Chereads / ACCIDENTALLY FALL FOR YOU / Chapter 3 - Are you running from someone?

Chapter 3 - Are you running from someone?

"Ck!" Davon squeaks as he watches the events unfold in front of him. Unconsciously he took his step toward the woman about to jump off this cliff and seemed hopelessly skeptical. Because a few times she went back and forth and then stepped forward again, then back again and it happened again and again.

Davon went back to take his cigarette out of his pants pocket and began to light it, as her speaker began to be aware of her presence. Instantly he turned back and gazed at Davon with his fearful face.

"Why not jump? "Said Davon in his cold voice after blowing cigarette smoke out of his mouth.

"I-i'll jump if you get close! "The woman's voice almost shrieks, but she seems so exhausted that it sounds so guttural.

"Then just jump, I want to see it! "Davon says cold.

Gwen clenched her eyes and her body trembled even more, "I-i beg you, don't arrest me! Don't take me to your master! I beg you! " As quietly as Gwen tries to ask, this is her only hope. Hoping the man in front of her would release her and let her escape.

Davon hearing the woman's words could only twist his brow.

"Arrest you?" asked Davon in an almost derogatory tone.

"Please, Sir, don't arrest me, let me go. Please help me, do not take me to your master, Sir!" Gwen pleaded quietly as she joined her hands.

Davon was getting confused, but he kept his cool, flat face. He could see the hopelessness in her face. Her tears continued to cry and wet her cheeks.

But that didn't make Davon feel any compassion at all. He had grown accustomed to seeing the face of such despair from all his enemies when their lives were at stake, where their lives were held in his hands. Just pull the trigger and it's all over.

Gwen's body shook so rapidly, even now her legs seemed unable to support her weight. She tried very hard to stay on her feet.

She had no sense of dizziness in her head, not even the agony of hunger. She had forgotten the last time food and drink had passed through her throat.

Her lips felt so dry, all the parts of her body felt so sore and sore.

"I-i beg you, Sir..." again.

Davon didn't answer anything at all. He's still trying to make sense of what's happening right now.

'It looks like this woman has run away from something' Davon says in his heart.

'But why is she in a place like this..'

Gwen's head became heavier and more and more twisted, "Sir. Inquisitive I request, " beg Gwen with her last ounce of energy.

"Are you running from someone?" Davon assured.

Gwen nodded, she couldn't concentrate anymore. She doesn't even hear the words of the man in front of her. It sank into such intense dizziness and before long only dense darkness was all she could see.


Davon was still standing at his post when the woman fell and slumped on the ground unconscious.

"TSK! He's passed out!" Davon squeaks.

If she falls into the wrong place, her body falls right off the cliff. And it's like a miracle, the woman falling forward until she didn't fall into a ravine.

Now Davon began walking ever closer to the fainting woman. Thinking about what happened to that woman.

"She said if she ran away from someone," Davon murmured slowly, then stood next to her and watched. Now he could see the condition of the woman who had fainted.

The woman looks young. And also Davon could see some of the wounds on her body as well as the dirt attached to the woman's body and clothes. Davon can assure you that she has walked far away, where her feet are very dirty and barefoot.

Suddenly Davon opened his eyes: "If she is running from someone is here! "He said.

"Danger! "Said Davon, because he didn't want anyone else to know that he and his group were in these woods. Davon quickly drops the cigarette in his hand, then steps it to kill it. He'll try to contact Philip and have him sweep the area. And make sure no one knows where they are.

But as he was about to pull out his phone, all of a sudden he heard a noise coming from the woods pointing at where he was. Davon is instantly cautious.

And sure enough, it wasn't long before three men appeared from beyond the woods. And it was confirmed that they were not his men.

'TSK! So yes, this woman is running from them! 'Davon says in his heart.

By the looks of them, it's obvious they're not security forces, so Davon can be a bit calm.

Davon looked at them intently.

"Who are you? "Asked one of the men, who looked taller than the other two.

Davon smirked, "Who am I? Why is it so important to you guys? " Davon's voice sounded very cold.

"Oh, so you want to deal with us? You don't know who we are? " Asked the man.

Davon gave no expression at all, no fear or shock.

The man looked down at Davon palely, "It's no use if I tell you who we are, now that you know there will only be regret." The man said confidently.

"Ah, good ridge. I don't want to know who you guys are." Davon said quietly.

"TSK! Your piece of shit! "The guy squeaks.

"Forget it, no need to belong, let's just cut the man down and get the damn woman! " Exclaimed one of the other men.

"He's right! Let's waste it and get out of here, or the Master will be furious!" The other man chimed in.

"All right! "The taller man responded. Davon can confirm that the man was the leader of the other two men to capture the woman who is now unconscious.

The man was seen as removing a firearm from under his clothes. Of course, Davon can see it, but don't call him Davon if he feels fear right now. Under his current suit, he also had a firearm that he could use today. He was able to judge and ascertain the abilities of the three men before him today.

His skills are still above them. It was very clear. But Davon didn't take out his firearm on purpose. For he could see what the three men could not until Davon could only smile slightly.

"Why laugh? Is something funny? "Said the man when he saw a smile on Davon's face.

"Oh, maybe he wants to laugh for the last time before he dies! " replies the other guy, then the three of them laughed together.

Davon smiled again, but this time his smile looked so awful.

"It doesn't matter if you think like that," Davon blurted out in the cold.

"You're so arrogant, you want to die you can still say that! " Said one of the men.

"Really? " Davon asked increasingly prideful.

Of course, what Davon did provoke the three men. They're very upset by what Davon did. They just found someone who looks so annoying even when he's about to die.

"Son of a bitch!! " The man growled impatiently and immediately took up his firearm and then pointed it at Davon.

And Davon didn't flinch at all. He wasn't scared of it.

-To Be Continue-