbed her dragged into a class room when she was thrown onto the floor when she looked up she saw a man hanging from the ceiling staring down at her she was about to get up when suddenly she was slammed down but this time by the man that was hanging a moment ago this time he was yelling at her saying "why didn't you help me" over and over again all she could do was scream and try to make him let go of her until all of it stopped this time she was in the chemistry room and when she looked around because she heard something move when all of a sudden chemicals were poured into her eyes she quickly got up and was screaming she tried looking for the door with her hands until she fell onto the floor she felt something stab her legs as she was laying down on the floor crying she heard music and every time something was messed up she would get stabbed all over her body when it was morning the music teacher entered the music room he screamed so loud and the called the police fast right before his eye's was principal Roseville that had a violen bow inside her back and her legs smashed into the piano her upper half hanging by a thread of flesh before it snapped and fell to the ground the investigator found so many finger prints but they only led to people who died a year ago or longer than a year ago the police were about to shutdown the school until the husband of the principal forced them to court to keep the school open and he won but if any new dead body ever showed up the government would shut it down and buldoz it the next day all the rooms that were locked up were open and the ghosts of the music room got what they wanted to hear Alice play the violin every day.