Chereads / primal system / Chapter 149 - emotional break

Chapter 149 - emotional break

I felt bad, Ally was barely standing, she looked exhausted even though we both got over two hours of sleep, that's more than enough for us.

"you sure you're ok?"(syn) I asked, genuinely concerned, we'd never fucked like that, that long yes, but, I didn't have my power when I met her, so I wasn't sure what it would do to her.

"I'm fine, really, you've already used your godly healing, twice, I just need some time to relax is all."(Ally)

I was about to keep asking questions so I could really make sure she was fine when a knock echoed from the front door.

reluctantly, after checking again with Ally, I got up and went to the door, making sure my usual shirt and shorts appeared.

the second the door was open I groaned internally, it was our neighbors, with their son, fuck my life up the ass sideways with a goddamn cactus, our neighbors SUCK.

"hi there, what can I do for you?"(syn) I asked, forcing friendliness into my voice as I reached behind the door for a metal bar, not to attack them, it was for me, you'll see why.

"were here to continue arrangements."(female neighbor)

I groaned internally again, we'd already fucking told them that there were no arrangements.

"I've already discussed this, there are no arrangements."(syn) I said, my voice more firm than they'd ever heard it.

"you can't possibly be JD, I can't belive it Ally is cheating on her coward husband!"(female neighbor)

I sighed, audibly.

"no its me, my names not JD though, never was."(syn)

the neighbor just scoffed at me.

"JD is scrawny, and weak, and dark haired."(female neighbor)

the sound of metal groaning could be heard, the bar behind my back was becoming deformed.

"what's going on out here?"(Ally) asked as she hobbled over to the door, leaning on me the second she stopped moving, she was hiding it well but she was out of breath.

"I can't belive you're cheating on your husband, does marriage mean nothing to elves?!"(female neighbor) screamed, loud, lough enough I heard footsteps upstairs, Julie was awake, not good, for their son that is.

"hey maybe we should all just quietly take this outside."(syn) I said, my voice having a hint of urging, I was not going through the trouble of pulling Julie off this kid again, it took an hour last time, she's alot stronger now, how long would it take now?

let's not find out.

I pushed the question down amd kept urging, Ally heard the foot steps and she too began urging.

"alright fine!"(female neighbor) said, practically shoving her husband and son off the porch.

the second our large front door was shut, and locked from the outside, we could finally take a breath of relief.

"like I was saying earlier, no arrangements will be made, our daughter is a child and will not be marrying anybody anytime soon."(syn)

the woman huffed, the husband just sighed defeatedly, and the son got upset, like he was denied a favorite toy, it pissed me off.

"control yourself, do not get the town guards here because you murdered our neighbors!"(Ally) spoke into my ears, using a hushed tone, pure seriousness in her voice.

I nodded, the neighbors watched us in confusion but we didn't care.

"now if that's all you came for then-"(syn)

"wait a second, I'm not done, I'd also like to ask you to stop fucking so loudly, if you're gonna cheat on your husband at least do it quietly!"(female neighbor)

oh for the love of!-

"I'm not cheating on my husband, he was cursed, he broke that curse, this is him."(Ally) said, her face pure and innocent, something I wasn't sure was possible after last night.

"can we just go home? it's their right to deny forced marriage, it's their daughter."(male neighbor) said, finally! some reasonable and logical words!

my luck wasn't done though, in fact, it threw me a fucking curveball.

"I want her now!"(spoiled little shit neighbor kid)

that's when all hell broke loose.

our daughter came charging from the roof of our porch, screeching "I'm not a thing to own!" as she yanked the kid into a grapple hold and began pummeling him HARD.

for a few good seconds I didn't intervene, I even stopped Ally too, only when the kid stopped moving did I make my move, snatching Julie off of the unmoving boy like she was some rabid animal, her snarling wasn't helping.

"PUT THAT RABID MONSTER DOWN ALREADY!"(female neighbor) screeched, cradling her child on the ground, acting like we were evil.

quickly I ran my daughter inside the house, knocked her out cold, and laid her down on the living room couch, bolting back outside in an instant.

the second I was outside the world went slow, I watched a blade near Allys' throat, quickly I reached Ally, grabbing the blade with my bare hand, stopping it cold.

not only was our neighbor shocked, she was speechless, something I appreciated A LOT.

I threw the sword to the ground, where I stomped it to pieces, glowing my eyes at the neighbors and shouting that if they'd ever come back they wouldn't leave alive or in one piece.

"don't bring the guards here!"(Ally) reprimanded.

"they were going to kill you! I will not sit around and let that happen again!"(syn) I realized what I'd said the second it slipped my lips.


"FUCK!"(syn) I shouted to the clouds, spinning and walking away from Ally, collapsing to my knees barely five feet away, tears in my eyes.

"what happened?"(Ally) asked as she bent down next to me, she deserved to know.

"thousands of years ago I met a woman, fell in love, for ten years me and her were happy, my power was enough to keep her alive, then it wasn't, she wasn't able to see our kids grow up, and neither was I, I found their bodies, and the vampire who did it."(syn)

Ally was left speechless, a tear threatening to fall from her eye, she wiped it quickly, hoping I didn't see, but I did.

"I lost myself, I really did, some people think that your kids or loved ones dying is easy, especially of you have thousands of years, they should be right, why aren't they right?!"(syn) I shouted as I smashed my fist through the ground, a large trench exploding open in different directions around me, the house shook a little but it was fine.

"they were murdered, you don't have to listen to these people, everyone grieves differently."(Ally) said, trying to comfort me, I only felt worse.

"I killed thousands, hundreds of thousands! I couldn't deal with it so I ran, I hid in violence! I'm a weak coward whos only skill is flexing power!"(syn) I cried as I truly felt myself getting everything I needed out.

"everyone makes mistakes, you learn from them."(Ally) again tried to comfort.

"do your mistakes take people from families all because you lost your own? my mistakes made me a god yes, but they don't justify anything, I let my power, my weakness control me, I can't justify any of It, so what I lost my family? doesn't give me the right to go and commit mass murder! those people may have deserved it but...I....-"(syn) I just broke down, it felt like every emotional wall I'd ever put up had come crumbling down, no wonder Julie puts up walls, it's cause that's all I do, all she's seen me do.

Ally didn't say anything else, she simply tried, failed, but tried, to lead me back inside, I followed of course, supporting her, she was like this cause of me, only right I help.

"no one's perfect, you've grown, alot, I've seen it, you're allowed to be vulnerable."(Ally)

I scoffed, my survival depended on me not being vulnerable.

"I can't afford to be, I won't survive."(syn)

Ally lost it.

"you're a god, what do you mean you won't survive?! what happened to make you so focused on survival and not on living?!"(Ally)