Chereads / Rinnegan in Boruto / Chapter 6 - Time skip

Chapter 6 - Time skip

Now Itsuki is following his daily routine he wakes up early morning doing breakfast and going to find new places and wandering all day in konoha.

It's been few months since Itsuki started living alone amd still Anbu is following him.

Itsuki thought that if he started traveling in the village Anbu might not follow him but it's look like they are not setisfyed with his performance they are still watching him.

Itsuki this time thought new strategy he was sure this might work and they will stop following him.


Itsuki wake up early in the morning aand get ready to leave the house .

Itsuki closed the door and walked starite to the play ground near his house.

Itsuki saw lot of kids all of them are civilian no one belongs to the clan of Konoha.

Itsuki thought Children's of Clan might be training with there perents or something like that in all in all they will be started training about becoming ninja at this age and civilians are doing pretty much nothing.

Since Itsuki is civilian he has to be act like civilian kid who plays around all day and they start training after getting into academy.

Itsuki aproch kids who are playing ninja ninja . Itsuki thought that is funny and give it try.

playing with kids Itsuki thought it's fun of childhood he has lost long ago he don't know why but this Childers game started feeling void inside his heart that was opened long ago.

Itsuki don't know but looks like he likes this Childers games are giving something him that he lost long ago inocence of childhood.

In the past life Itsuki was born Orphan he was living with relatives constaly changing his house he never got perental love or make any good friend until he die.

it's like his life was waste without meaning ne was alive but don't live but now he feels like something inside him saying that this is the the things you should do now .

Itsuki now getting more and more energetic with his life everyday he wakes up and go to Play with his friends that was now his daily routine .

Itsuki have seen all the Konoha but wandering around konoha with bunch of kids it's feel like watching that place or thing first time.

indeed someone says true that friends change everything .

Although half of them might not able to join ninja academy or they might go other class instead of becoming ninja .

Itsuki thought when time will come he will see that time he need to live the present .

Because if recent actions of Itsuki Anbu stopped spying on Itsuki it's looks like they got what they wanted from Itsuki.

*** 3 years later ***

This year Itsuki become 8 year's old from tonmorow he will Start ninja academy his most of friends are not going to take ninja Class because they thought it might not help them and their families .

How could Itsuki said them that they are wrong will they believe him ? they will thought kid just bragging something he don't even know so Itsuki remain silent and choose to not tell anyone about future and it might ruin everything.

During the 3 years he made lot of friends from all of them 90% are not going to chooses ninja career and going to do their family work.

Their business was not big but that was enough for living life without any life threating situation because once they all were shinobi and they know that civilian shinobi are not all that great they can become great Ninja and they know risk of becoming ninja. so they choose give their child peaceful life without putting his life in danger.

Before academy there was enterance test all the Clans kid are already passed because they are training from beginning this really Itsuki makes angry because all the clan kids getting special prevalage and they have to do hard-work.

in the test they have to run 200 rounds of Konoha ground Because of not getting exposed Itsuki had never done any kid of experience and he have Rinnegan why should he do but now he was regretting his disision.

End of the test Score of Itsuki was avarage nothing perticularly noticable .

After test they say their will be two classes of this batch .

it's obvious that clan kids Will in first class but Itsuki never thought he was in second class but what he can do about it.

In his class all kids are civilian no one in the class was come from clan this is also beneficial for Itsuki in other way.

Anyway After getting academy he need to Focus on his skills he only have few years to make his root strong.