Chereads / primal system / Chapter 138 - taking in a stray

Chapter 138 - taking in a stray

with fear in his eyes and a snap of the mid tier justice gods fingers both Allie and Julie were escorted from somewhere behind the large judge panel, unharmed but shackled, Julie ever herself, screaming obscenities at the guard. unlike usual Allie didn't try to stop julie from cussing, can't really say I blame her.

my rage filled eyes re-focused on the god in my grip, his lips turning a blue ish color as he was struggling for air.

I'd have kept going but I had people to unshackle.

reluctantly I let him go, his loud gasps now the dominant noise in the room besides my daughters cursing.

my body turned away from him and towards the rest of the panel, I needed to make sure everyone here understood something important, something very important.

"I'm only gonna say this once, so pay attention, all of you."(syn)

all of the eyes on the council turned and landed on me, staying there, unmoving but quivering.

"if you ever even come close to making my family's life inconvenient I don't care who you are, I won't hesitate to kill you."(syn) I warned, it sounded cocky and horrible even to me but it was the best I had in the moment.

and with that now said and done each and every single god before me nodded their heads slowly in understanding, not daring to show me anything other than their understanding.

I was now completely satisfied at what I'd done.

so gracefully I hopped myself down from the desk of the panel I was on, my odd ass sandals clacking on the marbled floor as I landed, a breath of relief from the justice god.

he wasn't exactly "safe" yet, maybe he should've saved that breath for when I left.

but it didn't matter, not to me and not right now, so I had no choice but to pay the thought no attention, shifting to my right and walking over to my family, grabbing and snapping the shackles effortlessly once I reached them, Allie was thankful when I released her but Julie, well....Julie was Julie, annoyed at how long I'd taken and making sure to tell me ALLLL about it.


I could only roll my eyes as I didn't even know they were here until a short bit ago.

"good to see you too."(syn)

the same time I said that I ruffled her hair, earning me an annoyed smack.

"*ahem*."(emissary) fake cleared her throat, getting my attention, an awkward silence echoing in my ears afterward.

I looked around slowly, different looks from different gods all around us, with an eye glow each and every look went blank and shot away from me.


my emissary rolled her eyes before groaning, holding her temples out of pure frustration.

"you're a child."(emissary)

I gave her the same eye glow look I gave the others, she too went pale.

"you may work for me due to some sort of rule I wasn't aware of but don't ever mistake that for friendship."(syn) I warned.

she nodded meekly and bowed, announcing her leave to me before actually leaving, a portal opening then closing, leaving me and my family among the awkward atmosphere of terrified gods.

Julie was still yelling and cursing at the gods as I opened a portal, neither me nor Allie stopping her until we exited the portal and it closed behind us, our parenting returning and Julie getting in trouble.

"no fighting for a week."(syn)

the look of pain and disbelief on my battle junky daughter was near priceless as she began pleading her case in an unusual manner, she wasn't using her usual expletives.

"oh cmon dad, pleeeease?!"(Julie) tried, it didn't work, on me.

"maybe we should-"(Allie) was starting before I cut her off.

"nope, those were gods and she could've died, I'm not going to support picking a fight with them."(syn)

Julie gave me a look, a look that said I was the biggest hypocrite alive.

"ok it's different for me because all of them pose no threat to my life, you're still a kid and nowhere near as strong as I am, I've had thousands of years."(syn)

in frustration she crossed her arms and huffed, doing the whole dramatic turn away, it was adorable but fruitless.

"your father is right, he has had alot of time to get stronger and you are just a child."(Allie) added, I didn't need the help but it was appreciated.

"no fair."(Julie) pouted.

now it may seem unusual to punish a child with no fighting but it's really the perfect punishment for our daughter.

goddamn battle junky she was, fighting was her heroin, her happy place, her art form if you will.

don't ask me how the hell that happened since I was a forced pacifist for those years and Allie only fought who she needed to survive.

I was about to say something else to Julie when my glance caught something, that girl who'd been in our house earlier was waving at us from our porch.

in an instant I was on the porch, crossing the hundred foot distance easily.

she was startled and fell to the wood plant floor, stammering.

"I didn't touch anything I swear!"(girl) barely got out.

"what are you still doing here?"(syn) I asked calmly, she wasn't a threat or hostile so it made no sense for me to be.

she looked at me cautiously while answering.

"I was abandoned by my God, his followers are still after me, I was wondering if I could stay here for a few days?"(girl) said, somehow able to speak clearly even though she was obviously terrified, her knees and limbs looked so shaky I was wondering how they were staying attached.

"I don't care, as long as you're not annoying or hostile, ask Allie first though."(syn)

with that said I walked past her and into the house, lazily plopping myself down on our large couch that was by a large living room window.

Allie, Julie, and the girl walked in seconds later, all girls talking somewhat friendly amongst themselves, Julie looked guarded but was nice, she probably didn't want to add time to her no fighting punishment, that girl is something else....

I mean it's not everyday and certainly not normal for your average thirteen year old girl.

then again I guess she wasn't what you would call average.