Beep Beep Beep... I opened my eyes ๐, hearing what sounds like hospital machines. Where am I?
Asking no one in particular.
Oh my God my baby, Doctor! Doctor! she's awake, my Mom said calling the doctor.
Wow you recovered quickly than I thought,๐ญ
the doctor said. What? I asked.
Well Miss Shine, you have been in a coma for three weeks. WHAT!!!! Three weeks!!!! I said shouting. What happened? How did I get here? What about school ๐ซ?
Calm down honey, ๐ my Dad said laughing.
You fell into the pool mistakenly and you hit your head on pavement of the pool, the doctor said that the hit affected you a little on your brain ๐ง , and that you might not remember a few things, Mom said sobbing while answering my questions.
And that was how you got here. Dad said
Oh my God, that's so bad ๐ I said.
Ouch ๐ค!! I screamed in pains.
What is a darling? what is going on my Dad asked looking confused.
I think she remembers something the doctor said to my parents.
Mom I was pushed but I can't remember who pushed me. Are you serious? My parents asked at the same time. We need to check the CCTV cameras to know who committed that horrible act and get that person arrested. No! Mom I'm going to find who did that to me myself and I will deal with whoever did that to me. As you wish my princess my Dad said. How about Belle? How is she doing? I asked. Yeah she stopped by yesterday and we spoke. She's a very good girl.
She always visited you everytime. Mom replied.
I'm so happy you made a friend like her.
Thanks mum I answered.
You're welcome darling, Mom said peaking my cheeks. Mom what about Michael?
Um Michael visits you sometimes, but he felt so bad that he wasn't there to save you on time, Dad replied. He saved me? I asked with a confused look on my face. Yes he was the one that took you to the hospital he couldn't wait for the ambulance to reach your school cuz it will take extra fifteen minutes for the ambulance to get your school so he had to rush you to the hospital himself, Mom said. h
He's not bad, Dad said smiling. Why do you say that Dad? I mean I like him he will be good for you Dad said. Are you serious? Yes darling I mean he's saved my beautiful daughter my Dad said, we owe him a lot. said my Dad. Thanks Mom, Thanks Dad I thanked them hugging them, I love you both so much and we love you too they said hugging me tightly.