Finn POV.
SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, So much hunger. I guess this is what you get when you sleep for more than 900 years. Well fuck me sideways that dagger fucked me up. Shit this pain, I'm totally paying Nicklaus back.
As I gasp sitting up clutching my chest. My senses overwhelm me as my ears ring, my eyes blur. As my vision cleared up I see four people in the room. As I was getting off what ever I was laying/sitting on. Suddenly someone throws something at me and I quickly catch it and see it was a blood bag. I feast on the content in the bag.
???: Is all well? Brother.
Finn: Brother, this will not sustain me, I hunger.
???: Finn, Brother are you well?
Finn: Sister, I'm.... Fine( looking around) Where is Nicklaus?
???: We will get to him soon Brother, Please follow me( He says will walking away with another)
General POV.
Elijah and Damon re-enter the room next to a female servant who is carrying a tray. We stay back for now.
???: Elijah... Why haven't you left?
Elijah: Where are your manners, Brother? We forgot dessert.
Elijah answers him while removing the cloth covering the tray which holds two daggers.
???: What have you done?
Elijah: What have you done? You see, I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now.
Kol enters the room.
Klaus: Kol...
Kol: Long time no see brother
As Klaus flashes towards the daggers he comes face to face with Finn.
Klaus: Finn don't
Finn: And when I vest my flashing sword, And my head takes hold in Judgement, I will take vengeance upon mine enemies, And I will repay those who hase me. O lord, raise me to thy right hand, And count me among thy saints.( Said while stabbing Klaus)
Nicklaus tries to run away but he ran into
Klaus: Rebekah
Rebekah: This is for our mother( while she stabs him with a dagger)
Kol goes and holds Klaus so he can't run. Elijah dismissed Damon and Stefan and they left. I stare at them as they left and walk in front of him and stood facing each other. I pull him into a hug contradicting that I just stabbed him. All were shocked and caught off guard. As I detach from him I say
Finn: Forgive me, Brother for not standing with you all those years ago
Klaus: The is nothing to Forgive brother
Finn: I missed you( looking at Klaus first before looking at all his other siblings in the face) All of you.
Rebekah: I like you have done to the place, Nik( while grabbing and throwing a vase into a painting)
Niklaus: I wanted it to be for all of us. A place we could all call home, where we will all be family. Never be alone again.( with emotions being displayed in his eyes)
Elijah: Well you right, none of us will be
Rebekah: We're leaving you, Nik. Right after I kill that doppelganger wench, then you will be alone. Always and Forever.
Finn: NO, You have forgotten something important, we are family. Family stands together. United in front of our enemies. For I know every single one of you has add to the number of enemies thirsting for our blood. So I will soon leave to conduct the purge. Little brother, even if I may not be here in person, I shall always have your back, Me and Kol my not be part of your Always and Forever oath but I shall promise you all this family. I will always have your back, From now and into eternity.
All: Now and into Eternity( They all say will also speechless)
We hear a door open, Which lives us all shocked at the person entering
Rebekah: Mother
I stand in front of Niklaus
???: Please move Finn
Finn: Whosoever sheds mans last blood, By man shall his blood be shed. For immunity of God make he the man. Destroy that which is evil, So that good may flourish.
???: Finn move
Finn: No
???: What? I'm your mother and your will respect me
Finn: You may have given birth to us but you stopped being our mother when you lacked in defending Nicklaus from Mikael's Wrath. You will not touch them for as long as I draw breathe
Rebekah: Finn!
???: Look at me! Do you know why I'm here?
Nicklaus: To kill me
Finn: Try! I dare you. I will torture you body, so that you soul learns to be humble.
???: Nicklaus, you are my son and I am here to forgive you. I want us to be a family again.
Finn: This bitch, Nicklaus please show me my room
Nicklaus: Thank you Brother
Finn: The is no need brother, you are my blood even if you put me through all that pain that dagger caused, you are still my brother.
Nicklaus: I'm sorry for the pain I caused you, It wasn't my plan in any way( still shocked at the info he just got)
Finn: Now leave brother so that I freshen up.
Rebekah: Was Finn different to any of you
Elijah: Yes, indeed. He defended Nicklaus. It's not Finn like
Kol: Maybe it's that dagger. He was daggered for more than 900 years, he would have felt the pain like I did but more so. Something clearly happened to our eldest Brother
Rebekah: You felt pain from the dagger?!
Kol: After a while in the coffin You became aware of your surroundings and the pain
Elijah: I am terribly sorry for inflicting pain on you
Finn POV
Tomorrow I should look for a tattoo parlour and maybe change my style a bit, still can not believe I'm in this world. Let see what tomorrow holds