Episode 12
Michael's Pov
What if I wasn't there on time to save shine I thought to myself could have been something bad I didn't realize how much I love her until I saw her about drowning inside the pool oh my god I hate Katie for trying to drown someone how could she go that far I talk to myself. Knock knock who is that I shouted, it's me come on in Dad, hey son how are you doing today I'm okay Dad . I heard something happened today at school, mind to talk about it come on that you really know about it if you didn't you shouldn't be asking me about it right now son, I know that I've hurt you many times and I'm willing to make it up to you, Dad you're always busy with work you don't have time for me you don't have time for your family really don't want to talk to you right now just need some time alone I really need some rest okay do you know what I'm going to take a week off from work and I'm going to focus on you and your mother you sure about that I asked my dad anything for you son okay, i said if the man standing in front of me was really my dad.
Okay get ready let's go for dinner I already made a reservation and one of the finest restaurants in this City, okay dad I'll go get ready. I was so happy finally I'm my dad could get along so well, I was just a lonely kid growing up no father figure is my dad was always busy with work but now I think I have his attention. God please protect shine I really do care about her, I mumbled.
The story continues ♊♊♊